| 0a-Photos | (P1) Control Room, NRC Summer Student Tour Summer 2014 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) Members of the President's Commission Tour TMI-2 (Left-Kemeny) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room Mockup for Human Factors Investigations | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room, EFW Control Station Showing Block Valve Indicators (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room, EFW Control Station Showing Block Valve Indicators (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room, EFW Control Station Showing Block Valve Indicators (3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room, Early Accident | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room, Early During the Accident (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room, Early During the Accident (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room, Early During the Accident (3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room, Entrance | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room, Post Accident with Core Exit Temperature Board, No People | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room, Post Accident with Core Exit Temperature Board | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Control Room. NRC Inspector Looking at Meters, 04-03-1979 (NARA-540034) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P1) TMI-2 Safety Advisory Board | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Fuel Canister Lowered into Shipping Cask from Fuel Transfer Cask at TMI-2(GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Fuel Canister Lowered into Shipping Cask from Fuel Transfer Cask at TMI-2, Photo Description(GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Fuel Transfers at INEL, Core Debris Loaded into INTEC | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Fuel Transfers at INEL, Core Debris Moved by Truck from Test Area North to INTEC | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Fuel Transfers at INEL, Defueling Canister Lifted from Model 125-B Cask | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Fuel Transfers at INEL, Model 125-B Cask Backed into Heavy Equipment Cleaning Facility | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Fuel Transfers at INEL, Model 125-B Cask Lifted From Rail Car | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Fuel Transfers at INEL, Model 125-B Cask Lifted in Hot Shop | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Fuel Transfers at INEL, Model 125-B Cask Transported to Test Area North | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) INEL Wet Storage Pool (1990-2000) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) INEL, Canister Dewatering Machine in the Pool Area | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) INEL, Loading a Canister into the Vacuum Dryer | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Last 3 Fuel 125-B Casks Leaving TMI To DOE National Laboratory in 1990 (DOE) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Load Defueling Canister in the Shipping Cask (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Load Defueling Canister in the Shipping Cask (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Model 125-B Rail Shipping Cask for TMI-2 Core Debris (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Model 125-B Rail Shipping Cask for TMI-2 Core Debris (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Model 125-B Rail Shipping Cask for TMI-2 Core Debris (4) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Model 125-B Rail Shipping Cask for TMI-2 Core Debris (5) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Model 125-B Shipping Cask, Exploded View ( DOE-ID-10400) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) Quarter-scale model of 125-B rail cask was subjected to a drop test | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) TMI Fuel In Dry Storage Facility Licensed by NRC (DOE) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) TMI ISFSI Loading of Defueling Canisters | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) TMI ISFSI Transporting to Dry Storage Facility (1999, DOE) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P10) TMI ISFSI loading into Dry Storage Facility | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Bottom Side of Typical Upper Grid Rib Section Being Fabricated | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Inside TMI-2 cooling tower, support columns foreground and concrete tower wall background | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Inside TMI-2 cooling tower, water-filled basin and support columns for concrete tower | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Lower Core Support Assembly, Cross-Sectional View in Reactor Vessel (EGG-TMI-7429) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Lower Core Support Assembly, Cross-Sectional View | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Lower Core Support Assembly, Isometric Cross-Sectional View in Vessel (GPU Defueling Report) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Reactor Building Polar Crane, Radiation Levels 2 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Reactor Building Polar Crane | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Reactor Building, Cross-Sectional View Looking South (GEND-INF-069) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Reactor Building, Isometric Cutaway View with RCS Components (GPU Defueling Report) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Reactor Coolant System (Physical Arrangement and Elevations) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Reactor Coolant System, Isometric View (GPU Defueling Report) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Reactor Coolant System, Isometric View | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Reactor Vessel, Cross-Sectional View Showing Internals (DOE-ID-10400) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Reactor Vessel, Cross-Sectional View | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Reactor Vessel, Pre-accident Cutaway View | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Schematic of TMI-2 Plant | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Simplified Schematic of TMI-2 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) TMI-2 Reactor Building and U.S. Capital Rotunda Comparison | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Typical B-W Reactor Vessel | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P11) Typical Fabricated B-W Plenum Assembly in Preparation for Shipment | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Next to personnel airlock (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Next to personnel airlock (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Next to personnel airlock (3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Next to personnel airlock (4) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Next to personnel airlock (5) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 1 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 10 (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 11 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 12 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 2 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 3 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 4 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 5 (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 6 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 7 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 8 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, 1st, Suiting Up 9 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Anteroom entry ramp into personnel air lock 2 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Anteroom, personnel air lock 2 at right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Auxiliary fuel handling bridge, view from northwest | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Auxiliary hook of the polar crane | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, CRDM platform from overhead | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Close-ups of boards on scaffolding | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Coil of electrical cord on work bench, note blackened card and tape | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Containment dome north of the enclosed stairwell | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Decking over core flood tank A, cable trays background | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Deep (north) end of the fuel pool, main fuel handling bridge left, fuel transfer tube left center | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, East side of D-ring B wall, air lank right center, HP technician recording survey left | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, East side of D-ring B wall, showing air tank and gauges | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Enclosed stairwell, head lifting slings left, air duct right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Energized electrical outlets and cable trays | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Energized electrical outlets | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Floor area for decontamination test (black matting in foreground used for beta shielding | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Floor grating over core flood tank B, D-ring wall and auxiliary fuel handling bridge background | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Gauges for steam generator secondary side, tool box foreground | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Indexing fixture left, coolant pump alignment stand and cable chase right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Inside D-ring A near the pressurizer | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Lower east end of auxiliary fuel handling bridge | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Main hook of the polar crane (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Penetration 626, with video camera and telemeter dosimetry antennas | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Polar crane access platform (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Polar crane access platform | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Polar crane east side near access platform | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Polar crane main hook | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Polar crane opposite the operators cab | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Polar crane power cable and insulation on grating over core flood tank B | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Power track and bridge motor of auxiliary fuel handling bridge | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Reactor vessel head storage stand | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Scaffolding around top of head lifting rig, internals indexing fixture left, telephone bench background | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Scaffolding | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Section of the stainless steel spray line inside of the head storage stand | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Southeast across the operating deck toward the enclosed stairwell | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Top of steam generator A | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Trolley power and controller buss bars along side of girder B | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Valves and pipes above pressurizer | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Ventilation duct on the containment wall, job crane right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Ventilation grill into the elevator shaft motor room | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, View down the seismic gap near hatch over core flood tank A | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, View of valve for supply water to the fuel pool | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry, Wood blocks, liner left, technician right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Area north of personnel airlock 2 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Bottom view of core flood tank B | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Brace and ladder at west end of RB air cooler | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Broken glass on floor (teletector probe appearing from left corner of photograph) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Call box and elevator door | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Check valve directly under core flood tank B | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Coiled hose on cart, reactor building spray lines in background | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Conduit runs, plenum at west end of RB air cooler left | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Core flood tank B piping on seismic support | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Deposition pattern on floor, covered hatch left | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, East units of RB air cooler, river water piping left | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Elevator door at elevation 305 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Emergency lights in enclosed stairwell, view up from elevation 305 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Enclosed stairs, beginning ascent from elevation 305 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Engineer in first-entry protective clothing holding teletector, D-ring in background | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Floor drain and rusted funnel | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Floor, covered hatch, RB air coolers piping background | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Floor, stairwell door left , RB air cooler piping background right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Gloves and coiled hose on cart just north of personnel air lock 2 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Open stairway | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Personnel airlock within equipment hatch (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Personnel airlock within equipment hatch | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Pipe on D-ring wall | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, River water piping associated with RB air coolers | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Stains on floor at entrance to open stairway | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Stairway Door and river water piping to air coolers (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Stairway Door and river water piping to air coolers | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Stairway Door. thrust open against the river water piping to RB air coolers | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Stairwell door and river water piping to RB air cooler (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Stairwell door and river water piping to RB air cooler | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-1, Upper east end of RB air cooler | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, 55 gallon drum (3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, 55 gallon drum, northeast elevator wall in background | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, 55 gallon drum, northeast elevator wall right, containment liner background | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, 55 gallon drum | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, 55 gallon drums between enclosed stairwell and air duct | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, 55 gallon drums, air duct and enclosed stairwell left, containment liner right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Area just north of the open stairway | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Ascent up enclosed stairwell | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Base of reactor coolant pump alignment stand | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Bottom corner of door to enclosed stairwell, thrust against structure of river water piping | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, CRDM platform above reactor vessel, aux fueling handling bridge left, main fuel handling bridge back ri~1 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Circuit box, core flood B check valve, and piping along D-ring wall | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Close-up of internals handling extension | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Control rod drive mechanism cable trays | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Core flood tank B piping running under access platform to core flood tank valves | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Covered hatch air coolers right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Door to enclosed stairwell, elevation 347 (closed before entry) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, East side of D-ring wall, four vibration instrumentation panels right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, From left air coolers, personnel air lock 1 within equipment hatch, core food tank B, D-ring wall | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Gauges and instrumentation along northeast side of D-ring (i) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, HP technicians preparing to take an area swipe, air duct left, reactor coolant pump stand right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Hand wheel on personnel airlock 1 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Incore instrumentation electrical connections, main fuel handling bridge background | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Incore instrumentation electrical connections, steel structure on fuel handling bridge background right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Incore instrumentation seal table, metal cover houses the cable wheel for the movable incore detector | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Internals indexing fixture left, internals handling fixture and pendants in their storage stands | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Northeast side of D-ring near core flood tank A(2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Operating deck, CRDM cable trays left, indexing fixture right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Operating deck, enclosed stairwell, ventilation fixture, and indexing fixture (crane bus bar fallen to ~1 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Power track and bridge motor of aux fuel handling bridge | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Reactor vessel head, neutron shield tanks surrounds below (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Reactor vessel head, neutron shield tanks surrounds below | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Reactor vessel head, the neutron shield tanks appear to be dry | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Reactor vessel head | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, River water cooling pipes and valves, east end of RB air cooler | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Rusted welding box, call box phone background, open stairway right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, South view to open stairway, HP technician taking radiation survey | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Southwest side of D-ring | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Storage stand for mirror insulation | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Storage stand for reactor vessel guide studs | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Technician removing HP-R-211 radiation monitor from northeast elevator wall | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Telephone bench, due south against liner | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Telephone bench, internals handling fixture extension on floor, internals indexing fixture right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Telephone bench, south liner wall | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Tool box and drums between enclosed stairwell and air duct | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, Valves and pipes at the northwest corner of the D-ring | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, View down open stairway to water in basement (1-2 inches above first landing)(2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-2, View down open stairway to water in basement (1-2 inches above first landing) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Air pressure regulator mounted on the D-ring wall (gauge lens melted) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Charred radiation sign lying on the decking over core flood tank A | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Circuit box, core flood B check valve, and piping along D-ring wall | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Coil of electrical cord on work bench (note blacken card and tape) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Control Rod Drive Platform from overhead | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Control Rod Drive Platform | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Crane power cable and insulation lying over tool box south of enclosed stairwell | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Operator panel on auxiliary fuel handling bridge, right dial discolored, left dial no discolor | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Operators panel on aux fuel handling bridge | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Plastic wrapped equipment lying on floor near liner north of enclosed stairwell | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Pressurizer, Pilot-operated relief valve above the pressurizer | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Pressurizer, view from northwest (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Pressurizer, view from northwest | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Reactor vessel guide studs and melted rod rope | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Southeast across the operating deck toward the enclosed stairwell (technicians with video camera) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Top of Steam Generator A with candy cane (hot leg) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4, Top of the ventilation duct, job crane right | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P12) RB Entry-4,Pressurizer, Pilot-operated relief valve above the pressurizer (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Aerial View of TMI (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Aerial View of TMI (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Aerial View of TMI (3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Aerial View of TMI (4) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Aerial View of TMI, 04-10-1979 (NARA-540012) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Aerial View of TMI, 04-11-1979 (NARA) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Aerial View of TMI, 04-11-1979 (NARA-540025) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Aerial View of TMI, 04-11-1979 (NARA-540028) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Aerial View of Three Mile Island through Unit 2 Cooling Towers | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Goldsboro, PA. Cooling Towers in Background, 04-06-1979 (NRAR-540039) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Helicopter over TMI, 04-11-1979 (NARA-540026) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Helicopter over TMI, 04-11-1979 (NARA-540029) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) North Gate Entrance Sign Showing TMI Unit 1 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Shoreline View of TMI Unit 2 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) Signs by South Bridge Turnoff on Highway 441, 04-06-1979 (NARA-540013) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) TMI Plant from Goldsboro, Pennsylvania., 04-07-1979 (NARA-540022) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) TMI Plant through Trees, 04-06-1979 (NARA-540038) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) TMI Site Aerial, DOE's AMS-NEST Monitoring Helicopter (DOE-EV10278) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) TMI Site Buildings from Unit 2 with Building Descriptions (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) TMI Site Buildings from Unit 2 with Building Descriptions (Kemeny) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) TMI Under Construction, To of Reactor Building View | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) TMI Under Construction, Unloading Reactor Vessel | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P2) TMI Unit 1 Under Construction, River View | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter Briefing (Denton, Thornburgh, Scranton) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter Entering the TMI-2 Control Room (with Gov. Thornburgh) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter Leaving TMI for Middletown, PA, 04-01-1979 (NARA) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter Outside TMI (with Denton, Gov. Thornburgh) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter in the TMI-2 Control Room (with Denton, Gov. Thornburgh, Floyd)(1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter in the TMI-2 Control Room (with Denton, Gov. Thornburgh, Floyd)(2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter in the TMI-2 Control Room (with Denton, Gov. Thornburgh, Mrs. Carter) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter in the TMI-2 Control Room (with Denton, Mrs. Carter, Floyd)(1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter in the TMI-2 Control Room (with Denton, Mrs. Carter, Floyd)(2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter in the TMI-2 Control Room (with GovThornburgh, HDenton) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter, Gov. Thornburgh Briefing (Denton, Stello) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter, Trip to TMI, PA, 04-01-1979 (NARA-184227) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter, Trip to TMI, PA, 04-01-1979 (NARA-184230) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P3) President Carter, Trip to TMI, PA, 04-01-1979 (NARA-184232) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Investigation, Senator Hart Swears in NRC Commissioners on April 10, 1979 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Investigation, Special Inquiry Group Briefs the Commissioners, Audience | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Investigation, Special Inquiry Group Briefs the Commissioners | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC Inspectors Inside Plant with Radiation Detectors, 04-02-1979 (NARA) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC Office Trailer in the TMI Trailer City | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC Office Trailers on TMI | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC Operations Center Emergency Management Team during the TMI accident | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC TMI-2 Responder Certificate | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC Trailer at TMI (L1-Congel, L2-Denton, Others) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC Trailer at TMI with Environmental Monitoring Team (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC Trailer at TMI with Environmental Monitoring Team (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC Trailer at TMI with NRC Managers (L-Mattson, R-Denton) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC Trailer at TMI with NRC Managers (L-R, Mattson, Denton, Ross, Stello) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) NRC Trailer at TMI with NRC Managers (L-R, Mattson, Denton, Ross, Volmer, Stello) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Outside TMI Trailer City with NRC Chairman Hendrie and Licensing Director Denton | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Press Conference (Denton and Others) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Press Conference (Denton) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Press Conference (Denton, Stello, Fuchard) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Press Conference (Press Gallery)(1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Press Conference (Press Gallery)(2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Press Conference (Stello) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Press Conference April 1, 1979 (Denton, Fouchard, Mattson) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Press Conference March 30, 1979 (Denton) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Reactor Building Purge, Press Briefing, GPU Vice President Robert Arnold | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Reactor Building Purge, Press Briefing, NRC Chariman Hendrie | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Reactor Building Purge, Press Briefing, NRC Licensing Director Harold Denton left | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Reactor Building Purge, Press Briefing, NRC Site Office Manager John Collins | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) Reactor Building Purge, Press Briefing, View from Visitors Center | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P4) TMI Trailer City | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) Checking Hand for Contamination, 04-03-1979 (NARA-540036) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) DOE Command Post, Capital City Airport (L-R, Deal, Hahn, Adams) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) EPA Helicopter in Hanger | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) EPA Plane Shipping Environmental Samples for Measurements | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) EPA Sampling Station, 04-04-1979 (NARA-540030) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) EPA TLD's. Goldsboro, PA, 04-04-1979 (NARA) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) EPA Water Sampling Locations Map, 04-07-1979 (NARA-540023) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) Environmental Monitoring, TLD Monitoring Station Around TMI (1979 NRC Annual) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) Helicopter Pad at TMI Visitor Center and Trailer City | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) Looking at Strip Chart with Local Residents, Goldsboro, PA, 04-04-1979 (NARA) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) Map of the TMI Area | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) Reactor Building Vent Stack, Uncapped for Purge | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) Reporter in Town | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) Responders at the Trailer City | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) State Authorities at Map | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) TMI Visitor Center and Trailer City | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P5) We Survived TMI Sign in Middletown, PA, 04-06-1979 (NARA) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Backup Diesel Generators for Balance of Plant Recovery Systems (Burns-Roe) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Contamination Area Sign Inside Auxiliary Building (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Core Flood Tank Level Transmitter Undergoing Examination at INEL (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Corroded Mechanical Snubber on Reactor Building 305-ft Elevation(GEND-022) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Environmental Monitoring, Helicopter Taking Air Samples Over Reactor Building | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Inside Reactor Building, 55 Gallon Drum, Inside Reactor Building (GEND-006) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Inside Reactor Building, Drilling Floor Core Samples (1983) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Inside Reactor Building, First Entry (7-23-1980)(1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Inside Reactor Building, First Entry (7-23-1980)(2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Inside Reactor Building, Near Air Lock (1980) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Inside Reactor Building, Polar Crane Inspection (1981) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Inside Reactor Building, Removal of Radiation Monitor (HP-RT-211) for Analysis at SNL (1980, DOE) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Inside Reactor Building, Taking Radiation Measurements | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Instrumentation from Reactor Building Undergoing Examinations at INEL (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Long-Term B Cooling System, Heat Exchanger (Burns-Roe) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Long-Term B Cooling System, Pump (Burns-Roe) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Mini Decay Heat System Fabrication at B-W (1979, B-W) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Mini-Decay Heat Removal System Installed at TMI-2 (1980, GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Planned Release of Krypton Gas from the TMI-2 Containment via 100-foot Vent Stack (1980, GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Building Basement Water and Sludge Sampling Device (GEND-11v2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Building Entry into Airlock (GPU, GEND-022) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Building Entry, First Entry on 7-28-1980 (1980, NRC) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Building Entry, NRC Inspector Preparing to Enter (Lake Barrett) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Building Entry, NRC Inspector Preparing to Enter (Masnik, Thomus) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Building Surface Contamination Beta Radiation Levels (GEND-022) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Building Vent Stack | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Building Water Level Graph (GEND-INF-11v3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Coolant Pressure Control System, 900-gallon Surge Tanks (Burns-Roe) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Coolant Pressure Control System, 900-gallon Surge Tanks (Closeup, Burns-Roe) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Coolant Pressure Control System, 900-gallon Surge Tanks | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Reactor Coolant Pressure Control System, Surge Tanks in Fuel Handling Buildinga | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Stuck-open PORV on Top of Pressurizer, Photo Description (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Stuck-open PORV on Top of Pressurizer, See Arrow (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) TMI-2 Pressurizer Pilot-Operated Relief Valve (PORV) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Tank Farm, Lower Water Storage Tanks in Spent Fuel Pool-A | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Telephone Bench, Inside Reactor Building (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Telephone Bench, Inside Reactor Building (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Ventilation Filtration System on TMI-2 Auxiliary Building (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Ventilation Filtration System on TMI-2 Auxiliary Building (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Ventilation Filtration System on TMI-2 Auxiliary Building (3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Ventilation Filtration System on TMI-2 Auxiliary Building (4) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Ventilation Filtration System on TMI-2 Auxiliary Building (5) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Water in Reactor Building Basement, 2nd Reactor Building Entry) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P6) Whole body counter | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Decontamination Command Center | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Decontamination Tool Using High-Pressure Spray (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II Building | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II Flow Diagram (GEND-031) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II PF-16 liner being lifted into transfer and storage device on top of shipping cask | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II Resin Liners | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II System, Changing a Resin Liner | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II System, Liners Lowered into Shipping Casks (Color) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II System, Process Vessels Containing Ion-Exchange Resins (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II System, Process Vessels Containing Ion-Exchange Resins (3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II System, Process Vessels Containing Ion-Exchange Resins | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II System, Process Vessels and Storage Overview (1979, NRC) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II System, Prototype Gas Sampler Installed on EPICOR II Liner (1982, DOE) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR II System, Spent Liner Storage (1979, NRC) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR Resin Liner Moved to Temporary Storage | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) EPICOR-II Prefilter in a High Integrity Container Being Buried | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Gross Decontamination Experiment Hot Water Heater and High Pressure Pump (DOE) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Gross Decontamination Experiment Spinjet Sprayers (DOE) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Highly Loaded EPICOR II Resin Liners Undergoing Investigations at Battelle Labs (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Interim Rad Waste Storage Facility, Under Construction | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Lifting 40 Ton Missile Shield Blocks Inside Reactor Building | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Manual Surface Scabbling (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Processed Water Disposal System (Evaporator) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Processed Water Storage Tanks (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Processed Water Storage Tanks (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Processed Water Storage Tanks Under Construction | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Radioactive Materials Location Map (GEND-057) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Radioactive Sludge on Reactor Building Basement Floor | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Remote Control Robotic High-Pressure Spray Washing | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Removing concrete core samples | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS Arrangement inside Spent Fuel Pool-B (GEND-031B) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS Floating Suction Pump in Reactor Building Basement | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS Flow Path Schematic(GEND-022) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS Flow Path Schematic | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS Liner (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS Vessel Shipping Cask | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS in Spent Fuel Pool-B (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS in Spent Fuel Pool-B (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS in Spent Fuel Pool-B (3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS in Spent Fuel Pool-B (4) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS in Spent Fuel Pool-B (GPU)(1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS, Cross-Sectional View of SDS Ion Exchange Vessel (GEND-031) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS, Cross-Sectional View of Typical EPICOR II Resin Liner (GEND-031) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) SDS, Flowsheet for Water Processing Through SDS (GEND-031) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Scabble Machine | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Scabble Robot Vacuum | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Single-Level Sump Sampling Device (GEND-022) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Solid Waste Staging Facility Under Construction | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Solid Waste Staging Facility center with crane(Temporary interim liner staging modules foreground) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Solid Waste Staging Facility, Cross-Sectional View (GEND-029) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Strippable Coating Used in Decontamination of Floor Surfaces (GEND-34) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Submerged Demineralizer System Liners in Spent Fuel Pool (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Submerged Demineralizer System, Loading Liner into Shipping Cast (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) TMI Personnel Decontaminating Auxiliary Building | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) TMI Personnel Decontaminating Turbine Building (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) TMI-2 Solid Waste Staging Facility (1980, NRC) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) TMI-2 Solid Waste Staging Facility (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) TMI-2 Solid Waste Staging Facility, EPICOR II Spent Liner Storage | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) TMI-2 Solid Waste Staging Facility, Lifting Shield Cover (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Temporary interim liner staging modules (Solid Waste Staging Facility background) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Water Purification System (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P7) Water on the Reactor Building Basement Floor (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Bulk Defueling Arrangement, Cross-Sectional View of Reactor Building | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Core Bore Drill Bit (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Core Bore Machine (DOE Video)(1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Core Bore Machine (DOE Video)(2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Core Bore Machine (DOE)(3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Core Bore Machine (DOE)(4) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Core Bore Machine (DOE)(5) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Core Bore Machine (DOE)(6) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Core Bore Machine, Cross-Sectional View Mounted on Defueling Work Platform (EGG-TMI-7385) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Debris on a Steam Generator Upper Tube Sheet | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Arrangement, Cross-Sectional View of Buildings | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Canister Transfer Cask in Defueling Work Platform | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Canisters in Fuel Pool | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Operations on Rotating Defueling Work Platform | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Tool, Vise Grip | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Tools, End Pieces | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Work Platform on Top of Internal Indexing Fixture | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Work Platform with Workers, Overhead View | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Work Platform with Workers, Side View | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Work Platform, Isometric Sectional View (GEND-INF-065) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Work Platform, Isometric Sectional View (GEND-INF-073) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Work Platform, Overhead View | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Defueling Work Platform, Oversight Committee on Mockup in TMI-2 Turbine Building (1985, GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Detensioning the Reactor Vessel Head Bolt Nuts (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Fuel Canister Positioning System | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Lifting Reactor Vessel Head and Service Structure (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Lowering Internals Indexing Fixture on Reactor Vessel Flange (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Placing First Core Debris into Fuel Canister (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Placing First Core Debris into Fuel Canister (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Reactor Vessel Head and Service Structure on Stand (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Reactor Vessel Head and Service Structure on Stand (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Reactor Vessel Head and Service Structure, Close-up of Shielding (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Reactor Vessel Head and Service Structure, Close-up of Shilding | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Reactor Vessel, End State Core Configuration | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Removal of Fuel Debris Using Long-Handled Tools (1985) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Sectional Views of Defueling Canisters (DOE-ID-10400) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Submersible Vehicle for Defueling Pressurizer | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) TMI-2 Core Grab Sample Retrieval (GEND-057) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) TMI-2 Core Grab Sample Tool with Fuel Debris | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Transfer Cask Operations | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Upper Plenum Lift Arrangement, Cross-Sectional View (GEND-054) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P8) Work Service Platform, Installed Over Reactor Vessel (1984) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Broken Fuel Rods 1 (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Broken Fuel Rods 1, Photo Description (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Broken Fuel Rods 2 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Broken Fuel Rods 3 (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Broken Fuel Rods 3, Photo Description (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Broken Fuel Rods 4 (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Broken Fuel Rods 4, Photo Description (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Broken Fuel Rods 5 (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Broken Fuel Rods 5, Photo Description (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Broken Fuel Rods, Bottom View of Fuel Assembly End Piece (GEND-INF-082) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Core Cavity Panorama 1 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Core Cavity Panorama 2 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Core Cavity Panorama 3 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Core Cavity Panorama 4 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Core Cavity Panorama 5 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Core Cavity Panorama 6 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Evaluation of Fuel Debris at INEL (DOE Video) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Fuel Debris at the Lower Reactor Vessel Region | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 1 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 10 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 11 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 12 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 13 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 14 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 15 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 16 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 2 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 3 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 4 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 5 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 6 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 7 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 8 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (1985) 9 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Lower Head Look (2) 14 | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Quick Look View of Rubble Bed (1982, DOE) (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Quick Look View of Rubble Bed (1982, DOE) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Reactor Pressure Vessel Liner Crack | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) TMI-2 Debris Grab Samples | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Topographic Model Reactor Core Cavity (Color) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Topographic Model Reactor Core Cavity, Closeup (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Topographic Model Reactor Core Cavity, Closeup, Photo Description (GPU) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Grid Rib Section (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Grid Rib Section (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Grid Rib Section (3) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Grid Rib Section (4) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Grid Rib Section (5) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Grid Rib Section (6) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Grid Rib Section (7) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Plenum Lift (1) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Plenum Lift (2) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Plenum Lift (4) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Plenum Lift (5) | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Plenum in Vessel, Close up | Link | Photo | 1 |
| 0a-Photos | (P9) Upper Plenum in Vessel | Link | Photo | 1 |
1988-03-01 | 0b-Video-DOE | (1988-03-01) Script for Video Titled, A TMI Story | Link | Video | 1 |
1988-03-01 | 0b-Video-DOE | DOE TMI Video | Link | Video | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | (2009-03-25) TMI 30th Anniversary Advertisement Poster | Link | Photo | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | (2009-03-25) TMI 30th Anniversary Posters | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | 01 Sheron Intro R1 | Link | Video | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | 02 Chairman Klein R1 | Link | Video | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | 03 Sheron Presentation R1 | Link | Video | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | 04 Frederick Presentation R1 | Link | Video | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | 05 Sam Walker Presentation R1 | Link | Video | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | 08 Denton Presentation R1 | Link | Video | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | 09 Gov Thornburg Presentation R1 | Link | Video | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | 10 Mathews Presentation R1 | Link | Video | 1 |
2009-03-25 | 0c-Video-30th | 11 Gallahan Presentation R1 | Link | Video | 1 |
2014-03-25 | 0d-Video-35th | (2014-03-25) Poster RES Seminar, 35th Anniversary of the Three Mile Island | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
2014-03-25 | 0d-Video-35th | (2014-03-25) Slides, TMI-2 35th Anniversary Presentation (GSkillman) (Final 3-24-2014) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
2014-03-25 | 0d-Video-35th | (2014-03-25) Text, TMI-2 35th Anniversary Presentation (GSkillman). | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
2014-03-25 | 0d-Video-35th | (2014-03-25) Text, TMI-2 35th Anniversary Presentation (GSkillman) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
2014-03-25 | 0d-Video-35th | RES Seminar TMI 35th Anniversary | Link | Video | 1 |
1979-03-29 | 1a-Transcript | (1979-03-29) NRC Commission Transcript, Public Meeting on TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 1a-Transcript | (1979-03-30) NRC Commission Transcript, NRC Response Center Discussions Related to TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-31 | 1a-Transcript | (1979-03-31) NRC Commission Transcript, NRC Press Conference Related to TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-31 | 1a-Transcript | (1979-03-31) NRC Commission Transcript, NRC Response Center Discussions Related to TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-01 | 1a-Transcript | (1979-04-01) NRC Commission Transcript, NRC Response Center Discussions Related to TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-02 | 1a-Transcript | (1979-04-02) NRC Commission Transcript, NRC Response Center Discussions Related to TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-03 | 1a-Transcript | (1979-04-03) NRC Commission Transcript, NRC Response Center Discussions Related to TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-04 | 1a-Transcript | (1979-04-04) NRC Commission Transcript, NRC Response Center Discussions Related to TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-28 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979) Preliminary Notification of Event or Unsual Occurrence (PNO) 79-67 (Combined) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-28 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-03-28) PNO-79-67 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-29 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-03-29) PNO-79-67A | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-03-30) PNO-79-67B | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-03-30) PNO-79-67C | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-03-30) PNO-79-67D | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-31 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-03-31) PNO-79-67E | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-31 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-03-31) PNO-79-67F | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-01 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-01) PNO-79-67G | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-02 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-02) PNO-79-67H | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-03 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-03) PNO-79-67I | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-04 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-04) PNO-79-67J | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-05 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-05) PNO-79-67K | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-06 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-06) PNO-79-67L | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-07 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-07) PNO-79-67M | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-08 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-08) PNO-79-67N | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-09 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-09) PNO-79-67P | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-10 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-10) PNO-79-67Q | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-11 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-11) PNO-79-67R | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-12 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-12) PNO-79-67S | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-13 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-13) PNO-79-67T (Corrected) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-13 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-13) PNO-79-67T | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-14 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-14) PNO-79-67U | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-15 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-15) PNO-79-67V | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-16 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-16) PNO-79-67W | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-17 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-17) PNO-79-67X | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-18 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-18) PNO-79-67Y | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-19 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-19) PNO-79-67Z | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-20 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-20) PNO-79-67AA | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-21 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-21) PNO-79-67AB | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-22 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-22) PNO-79-67AC | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-23 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-23) PNO-79-67AD | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-24 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-24) PNO-79-67AE | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-25 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-25) PNO-79-67AF | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-26 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-26) PNO-79-67AG | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-27 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-27) PNO-79-67AH | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-28 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-28) PNO-79-67AI | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-29 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-29) PNO-79-67AJ | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-30 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-04-30) PNO-79-67AK | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-01 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-05-01) PNO-79-67AL | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-02 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-05-02) PNO-79-67AM | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-14 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-05-14) PNO-79-67AN (Corrected) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-21 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-05-21) PNO-79-67AO | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-22 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-05-22) PNO-79-67AP | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-29 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-05-29) PNO-79-67AQ | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-06-04 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-06-04) PNO-79-67AR | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-06-11 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-06-11) PNO-79-67AS | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-06-18 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-06-18) PNO-79-67AT | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-06-26 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-06-26) PNO-79-67AU | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-07-02 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-07-02) PNO-79-67AV | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-07-09 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-07-09) PNO-79-67AW | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-07-17 | 1b-PN-Response | (1979-07-17) PNO-79-67AX | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-28 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-28) NRC Press Release 79-64 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-28 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-28) NRC Press Release 79-65 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-28 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-28) PA Press Conference, Gov. Thornburgh (1630 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-28 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-28) PA Press Conference, Lt. Gov. Scranton (1000 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-28 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-28) PA Press Conference, Lt. Gov. Scranton (1055 am) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-29 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-29) NRC Press Release 79-66 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-29 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-29) NRC-PA Press Conference, Lt. Gov. Scranton, NRC Gallina, et al. (2220 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-29 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-29) PA Press Release (Governor Press Office) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-30) Med Ed Press Conference (1100 am) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-30) NRC Press Release 79-67 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-30) NRC-PA Press Conference, Gov. Thornburgh, Lt. Gov. Scranton, NRC Denton (2200 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-30) PA Press Conference, Gov. Thornburgh, Lt. Gov. Scranton | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-31 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-31) Med Ed Press Conference | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-31 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-31) NRC Press Conference, Chairman Hendrie (1445 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-31 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-31) NRC-PA Press Conference, Gov. Thornburgh, Lt. Gov. Scranton, NRC Denton (1100 am) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-31 | 1c-Press | (1979-03-31) PA Press Release (Governor Press Office) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-01 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-01) PA Press Release (Governor Press Office) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-01 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-01) Statement of the President to the Press, Middletown, PA | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-02 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-02) NRC Press Conference, Middletown, PA (1115 am) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-03 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-03) NRC Press Conference, Middletown, PA | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-03 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-03) PA Press Conference, Gov. Thornburgh (2130 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-04 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-04) NRC Press Conference, Middletown, PA (1545 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-05 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-05) NRC Press Conference, Middletown, PA (1620 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-06 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-06) NRC Press Conference, Middletown, PA (1600 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-09 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-09) PA Press Conference, Gov. Thornburgh (1500 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-10 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-10) NRC Press Conference, Middletown, PA (1800 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-11 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-11) NRC Press Conference, Middletown, PA (1430 pm) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-11 | 1c-Press | (1979-04-11) NRC Press Release 79-72 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-06-28 | 1c-Press | (1979-06-28) GPU Response, Transcripts of Press Briefings, Conferences, and Statements from 03-28-1979 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-28 | 1d-International | (1979-03-28) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-29 | 1d-International | (1979-03-29) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 1d-International | (1979-03-30) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-31 | 1d-International | (1979-03-31) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-01 | 1d-International | (1979-04-01) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-02 | 1d-International | (1979-04-02) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-03 | 1d-International | (1979-04-03) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-04 | 1d-International | (1979-04-04) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-05 | 1d-International | (1979-04-05) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-06 | 1d-International | (1979-04-06) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-10 | 1d-International | (1979-04-10) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-11 | 1d-International | (1979-04-11) NRC-OIP International Cable | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1977-04-01 | 1e-Other | (1977-04-01) GSA, Federal Response Plan for Peacetime Nuclear Emergencies (Interim Guidance) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-01-15 | 1e-Other | (1979-01-15) NRC Headquarters Incident Response Plan | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-02-28 | 1e-Other | (1979-02-28) NRC Region 1 Incident Response Plan | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-28 | 1e-Other | (1979-03-28) GPU, Control Room Log Book (March 27 to April 1, 1979) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-29 | 1e-Other | (1979-03-29) NRC Operations Center, TMI-2 Thermocouple Readings (March 29 to April 7, 1979) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 1e-Other | (1979-03-30) US Postal Service to Reaction to the Events Following the Nuclear Accident at TMI | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-01 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-01) Daily Diary of President Jimmy Carter (TMI Visit) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-03 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-03) NRC-EDO to Commission, Release of PNs and Executive Management Team Staffing at the NRC Ops Center | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-03 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-03) White House to Gov. Thornburg, Federal Advise on Thyroid Blocking | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-05 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-05) NASA (Internal), Technical Support to TMI Nuclear Power Plant Incident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-06 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-06) NRC (Internal), Estimate of Fuel Damage in TMI | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-06 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-06) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-07 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-07) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-08 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-08) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-09 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-09) NRC (Internal), NRC Response, Chronology of Events | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-10 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-10) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-11 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-11) GPU, Authorizes NRC to Obtain Railroad Tank Cars | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-11 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-11) NRC to FDAA, Request to Locate Railway Cars to Store Low Level Waste from TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-11 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-11) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-12 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-12) GPU, Authorizes NRC to Ship a Skid Mounted Hoist | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-12 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-12) NRC Announcement (Internal), Preservation of Records Relating to TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-12 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-12) NRC Yellow Announcement 39, Preservation of Records Relating to the Accident at TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-12 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-12) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-13 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-13) NRC (Internal), Record of Actions, TMI Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-13 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-13) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-14 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-14) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-15 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-15) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-16 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-16) GPU Tank Car Lease Agreement | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-16 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-16) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-17 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-17) GPU, Authorizes NRC to Ship Equipment | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-18 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-18) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-19 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-19) GPU, Authorizes NRC to Ship Equipment | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-19 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-19) NRC (Internal), Assessment of Resource Impact Related to TMI | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-23 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-23) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-24 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-24) NRC (Internal), Record of Actions Regarding the Three Mile Island Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-25 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-25) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-29 | 1e-Other | (1979-04-29) TMI Trailer City News | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-01 | 1e-Other | (1979-05-01) NRC (Internal), Joint Chiefs of Staff Nickname TMI Response, Ivory Purpose | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-14 | 1e-Other | (1979-05-14) NRC Announcement 53, Staff Efforts in Response to Three Mile Island Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-14 | 1e-Other | (1979-05-14) Operations Center Tape Index of TMI-2 Response | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-22 | 1e-Other | (1979-05-22) NRC, Plans to Install Emergency Communications Links | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-06-06 | 1e-Other | (1979-06-06) NRC (Internal), Request for Information Concerning TMI-2 Activities | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-06-22 | 1e-Other | (1979-06-22) NRC, Plans to Install Second Emergency Communications Link with NRC Operations Center | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-07-18 | 1e-Other | (1979-07-18) NRC, Plans to Contact Each Facility Daily to Test ENS and Obtain Plant Status Information | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-07-24 | 1e-Other | (1979-07-24) Executive Order, Creating FEMA | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-08-07 | 1e-Other | (1979-08-07) NRC, Return Shipment of Remote Manipulator Arms System to Air Force | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-08-08 | 1e-Other | (1979-08-08) NRC Review, Shipment of Containment Water Samples to ORNL | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-11-03 | 1e-Other | (1980-11-03) NRC-FEMA MOU Relating to Radiological Emergency Planning and Preparedness | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-12-01 | 1e-Other | DOE-EV10278-T1, Crisis Contained, The Department of Energy at Three Mile Island, A History (1980-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
2002-03-01 | 1e-Other | NUREGCR-6042, Rev. 2, Perspectives on Reactor Safety (2002-03) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-12-07 | 2a-Kemeny | (1979-12-07) Statement by the President on the Commissions Report on TMI-2 with Fact Sheet | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, (Main Report) The Need For Change, The Legacy of TMI-2 (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, Emergency Preparedness and Response Task Force (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, Emergency Preparedness, Emergency Response (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, Public Health and Safety Task Force (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, Public's Right to Information Task Force (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, Technical Assessment Task Force, Vol. I (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, Technical Assessment Task Force, Vol. II (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, Technical Assessment Task Force, Vol. III (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, Technical Assessment Task Force, Vol. IV (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, The Role of the Managing Utility and Its Suppliers (1979-10-30) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 2a-Kemeny | Presidents Commission, Transcript, Joint Hearing President's Commission on the Accident at TMI Findings (1979-10-31) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-10-09 | 2b-Rogovin | (1979-10-09) Rogovin to Commissioners, Organization of NRC HQ Emergency Management Team | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 2b-Rogovin | NUREGCR-1250V1, TMI, A Report To The Commissioners And To The Public (Rogovin Report) (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 2b-Rogovin | NUREGCR-1250V2PT1, TMI, A Report To The Commissioners And To The Public (Rogovin Report) (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 2b-Rogovin | NUREGCR-1250V2PT2, TMI, A Report To The Commissioners And To The Public (Rogovin Report) (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 2b-Rogovin | NUREGCR-1250V2PT3, TMI, A Report To The Commissioners And To The Public (Rogovin Report) (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1978-12-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0396, Planning Basis of Development of State and Local Government Radiological Emergency Response Plans (1978-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-07-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0578 ERRATA (re 08-20-1979 EDO Letter) (1979-07) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-07-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0578, TMI-2 Lessons Learned Task Force Status Report and Short-Term Recommendations (1979-07) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-07-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0585, TMI-2 Lessons Learned Task Force Final Report (1979-07) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-08-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0600, Investigation into the 03-28-1979 TMI Accident by the Office of IE (1979-08) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-12-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0616, Report of Special Review Group, Office IE on Lessons Learned From TMI (1979-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-11-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0632, NRC Views and Analysis of Recommendations of President's Commission on the Accident at TMI (1979-11) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0637, Report to the NRC from the Staff Panel on Determination of an Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrence (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-12-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0640, TMI-2, Radiation Protection Program Report of the Special Panel (1979-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0645, Vol. 1, Report of the Bulletins and Orders Task Force (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0645, Vol. 2, Final Report of Bulletins and Orders Task Force (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-05-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0660, Revision 1 (Page Insertion), NRC Action Plan Developed as a Result of the TMI-2 Accident (1980-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-05-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0660, Vol. 1, NRC Action Plan Developed as a Result of the TMI-2 Accident (1980-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-05-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0660, Vol. 2, NRC Action Plan Developed as a Result of the TMI-2 Accident (1980-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-11-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0737, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements (1980-11) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-01-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0737, Supp 1, Clarification of TMI Action Plan, Requirements for Emergency Response Capability (1983-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-10-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0738, Investigations of Reported Plant and Animal Health Effects in the TMI Area (1980-10) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1981-03-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0754, Impact of the 1979 Accident at TMI on Recreational Fishing in the Susquehanna River (1981-03) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1981-01-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0760, Investigation into Information Flow during the Accident at TMI (1981-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
2011-12-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-0933, Resolution of Generic Safety Issues, Section 1, TMI Action Plan Items (2011-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-09-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-1020, Vol. 1, GPU v. B and W Lawsuit Review and Its Effect on TMI-1, Main Report (1983-09) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-09-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-1020, Vol. 2, GPU v. B and W Lawsuit Review and Its Effect on TMI-1, Append (1983-09) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1989-03-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREG-1355, Status of Recommendations of President's Commission on the Accident at TMI, 10 Year Review (1989-03) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREGCR-1270, Vol. 1, Human Factors Evaluation of Control Room Design and Operator Performance at TMI-2 (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREGCR-1270, Vol. 2, Human Factors Evaluation of Control Room Design and Operator Performance at TMI-2 (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREGCR-1270, Vol. 3, Human Factors Evaluation of Control Room Design and Operator Performance at TMI-2 (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1982-07-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREGCR-2749, Vol. 12, Socioeconomic Impacts of Nuclear Generating Stations, Three Mile Island Case Study (1982-07) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1994-08-01 | 2c-L2-NUREG | NUREGCR-6252, Lessons Learned from the TMI-2 Advisory Panel (1994-08) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1977-10-07 | 2d-Other | (1977-10-07) B-W, Davis-Besse Depressurization Event of 09-24-1977 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1977-10-07 | 2d-Other | (1977-10-07) LER-246-1977-16, 09-24-1977 Davis-Besse Depressurization Event | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1977-11-14 | 2d-Other | (1977-11-14) Reportable Occurrence NP-32-77-16, Supplement, 09-24-1977 Davis-Besse Depressurization Event | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1977-11-22 | 2d-Other | (1977-11-22) NRC Inspection Report, 09-24-1977 Davis-Besse Depressurization Event | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-01-01 | 2d-Other | (1979-01-01) Note to NRC TMI Task Force, Preccursor Events | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-03-30 | 2d-Other | (1979-03-30) GAO-EMD-78-110, Areas Around Nuclear Facilities Should Be Better Prepared for Radiological Emergencies | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-07 | 2d-Other | (1979-04-07) ACRS Letter, Interim Report on Recent Accident at TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-16 | 2d-Other | (1979-04-16) GPU (Internal), Preliminary Sequence of Events | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-18 | 2d-Other | (1979-04-18) ACRS, Recommendations of ACRS regarding TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-18 | 2d-Other | (1979-04-18) GPU (Internal), Preliminary Report on Emergency Feed Water System (with test procedure) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-07 | 2d-Other | (1979-05-07) GAO Statement, Emergency Preparedness Around Nuclear Power Plants | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-15 | 2d-Other | (1979-05-15) GAO-EMD-79-67, NRC's Operator Licensing Program | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-16 | 2d-Other | (1979-05-16) ACRS Letter, Interim Report No. 2 on TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-16 | 2d-Other | (1979-05-16) ACRS Letter, Interim Report No. 3 on TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-16 | 2d-Other | (1979-05-16) ACRS Letter, Report on Quantitative Safety Goals | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-16 | 2d-Other | (1979-05-16) GAO Statement, Emergency Preparedness Around Nuclear Facilities | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-18 | 2d-Other | (1979-05-18) NRC-OPE to Commission, OPE Comments on NRC Programs for EP and HF in Light of TMI Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-07-24 | 2d-Other | (1979-07-24) Executive Order, Creating FEMA | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-07-31 | 2d-Other | (1979-07-31) GPU TDR-TMI-116, Assessment of Offsite Radiation Doses From TMI-2 Accident, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-08-13 | 2d-Other | (1979-08-13) ACRS Letter, Short-Term Recommendations of TMI-2 Lessons Learned Task Force | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-08-14 | 2d-Other | (1979-08-14) ACRS Letter, Studies to Improve Reactor Safety | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-08-30 | 2d-Other | (1979-08-30) GPU to Kemeny, Incidents at Davis-Besse Prior to TMI-2 Event | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-10-31 | 2d-Other | (1979-10-31) U.S. Senate and House, Joint Hearing on President's Commission on TMI (Transcript) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-12-07 | 2d-Other | (1979-12-07) Statement by the President on the Commissions Report on TMI-2 with Fact Sheet | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-12-18 | 2d-Other | (1979-12-18) NRC to Commissioners, Comparison of Presidents and NRC Responses to Kemeny Recommendations | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-02-26 | 2d-Other | (1980-02-26) Report of The Governor's Commission on TMI | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-03-01 | 2d-Other | (1980-03-01) Review of President's Commission Report by the Engineers Committee on TMI | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-05-27 | 2d-Other | (1980-05-27) GAO-EMD-80-76, Do NRC Plans Adequately Address Regulatory Deficiencies Highlighted by the TMI Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-06-07 | 2d-Other | (1980-06-07) GAO-EDM-80-89, TMI - The Financial Fallout | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-06-23 | 2d-Other | (1980-06-23) U.S. Senate, Nuclear Accident and Recovery at Three Mile Island, A Report | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-09-09 | 2d-Other | (1980-09-09) GAO-EMD-80-109, TMI - The Most Studied Nuclear Accident in History | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-09-26 | 2d-Other | (1980-09-26) Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee, Review of NRC Action Plan | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-09-26 | 2d-Other | (1980-09-26) Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee, Review of State of Nuclear Reactor Licensing | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-09-30 | 2d-Other | (1980-09-30) GPU, Draft Investigation Regarding Organizational State of Knowledge Days After Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-10-03 | 2d-Other | (1980-10-03) NRC to Congress, Transmittal of NUREG-0728, -0729, and 0730 involving imporements to NRC incident response | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-12-15 | 2d-Other | (1980-12-15) GPU Report, GPU Accident Review Task Force Final Summary Report | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1981-01-08 | 2d-Other | (1981-01-08) Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee, Review of Status of Emergency Planning and Response | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1981-08-26 | 2d-Other | (1981-08-26) GAO-EMD-81-106, Greater Commitment Needed to Solve Continuing Problems at TMI | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1981-09-22 | 2d-Other | (1981-09-22) GAO Statement, Financial and Operational Problems at Three Mile Island | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1981-10-14 | 2d-Other | (1981-10-14) GAO-EMD-82-B1, Proposed Nuclear Insurance and TMI Cleanup Assistance Legislation | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1981-10-20 | 2d-Other | (1981-10-20) GAO Statement, Financial and Operational Problems at Three Mile Island | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-01-21 | 2d-Other | (1982-01-21) GAO Statement, The Cleanup Effort at Three Mile Island | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-07-20 | 2d-Other | (1982-07-20) GAO-EMD-82-90, Response to Questions Raised Concerning TMI-2 Cleanup Schedule and Cost | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1984-08-15 | 2d-Other | (1984-08-15) TMI Public Health Fund, Review of Dose Assessments at TMI and Recommendations for Future Research | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1985-07-19 | 2d-Other | (1985-07-19) GAO-RCED-85-72, NRC Should Report on Progress In Implementing Lessons from the TMI Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1986-07-16 | 2d-Other | (1986-07-16) GAO-RCED-86-193BR, Financial Consequences of a Nuclear Power Plant Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1987-06-02 | 2d-Other | (1987-06-02) GAO-RCED-87-124, A Perspective on Liability Protection for a Nuclear Plant Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1987-08-10 | 2d-Other | (1987-08-10) GAO-RCED-87-123, Shipping Damaged Fuel From Three Mile Island to Idaho | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1983-12-01 | 2d-Other | ORNL-5891, Restarting TMI Unit One, Social and Psychological Impacts (1983-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-04-01 | 3a-Generic | (1979-04-01) BL-79-05, Nuclear Incident at Three Mile Island | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-05 | 3a-Generic | (1979-04-05) BL-79-05a, Nuclear Incident at Three Mile Island | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-11 | 3a-Generic | (1979-04-11) BL-79-06, Review of Operational Errors and System Misalignments Identified During the TMI Incident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-14 | 3a-Generic | (1979-04-14) BL-79-06b, Review of Operational Errors and System Misalignments Identified During the TMI Incident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-14 | 3a-Generic | (1979-04-14) BL-79-08, Events Relevant to Boiling Water Reactors Identified During Three Mile Island Incident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-18 | 3a-Generic | (1979-04-18) BL-79-06a, Rev. 1, Review of Operational Errors and System Misalignments Identified During the TMI Incident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-18 | 3a-Generic | (1979-04-18) BL-79-06a, Review of Operational Errors and System Misalignments Identified During the TMI Incident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-04-21 | 3a-Generic | (1979-04-21) BL-79-05b, Nuclear Incident at Three Mile Island - Supplement | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-11 | 3a-Generic | (1979-05-11) BL-79-10, Requalification Training Program Statistics | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-22 | 3a-Generic | (1979-05-22) GL-79-019, NRC Staff Review of Responses to IE Bulletins 79-06 and 79-06a | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-06-20 | 3a-Generic | (1979-06-20) GL-79-023, NRC Staff Review of Responses to IE Bulletin 79-08 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-07-01 | 3a-Generic | (1979-07-01) GL-79-032, Transmitting NUREG-0578, TMI-2 Lessons Learned | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-07-26 | 3a-Generic | (1979-07-26) BL-79-05c, Nuclear Incident at Three Mile Island - Supplement | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-07-26 | 3a-Generic | (1979-07-26) BL-79-06c, Review of Operational Errors and System Misalignments Identified During the TMI Incident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-09-01 | 3a-Generic | (1979-09-01) GL-79-050, Emergency Plans Submittal Dates | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-09-13 | 3a-Generic | (1979-09-13) GL-79-040, Follow-up Actions Resulting from the NRC Staff Reviews Regarding the TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-10-01 | 3a-Generic | (1979-10-01) GL-79-055, Meeting to Discuss Responses to BL-79-05C and 79-06C and HPI Termination Criteria | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-10-10 | 3a-Generic | (1979-10-10) GL-79-051, Follow-up Actions Resulting from the NRC Staff Reviews Regarding the TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-10-30 | 3a-Generic | (1979-10-30) GL-79-056, Discussion of Lessons Learned Short Term Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-11-09 | 3a-Generic | (1979-11-09) GL-79-060, Discussion of Lessons Learned Short Term Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-11-09 | 3a-Generic | (1979-11-09) GL-79-061, Discussion of Lessons Learned Short Term Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-11-29 | 3a-Generic | (1979-11-29) GL-79-067, Estimates for Evacuation of Various Areas Around Nuclear Power Reactors | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-03-10 | 3a-Generic | (1980-03-10) GL-80-022, NUREG-0654, Criteria For Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-03-11 | 3a-Generic | (1980-03-11) GL-80-023, Change of Submittal Date For Evaluation Time Estimates | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-03-12 | 3a-Generic | (1980-03-12) GL-80-024, Transmittal of Information on NRC Nuclear Data Link Specifications | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-04-25 | 3a-Generic | (1980-04-25) GL-80-034, Clarification of NRC Requirements For Emergency Response Facilities at Each Site | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-05-07 | 3a-Generic | (1980-05-07) GL-80-037, Five Additional TMI-2 Related Requirements to Operating Reactors | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-05-07 | 3a-Generic | (1980-05-07) GL-80-052, Five Additional TMI-2 Related Requirements, Errata Sheets to 05-07-1980 Letter | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-06-25 | 3a-Generic | (1980-06-25) GL-80-056, Commission Memorandum and Order on Equipment Qualification | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-06-26 | 3a-Generic | (1980-06-26) GL-80-057, Further Commission Guidance, NUREG-0660 and NUREG-0694 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-07-02 | 3a-Generic | (1980-07-02) GL-80-060, Request For Information Regarding Evacuation Times | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-07-02 | 3a-Generic | (1980-07-02) GL-80-061, TMI-2 Lessons Learned | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-07-02 | 3a-Generic | (1980-07-02) GL-80-062, TMI-2 Lessons Learned | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-07-31 | 3a-Generic | (1980-07-31) GL-80-072, Interim Criteria For Shift Staffing | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-08-01 | 3a-Generic | (1980-08-01) GL-80-073, Functional Criteria For Emergency Response Facilities, NUREG-0696 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-08-01 | 3a-Generic | (1980-08-01) GL-80-075, TMI-2 Lessons Learned, Revisions to GLs 80-61 and 62 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-09-05 | 3a-Generic | (1980-09-05) GL-80-080, Preliminary Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-09-19 | 3a-Generic | (1980-09-19) GL-80-081, Preliminary Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements, Addend. to 09-05-1980 Letter | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-10-31 | 3a-Generic | (1980-10-31) GL-80-090, Post TMI Requirements, NUREG-0737 | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-11-06 | 3a-Generic | (1980-11-06) GL-80-093, Emergency Preparedness | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-11-13 | 3a-Generic | (1980-11-13) GL-80-094, Emergency Plan | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-11-26 | 3a-Generic | (1980-11-26) GL-80-104, Orders on Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-12-09 | 3a-Generic | (1980-12-09) GL-80-108, Emergency Planning | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-12-15 | 3a-Generic | (1980-12-15) GL-80-110, Periodic Updating of Final Safety analysis Reports | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1981-02-18 | 3a-Generic | (1981-02-18) GL-81-010, Post-TMI Requirements For the Emergency Operations Facility | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1981-03-05 | 3a-Generic | (1981-03-05) GL-81-017, Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1981-12-16 | 3a-Generic | (1981-12-16) GL-81-040, Qualifications of Reactor Operators | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-03-17 | 3a-Generic | (1982-03-17) GL-82-005, Post-TMI Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-05-05 | 3a-Generic | (1982-05-05) GL-82-010, Post-TMI Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-06-15 | 3a-Generic | (1982-06-15) GL-82-012, Nuclear Power Plant Staff Working Hours | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-06-17 | 3a-Generic | (1982-06-17) GL-82-013, Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Examinations | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-09-20 | 3a-Generic | (1982-09-20) GL-82-016, NUREG-0737 Technical Specifications | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-10-12 | 3a-Generic | (1982-10-12) GL-82-018, Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Requalification Examinations | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-12-10 | 3a-Generic | (1982-12-10) GL-82-028, Inadequate Core Cooling Instrumentation System | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-12-17 | 3a-Generic | (1982-12-17) GL-82-033, Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737, Emergency Response Capabilities | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1988-11-23 | 3a-Generic | (1988-11-23) GL-88-020, Individual Plant Examination for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-25 | 3b-Policy | (1979-05-25) NRC Policy, Direct Staff to Prepare Environmental Assessment for Decontaminate and Dispose Waste Water | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-10-18 | 3b-Policy | (1979-10-18) NRC Policy, Planning Basis for Emergency Responses to NPP Accidents | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-11-21 | 3b-Policy | (1979-11-21) NRC Policy, Notice of Intent to Prepare Programmatic EIS (TMI-2) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-01-15 | 3b-Policy | (1980-01-15) EPA Policy, Planning Basis for Emergency Responses to NPP Accidents (45 FR 2893) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-06-16 | 3b-Policy | (1980-06-16) NRC Policy, Litigation of TMI-2 Issues in Operating License Proceedings | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-09-26 | 3b-Policy | (1980-09-26) NRC Policy, State (Pennsylvania) Requirements at TMI | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1980-12-24 | 3b-Policy | (1980-12-24) NRC Policy, Commission Guidance for Power Reactor Operating Licenses (45 FR 85236, corrected 46 FR 15242) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1981-04-27 | 3b-Policy | (1981-04-27) NRC Policy, Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement of the Cleanup of TMI-2 (46 FR 24764) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1981-05-27 | 3b-Policy | (1981-05-27) NRC Policy, Conduct of Licensing Proceedings (46 FR 28533) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1982-06-01 | 3b-Policy | (1982-06-01) NRC Policy, Nuclear Power Plant Staff Working Hours (47 FR 23836) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1984-11-15 | 3b-Policy | (1984-11-15) NRC Policy, Systematic Safety Evaluation of Operating Nuclear Power Reactors (49 FR 45112) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1985-03-20 | 3b-Policy | (1985-03-20) NRC Policy, Training and Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant (50 FR 11147, withdrawn 60 FR 4071) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1985-05-21 | 3b-Policy | (1985-05-21) NRC Policy, Emergency Planning (50 FR 20892) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1985-08-08 | 3b-Policy | (1985-08-08) NRC Policy, Severe Reactor Accidents Regarding Future Designs and Existing Plants (50 FR 32138) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1985-10-28 | 3b-Policy | (1985-10-28) NRC Policy, Engineering Expertise on Shift (50 FR 43621) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1986-08-04 | 3b-Policy | (1986-08-04) NRC Policy, Fitness-for-Duty of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel (51 FR 27921, withdrawn 60 FR 4071) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1986-08-04 | 3b-Policy | (1986-08-04) NRC Policy, Safety Goals for the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants (51 FR 28044, corrected 51 FR 30028) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1989-01-24 | 3b-Policy | (1989-01-24) NRC Policy, Conduct of Nuclear Power Plant Operations (54 FR 3424) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1989-02-23 | 3b-Policy | (1989-02-23) NRC Policy, Litigation of TMI-Related Issues in Power Reactor Operating License Proceedings (54 FR 7897) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1989-08-15 | 3b-Policy | (1989-08-15) NRC Policy, Education for Senior Reactor Operators and Shift Supervisors at Nuclear Power Plants (54 FR 33639) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1995-01-20 | 3b-Policy | (1995-01-20) NRC Policy, NRC Policy Statement Withdrawal (60 FR 4071) | Link | Correspondence | 1 |
1979-05-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0560, Generic Assessment of Feedwater Transients in Babcock and Wilcox Plants (1979-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0565, Generic Evaluation of SBLOCA Behavior in BW Designed 177-FA Operating Plant (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-09-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0610, Draft Emergency Action Level Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants (1979-09) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0611, Generic Evaluation of Feedwater Transients and SBLOCA in Westinghouse Plants (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-11-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0623, Generic Assessment of Delayed Reactor Coolant Pump Trip During SBLOCA in PWRs (1979-11) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-08-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0625, Report of the Siting Policy Task Force (1979-08) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0635, Generic Evaluation of Feedwater Transients and SBLOCA in CE-Plants (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0645, Vol. 1, Final Report of Bulletins and Orders Task Force (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0645, Vol. 2, Final Report of Bulletins and Orders Task Force (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-01-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-11-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0654, Rev. 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans (1980-11) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-05-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0660, Vol. 1, NRC Action Plan Developed as a Result of the TMI-2 Accident (1980-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-05-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0660, Vol. 2, NRC Action Plan Developed as a Result of the TMI-2 Accident (1980-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-05-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0667, Transient Response of Babcock and Wilcox Designed Reactors (1980-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-06-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0694, TMI-Related Requirements for New Operating Licenses (1980-06) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
2002-05-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0700, Rev. 2, Guidelines for Control Room Design Reviews (2002-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-10-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0728, Report to Congress, NRC Incident Response Plan (1980-10) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-09-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0729, Report to Congress on NRC Emergency Communications (1980-09) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-09-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0730, Report to Congress on the Acquisition of Reactor Data for the NRC Operations Center (1980-09) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-09-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0730, Report to Congress, Acquisition of Reactor Data for NRC Operations Center (1980-09) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-11-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0737, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements (1980-11) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-01-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0737, Supp 1, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements (1983-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1981-03-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0761, Draft, Radiation Protection Plans for Nuclear Power Reactor Licensees (1981-03) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1981-06-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0771, FOR COMMENT, Regulatory Impact of Nuclear Reactor Accident Source Term Assumptions (1981-06) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1981-06-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0772, Technical Bases for Estimating Fission Product Behavior during LWR Accidents (1981-06) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-02-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0845, Agency Procedure for the NRC Incident Response Plan (1983-02) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1982-03-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0855, Health Physics Appraisal Program (1982-03) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-05-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0880, Rev. 1, Safety Goals for Nuclear Power Plants, A Discussion Paper (1983-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1982-08-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0899, Guidelines for Emergency Operating Procedures-Resolution of Comments on NUREG-0799 (1982-08) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
2011-12-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-0933, Resolution of Generic Safety Issues, Section 1, TMI Action Plan Items (2011-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1984-05-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-1066, Comparison of Selected TMI Action Plan Requirements on BW Plants (1984-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1985-07-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-1070, NRC Policy on Future Reactor Designs, Severe Accident Issues in NPP Regulation (1985-07) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1989-04-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-1342, A Status Report Regarding Industry Implementation of Safety Parameter Display Systems (1989-04) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1992-12-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-1365, Rev. 1, Severe Accident Research Program Plan (1992-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1989-08-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-1365, Revised Severe Accident Research Program Plan, FY 1990 -1992 (1989-08) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1990-07-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-1409, Backfitting Guidelines (1990-07) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1993-12-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREG-1435, Suppl. 3, Status of Safety Issues at Licensed Power Plants, TMI Action Plan Requirements (1993-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-01-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGBR-0058, Regulatory Analysis Guidelines of the USNRC (1983-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1984-05-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGBR-0058, Rev. 1, Regulatory Analysis Guidelines of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1984-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1995-11-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGBR-0058, Rev. 2, Regulatory Analysis Guidelines of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1995-11) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
2000-07-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGBR-0058, Rev. 3, Regulatory Analysis Guidelines of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2000-07) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
2004-09-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGBR-0058, Rev. 4, Regulatory Analysis Guidelines of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2004-09) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1997-01-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGBR-0184, Regulatory Analysis Technical Evaluation Handbook (1997-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-04-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCP-0011, Workshops on Proposed Rulemaking on Emergency Planning for NPPs (1980-04) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-10-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-1433, Use of KI as an Emergency Protective Measure for Nuclear Reactor Accidents (1980-10) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-06-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-1440, Light Water Reactor Status Monitoring During Accident Conditions (1980-06) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-12-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-1614, Approaches to Acceptable Risk, A Critical Guide (1980-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-12-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-1739, Vol. 1, Conceptual Design of NRC Operations Center User Needs for Nuclear Data Link (1980-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1980-12-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-1739, Vol. 2, Conceptual Design of NRC Operations Center User Needs for Nuclear Data Link (1980-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1981-02-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-1916, A Risk Comparison (1981-02) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1981-02-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-1930, Index of Risk Exposure and Risk Acceptance Criteria (1981-02) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1981-05-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-2040, Applying Quantitative Risk Criteria in the Licensing of U.S. NPP (1981-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1982-12-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-2239, Technical Criteria for Siting Criteria Development (1982-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1981-08-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-2278, Light Water Reactor Engineered Safety Features Status Monitoring (1981-08) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1982-09-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-2655, Evaluation of the Prompt Alerting Systems at Four Nuclear Power Stations (1982-09) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-01-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-2728, Interim Reliability Evaluation Program Procedures Guide (1983-01) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-06-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-2883, Vol. 1, Alternative Decay Heat Removal Concepts for Light Water Reactors (1983-06) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-09-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-3332, Radiological Assessment-A Textbook on Environmental Dose Analysis (1983-09) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1984-03-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-3396, Experience with the Shift Technical Advisor Position (1984-03) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1983-12-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-3568, A Handbook for Value-Impact Assessment (1983-12) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1986-04-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-4330, Vol. 1, Review of Light Water Reactor Regulatory Requirements (1986-04) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1986-06-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-4330, Vol. 2, Review of Light Water Reactor Regulatory Requirements (1986-06) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1987-05-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-4330, Vol. 3, Review of Light Water Reactor Regulatory Requirements (1987-05) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1995-03-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR-6316, Vol. 8, Guidelines for the Verification and Validation of Expert System and Conventional Software (1995-03) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1982-06-01 | 3c-REG-NUREG | NUREGCR?2550, Charcoal Performance Under Simulated Accident Conditions (1982-06) | Link | Technical Report | 1 |
1979-07-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1979-07-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-08-05 | 4a-TMIPO | (1979-08-05) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-03-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-03-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-03-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-03-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-03-31 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-03-31) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-04-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-04-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-04-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-04-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-04-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-04-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-04-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-04-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-05-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-05-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-05-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-05-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-06-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-06-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-07-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-07-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-07-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-07-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-08-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-08-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-08-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-08-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-08-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-08-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-08-29 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-08-29) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-09-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-09-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-09-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-09-15) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-09-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-09-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-10-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-10-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-10-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-10-14) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-10-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-10-20) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-11-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-11-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-11-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-11-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-12-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-12-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-12-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-12-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-12-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1980-12-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-01-05 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-01-05) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-01-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-01-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-01-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-01-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-01-26 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-01-26) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-02-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-02-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-02-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-02-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-02-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-02-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-02-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-02-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-03-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-03-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-03-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-03-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-03-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-03-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-03-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-03-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-03-30 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-03-30) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-04-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-04-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-04-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-04-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-04-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-04-20) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-04-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-04-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-04-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-04-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-05-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-05-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-05-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-05-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-05-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-05-18) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-05-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-05-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-06-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-06-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-06-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-06-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-06-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-06-15) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-06-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-06-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-06-29 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-06-29) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-07-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-07-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-07-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-07-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-07-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-07-20) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-07-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-07-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-08-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-08-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-08-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-08-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-08-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-08-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-08-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-08-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-08-31 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-08-31) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-09-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-09-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-09-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-09-14) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-09-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-09-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-09-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-09-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-10-05 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-10-05) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-10-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-10-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-10-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-10-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-10-26 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-10-26) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-11-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-11-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-11-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-11-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-11-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-11-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-11-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-11-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-12-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-12-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-12-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-12-14) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-12-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-12-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-12-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1981-12-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-01-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-01-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-01-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-01-18) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-01-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-01-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-02-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-02-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-02-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-02-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-02-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-02-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-02-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-02-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-03-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-05 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-03-05) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-03-15) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-03-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-29 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-03-29) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-05 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-04-05) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-04-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-04-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-26 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-04-26) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-05-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-05-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-05-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-05-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-05-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-05-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-05-24 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-05-24) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-05-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-05-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-06-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-06-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-06-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-06-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-06-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-06-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-07-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-07-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-07-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-07-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-07-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-07-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-07-26 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-07-26) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-08-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-08-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-08-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-08-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-08-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-08-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-08-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-08-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-08-30 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-08-30) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-09-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-09-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-09-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-09-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-09-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-09-20) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-09-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-09-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-10-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-10-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-10-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-10-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-10-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-10-18) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-10-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-10-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-11-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-11-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-11-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-11-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-11-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-11-15) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-11-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-11-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-12-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-12-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-12-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-12-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-12-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1982-12-20) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-01-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-01-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-01-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-01-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-01-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-01-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-01-24 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-01-24) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-01-31 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-01-31) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-02-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-02-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-02-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-02-14) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-02-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-02-18) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-02-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-02-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-03-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-03-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-03-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-03-14) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-03-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-03-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-03-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-03-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-04-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-04-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-04-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-04-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-04-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-04-18) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-04-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-04-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-05-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-05-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-05-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-05-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-05-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-05-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-05-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-05-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-05-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-05-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-06-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-06-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-06-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-06-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-06-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-06-20) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-06-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-06-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-07-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-07-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-07-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-07-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-07-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-07-18) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-07-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-07-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-08-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-08-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-08-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-08-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-08-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-08-15) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-08-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-08-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-09-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-09-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-09-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-09-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-09-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-09-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-09-26 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-09-26) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-10-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-10-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-10-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-10-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-10-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-10-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-10-24 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-10-24) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-10-31 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-10-31) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-11-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-11-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-11-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-11-14) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-11-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-11-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-11-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-11-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-12-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-12-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-12-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-12-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-12-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1983-12-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-01-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-01-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-01-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-01-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-01-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-01-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-01-30 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-01-30) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-02-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-02-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-02-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-02-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-02-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-02-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-02-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-02-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-03-05 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-03-05) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-03-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-03-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-03-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-03-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-03-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-03-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-04-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-04-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-04-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-04-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-04-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-04-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-04-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-04-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-04-30 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-04-30) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-05-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-05-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-05-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-05-14) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-05-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-05-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-05-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-05-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-06-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-06-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-06-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-06-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-06-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-06-18) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-06-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-06-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-07-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-07-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-07-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-07-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-30 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-07-30) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-08-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-08-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-08-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-08-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-08-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-08-20) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-08-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-08-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-08-31 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-08-31) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-09-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-09-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-09-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-09-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-09-24 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-09-24) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-10-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-10-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-10-05 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-10-05) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-10-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-10-15) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-10-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-10-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-10-29 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-10-29) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-11-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-11-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-11-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-11-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-11-26 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-11-26) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-12-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-12-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-12-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-12-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-12-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-12-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-12-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1984-12-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-01-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-01-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-02-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-02-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-02-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-02-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-02-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-02-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-03-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-03-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-03-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-03-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-03-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-03-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-04-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-04-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-29 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-04-29) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-05-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-05-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-05-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-05-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-05-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-05-20) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-05-24 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-05-24) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-06-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-06-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-06-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-06-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-06-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-06-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-06-24 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-06-24) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-07-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-07-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-07-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-07-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-07-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-07-15) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-07-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-07-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-07-29 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-07-29) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-05 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-08-05) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-08-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-08-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-26 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-08-26) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-30 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-08-30) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-09-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-09-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-09-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-09-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-09-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-09-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-09-30 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-09-30) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-10-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-10-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-10-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-10-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-11-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-11-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-11-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-11-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-11-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-11-18) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-11-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-11-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-12-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-12-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-12-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-12-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-12-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-12-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-12-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1985-12-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-01-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-01-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-01-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-01-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-01-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-01-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-02-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-02-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-02-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-02-14) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-02-24 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-02-24) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-03-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-03-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-03-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-03-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-03-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-03-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-03-24 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-03-24) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-03-31 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-03-31) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-04-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-04-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-04-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-04-14) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-04-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-04-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-04-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-04-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-05-05 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-05-05) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-05-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-05-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-05-19 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-05-19) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-05-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-05-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-06-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-06-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-06-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-06-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-06-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-06-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-06-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-06-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-06-30 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-06-30) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-07-07 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-07-07) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-07-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-07-14) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-07-21 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-07-21) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-07-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-07-28) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-08-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-08-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-08-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-08-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-08-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-08-18) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-08-25 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-08-25) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-08-29 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-08-29) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-09-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-09-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-09-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-09-15) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-09-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-09-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-09-29 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-09-29) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-10-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-10-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-10-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-10-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-10-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-10-20) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-10-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-10-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-11-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-11-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-11-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-11-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-11-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-11-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-11-24 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-11-24) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-12-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-12-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-12-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-12-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-12-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1986-12-15) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-01-05 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-01-05) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-01-12 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-01-12) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-01-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-01-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-01-26 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-01-26) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-02-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-02-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-02-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-02-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-02-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-02-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-02-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-02-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-03-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-03-02) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-03-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-03-09) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-03-16 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-03-16) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-03-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-03-23) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-03-30 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-03-30) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-04-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-04-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-04-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-04-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-04-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-04-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-05-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-05-04) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-05-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-05-11) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-05-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-05-18) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-05-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-05-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-06-01 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-06-01) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-06-08 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-06-08) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-06-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-06-15) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-06-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-06-22) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-06-29 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-06-29) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-07-06 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-07-06) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-07-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-07-13) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-07-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-07-20) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-07-27 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-07-27) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-08-03 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-08-03) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-08-10 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-08-10) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-08-17 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-08-17) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-08-24 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-08-24) TMIPO Weekly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-08-31 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-08-31) TMIPO Weekly (Start Monthly) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-09-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-09-28) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-11-30 | 4a-TMIPO | (1987-11-30) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-01-04 | 4a-TMIPO | (1988-01-04) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-02-02 | 4a-TMIPO | (1988-02-02) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-07-13 | 4a-TMIPO | (1988-07-13) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-08-11 | 4a-TMIPO | (1988-08-11) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-09-14 | 4a-TMIPO | (1988-09-14) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-10-18 | 4a-TMIPO | (1988-10-18) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-11-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1988-11-15) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-12-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1988-12-15) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-02-23 | 4a-TMIPO | (1989-02-23) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-04-26 | 4a-TMIPO | (1989-04-26) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-05-22 | 4a-TMIPO | (1989-05-22) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-06-20 | 4a-TMIPO | (1989-06-20) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-07-28 | 4a-TMIPO | (1989-07-28) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-08-29 | 4a-TMIPO | (1989-08-29) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-11-15 | 4a-TMIPO | (1989-11-15) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-12-26 | 4a-TMIPO | (1989-12-26) TMIPO Monthly | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-01-09 | 4a-TMIPO | (1990-01-09) Last Status Report | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-03-28 | 4b-PN | PN-NRC-I-38 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-01-16 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-06 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-07-11 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-232 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-07-12 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-238 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-07-13 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-243 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-07-31 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-297 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-03 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-297A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-15 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-297B | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-311 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-314 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-08 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-319 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-13 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-332 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-15 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-336 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-16 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-336A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-352 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-22 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-358 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-28 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-375 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-30 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-375A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-30 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-380 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-31 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-386 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-09-05 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-396 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-09-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-401 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-03-28 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-67 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-04-10 | 4b-PN | PNO-79-77 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-09-25 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-79-01 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-17 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-80-10 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-09-18 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-80-131 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-05-15 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-84-47 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-06-15 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-87-49B | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-07-10 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-87-63 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-07-13 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-87-63A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-05-23 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-88-55 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-07-20 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-88-75 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-08-18 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-88-84 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-08-30 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-88-84A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-07-10 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-89-56 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-09-28 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-89-81 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-08-30 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-90-71 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-06-03 | 4b-PN | PNO-I-91-41 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-10-29 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-79-03 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-11-13 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-79-04 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-11-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-79-05 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-11-23 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-79-06 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-12-10 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-79-07 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-12-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-79-08 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-29 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-01 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-02 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-11 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-03 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-19 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-04 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-28 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-06 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-03 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-07 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-05 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-08 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-05 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-08A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-09 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-10 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-12 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-11 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-12 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-12 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-13 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-13 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-14 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-14 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-18 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-15 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-19 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-16 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-16A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-26 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-16B | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-20 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-17 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-17A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-26 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-18 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-26 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-18A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-04 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-20 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-21 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-22 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-15 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-23 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-18 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-24 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-25 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-26 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-22 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-27 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-23 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-28 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-16 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-29 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-30 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-23 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-31 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-23 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-32 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-06-27 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-35 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-06-27 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-36 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-06-29 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-37 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-06-30 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-38 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-01 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-38A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-02 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-38B | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-03 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-38C | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-38E | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-08 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-38F | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-09 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-38G | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-10 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-38H | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-11 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-38I | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-25 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-38J | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-08 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-39 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-16 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-40 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-17 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-40A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-41 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-08-08 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-43 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-08-15 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-44 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-09-16 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-45 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-10-16 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-47 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-10-20 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-48 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-11-06 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-49 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-11-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-50 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-11-13 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-51 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-11-28 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-52 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-12-08 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-80-53 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-01-13 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-01 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-01-14 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-02 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-01-16 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-03 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-01-19 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-03A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-05 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-04 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-05 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-04A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-19 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-05 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-27 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-06 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-03-18 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-07 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-03-23 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-07A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-03-27 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-08 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-04-24 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-09 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-04-30 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-10 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-05-19 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-11 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-06-25 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-12 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-07-01 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-13 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-07-02 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-14 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-07-13 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-15 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-07-30 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-16 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-09-14 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-18 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-09-22 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-19 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-09-23 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-20 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-11-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-81-22 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-08 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-01 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-14 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-02 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-02-19 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-03 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-02-20 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-03A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-02-22 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-03B | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-02-24 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-03C | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-03-22 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-05 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-03-22 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-05A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-03-26 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-06 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-04-12 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-08 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-04-14 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-09 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-05-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-13 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-18 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-14 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-23 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-15 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-24 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-15A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-25 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-15B | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-28 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-15C | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-07-14 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-16 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-07-15 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-16A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-07-19 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-16B | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-07-20 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-16C | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-07-22 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-16D | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-07-28 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-17 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-08-06 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-18 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-08-09 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-18A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-08-17 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-19 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-10-06 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-20 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-12-20 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-82-21 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-03 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-83-01 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-04-22 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-83-02 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-04-25 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-83-02A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-05-18 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-83-03 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-07-12 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-83-05 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-07-27 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-83-06 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-08 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-83-07 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-09-21 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-83-08 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-12-09 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-83-09 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-02-15 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-01 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-02-29 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-02 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-02-29 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-02A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-02-29 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-03 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-03-01 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-03A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-06-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-04 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-06-27 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-05 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-06-28 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-06 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-07-05 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-07 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-07-24 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-08 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-07-25 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-08A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-07-25 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-08B | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-07-26 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-08C | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-07-26 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-08D | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-09-07 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-09 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-09-18 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-09A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-09-17 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-10 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-09-24 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-11 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-12-06 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-12 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-12-12 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-84-12A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-15 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-01 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-02-22 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-02 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-03-25 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-03 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-05-15 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-04 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-06-12 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-05 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-08-06 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-06 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-08-14 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-07 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-09-05 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-08 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-09-25 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-09 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-10-28 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-10 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-12-16 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-85-11 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-13 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-86-01 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-28 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-86-02 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-04-25 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-86-03 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-08-20 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-86-04 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-12-16 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-86-05 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-02-26 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-87-01 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-03-26 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-87-02 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-05-04 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-87-03 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-11-12 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-87-04 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-11-30 | 4b-PN | PNO-TMI-87-05 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-06-10 | 4b-PN | PNO-V-80-50 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-05-05 | 4b-PN | PNO-V-82-23 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-05-11 | 4c-LER | LER 79-014, Final Report on the TMI-2 Accident of March 28, 1979 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-10-06 | 4c-LER | LER-79-014, Final Report, Missing Page 48 of Attachment C | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-03-28 | 4c-LER | LER-79-015 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-04-28 | 4c-LER | LER-79-016 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-03-29 | 4c-LER | LER-79-017 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-28 | 4c-LER | LER-79-018 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-11-01 | 4c-LER | LER-79-020 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-12-05 | 4c-LER | LER-79-021 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-12-19 | 4c-LER | LER-79-022 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-26 | 4c-LER | LER-80-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-29 | 4c-LER | LER-80-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-31 | 4c-LER | LER-80-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-11 | 4c-LER | LER-80-004 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-18 | 4c-LER | LER-80-005 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-18 | 4c-LER | LER-80-006 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-22 | 4c-LER | LER-80-007 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-20 | 4c-LER | LER-80-008 (Missing Pages) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-03 | 4c-LER | LER-80-009 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-14 | 4c-LER | LER-80-010 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-21 | 4c-LER | LER-80-011 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-13 | 4c-LER | LER-80-012 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-14 | 4c-LER | LER-80-013 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-23 | 4c-LER | LER-80-014 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-28 | 4c-LER | LER-80-015 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-01 | 4c-LER | LER-80-016 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-09 | 4c-LER | LER-80-018 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-18 | 4c-LER | LER-80-019 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-22 | 4c-LER | LER-80-020 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-18 | 4c-LER | LER-80-022 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-06-03 | 4c-LER | LER-80-023 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-29 | 4c-LER | LER-80-024 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-06-07 | 4c-LER | LER-80-025 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-06-18 | 4c-LER | LER-80-026 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-09 | 4c-LER | LER-80-027 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-07 | 4c-LER | LER-80-028 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-14 | 4c-LER | LER-80-029 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-17 | 4c-LER | LER-80-030 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-06-23 | 4c-LER | LER-80-031 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-19 | 4c-LER | LER-80-032 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-30 | 4c-LER | LER-80-033 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-25 | 4c-LER | LER-80-034 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-31 | 4c-LER | LER-80-035 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-08-08 | 4c-LER | LER-80-036 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-08-08 | 4c-LER | LER-80-037 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-08-22 | 4c-LER | LER-80-039 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-09-09 | 4c-LER | LER-80-041 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-09-09 | 4c-LER | LER-80-042 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-09-02 | 4c-LER | LER-80-043 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-09-25 | 4c-LER | LER-80-044 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-09-29 | 4c-LER | LER-80-045 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-09-30 | 4c-LER | LER-80-046 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-10-16 | 4c-LER | LER-80-047 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-10-17 | 4c-LER | LER-80-048 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-10-27 | 4c-LER | LER-80-049 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-11-08 | 4c-LER | LER-80-050 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-11-10 | 4c-LER | LER-80-051 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-11-17 | 4c-LER | LER-80-053 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-11-17 | 4c-LER | LER-80-054 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-11-27 | 4c-LER | LER-80-055 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-12-12 | 4c-LER | LER-80-056 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-12-17 | 4c-LER | LER-80-057 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-12-26 | 4c-LER | LER-80-059 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-01-26 | 4c-LER | LER-81-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-02 | 4c-LER | LER-81-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-04 | 4c-LER | LER-81-004 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-07 | 4c-LER | LER-81-005 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-26 | 4c-LER | LER-81-006 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-03-11 | 4c-LER | LER-81-007 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-04-16 | 4c-LER | LER-81-008 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-04-20 | 4c-LER | LER-81-010 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-04-23 | 4c-LER | LER-81-011 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-04-22 | 4c-LER | LER-81-012 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-05-08 | 4c-LER | LER-81-013 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-05-07 | 4c-LER | LER-81-014 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-06-13 | 4c-LER | LER-81-015 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-08-05 | 4c-LER | LER-81-017 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-08-19 | 4c-LER | LER-81-018 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-08-30 | 4c-LER | LER-81-020 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-09-07 | 4c-LER | LER-81-021 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-09-09 | 4c-LER | LER-81-022 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-09-11 | 4c-LER | LER-81-023 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-09-11 | 4c-LER | LER-81-024 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-09-14 | 4c-LER | LER-81-025 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-09-02 | 4c-LER | LER-81-026 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-10-07 | 4c-LER | LER-81-027 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-10-14 | 4c-LER | LER-81-028 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-10-28 | 4c-LER | LER-81-029 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-10-30 | 4c-LER | LER-81-030 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-11-05 | 4c-LER | LER-81-032 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-11-13 | 4c-LER | LER-81-033 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-12-01 | 4c-LER | LER-81-034 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-12-01 | 4c-LER | LER-81-035 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-12-14 | 4c-LER | LER-81-036 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-12-17 | 4c-LER | LER-81-037 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-12-28 | 4c-LER | LER-81-038 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-04 | 4c-LER | LER-82-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-11 | 4c-LER | LER-82-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-10 | 4c-LER | LER-82-004 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-18 | 4c-LER | LER-82-005 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-20 | 4c-LER | LER-82-007 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-02-01 | 4c-LER | LER-82-009 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-02-22 | 4c-LER | LER-82-010 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-03-03 | 4c-LER | LER-82-011 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-05-14 | 4c-LER | LER-82-012 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-04-28 | 4c-LER | LER-82-013 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-05-04 | 4c-LER | LER-82-014 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-05-17 | 4c-LER | LER-82-015 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-18 | 4c-LER | LER-82-016 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-05-25 | 4c-LER | LER-82-017 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-01 | 4c-LER | LER-82-018 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-01 | 4c-LER | LER-82-019 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-03 | 4c-LER | LER-82-020 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-06 | 4c-LER | LER-82-021 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-12 | 4c-LER | LER-82-022 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-29 | 4c-LER | LER-82-023 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-07-08 | 4c-LER | LER-82-024 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-07-09 | 4c-LER | LER-82-025 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-07-26 | 4c-LER | LER-82-027 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-09-15 | 4c-LER | LER-82-028 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-09-25 | 4c-LER | LER-82-030 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-10-07 | 4c-LER | LER-82-032 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-10-14 | 4c-LER | LER-82-033 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-10-21 | 4c-LER | LER-82-034 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-11-10 | 4c-LER | LER-82-035 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
2008-10-28 | 4c-LER | LER-82-036 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-11-15 | 4c-LER | LER-82-037 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-12-02 | 4c-LER | LER-82-038 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-12-14 | 4c-LER | LER-82-040 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-12-16 | 4c-LER | LER-82-041 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-04 | 4c-LER | LER-83-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-14 | 4c-LER | LER-83-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-02-11 | 4c-LER | LER-83-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-02-16 | 4c-LER | LER-83-004 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-02-14 | 4c-LER | LER-83-005 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-02-16 | 4c-LER | LER-83-006 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-02-22 | 4c-LER | LER-83-007 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-02-16 | 4c-LER | LER-83-008 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-03-03 | 4c-LER | LER-83-009 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-03-22 | 4c-LER | LER-83-010 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-03-25 | 4c-LER | LER-83-011 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-03-29 | 4c-LER | LER-83-012 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-04-18 | 4c-LER | LER-83-013 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-05-06 | 4c-LER | LER-83-014 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-05-27 | 4c-LER | LER-83-015 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-05-27 | 4c-LER | LER-83-017 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-06-03 | 4c-LER | LER-83-018 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-06-10 | 4c-LER | LER-83-019 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-06-10 | 4c-LER | LER-83-020 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-06-16 | 4c-LER | LER-83-021 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-06-09 | 4c-LER | LER-83-022 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-06-30 | 4c-LER | LER-83-023 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-07-03 | 4c-LER | LER-83-024 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-06-21 | 4c-LER | LER-83-025 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-07-13 | 4c-LER | LER-83-027 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-07-14 | 4c-LER | LER-83-028 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-07-17 | 4c-LER | LER-83-029 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-06-28 | 4c-LER | LER-83-030 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-07-21 | 4c-LER | LER-83-031 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-01 | 4c-LER | LER-83-032 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-04 | 4c-LER | LER-83-034 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-07-20 | 4c-LER | LER-83-035 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-08 | 4c-LER | LER-83-036 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-19 | 4c-LER | LER-83-038 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-20 | 4c-LER | LER-83-039 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-18 | 4c-LER | LER-83-040 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-18 | 4c-LER | LER-83-042 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-27 | 4c-LER | LER-83-043 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-22 | 4c-LER | LER-83-044 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-27 | 4c-LER | LER-83-045 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-31 | 4c-LER | LER-83-046 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-09-28 | 4c-LER | LER-83-048 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-09-24 | 4c-LER | LER-83-049 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-10-05 | 4c-LER | LER-83-050 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-10-10 | 4c-LER | LER-83-051 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-09-30 | 4c-LER | LER-83-052 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-06-28 | 4c-LER | LER-83-053 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-10-26 | 4c-LER | LER-83-055 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-11-15 | 4c-LER | LER-83-057 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-11-10 | 4c-LER | LER-83-060 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-11-10 | 4c-LER | LER-83-061 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-12-01 | 4c-LER | LER-83-062 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-12-22 | 4c-LER | LER-83-063 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-11-02 | 4c-LER | LER-83-064 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-02-14 | 4c-LER | LER-84-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-02-13 | 4c-LER | LER-84-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-02-15 | 4c-LER | LER-84-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-03-02 | 4c-LER | LER-84-004 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-02-22 | 4c-LER | LER-84-005 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-03-01 | 4c-LER | LER-84-006 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-05-11 | 4c-LER | LER-84-007 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-04-01 | 4c-LER | LER-84-008 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-06-18 | 4c-LER | LER-84-009 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-06-28 | 4c-LER | LER-84-010 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-07-13 | 4c-LER | LER-84-011 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-07-27 | 4c-LER | LER-84-012 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-06-09 | 4c-LER | LER-84-013 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-08-17 | 4c-LER | LER-84-014 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-08-31 | 4c-LER | LER-84-015 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-09-10 | 4c-LER | LER-84-016 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-10-24 | 4c-LER | LER-84-017 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-10-12 | 4c-LER | LER-84-018 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-10-18 | 4c-LER | LER-84-019 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-10-16 | 4c-LER | LER-84-020 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-10-29 | 4c-LER | LER-84-021 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-11-29 | 4c-LER | LER-84-022 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-04 | 4c-LER | LER-85-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-14 | 4c-LER | LER-85-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-03-03 | 4c-LER | LER-85-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-03-06 | 4c-LER | LER-85-004 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-03-16 | 4c-LER | LER-85-005 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-03-27 | 4c-LER | LER-85-006 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-04-13 | 4c-LER | LER-85-007 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-08-01 | 4c-LER | LER-85-008 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-11-05 | 4c-LER | LER-85-009 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-05-01 | 4c-LER | LER-85-010 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-12-20 | 4c-LER | LER-86-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-03 | 4c-LER | LER-86-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-11-17 | 4c-LER | LER-86-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-02-24 | 4c-LER | LER-86-004 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-03-14 | 4c-LER | LER-86-005 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-07-15 | 4c-LER | LER-86-006 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-07-27 | 4c-LER | LER-86-007 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-08-28 | 4c-LER | LER-86-008 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-09-04 | 4c-LER | LER-86-009 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-09-30 | 4c-LER | LER-86-010 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-12-07 | 4c-LER | LER-86-011 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-12-04 | 4c-LER | LER-86-012 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-01-23 | 4c-LER | LER-87-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-02-26 | 4c-LER | LER-87-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-02-28 | 4c-LER | LER-87-004 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-08-07 | 4c-LER | LER-87-007 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-07-15 | 4c-LER | LER-87-010 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-11-23 | 4c-LER | LER-87-011 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-10-09 | 4c-LER | LER-87-012 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-06 | 4c-LER | LER-88-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-12 | 4c-LER | LER-88-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-26 | 4c-LER | LER-88-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-04-21 | 4c-LER | LER-88-005 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-04-28 | 4c-LER | LER-88-007 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-05-04 | 4c-LER | LER-88-008 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-05-13 | 4c-LER | LER-88-009 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-06-10 | 4c-LER | LER-88-010 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-08-07 | 4c-LER | LER-88-011 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-01-20 | 4c-LER | LER-89-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-05-06 | 4c-LER | LER-89-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-05-09 | 4c-LER | LER-89-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-07-26 | 4c-LER | LER-89-004 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-08-30 | 4c-LER | LER-89-005 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-08-30 | 4c-LER | LER-89-006 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-02-19 | 4c-LER | LER-90-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-06-20 | 4c-LER | LER-90-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-01-21 | 4c-LER | LER-91-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-03-08 | 4c-LER | LER-91-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-04-03 | 4c-LER | LER-91-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-04-12 | 4c-LER | LER-91-004 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-06-26 | 4c-LER | LER-91-005 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-01-26 | 4c-LER | LER-93-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-06-01 | 4c-LER | LER-93-002 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-06-07 | 4c-LER | LER-93-003 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1998-06-04 | 4c-LER | LER-98-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1999-01-12 | 4c-LER | LER-99-001 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-04-12 | 4d-NRC | (1979-04-12) NRC (Intrenal), Note to Office Directors, Information on TMI | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-05-20 | 4d-NRC | (1982-05-20) TMI-2 Cleanup Congressional Testimony (Denton) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-03-28 | 4d-NRC | NUREG, NRC Annual Reports, Sections Concerning TMI-2 Recovery (1979-1995) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-11-01 | 4d-NRC | NUREG-0568, Rev. 1, Suppl. 1, Title List, Publicly Available Documents, TMI-2, 07-01 to 10-31-1979 (1979-11) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-05-01 | 4d-NRC | NUREG-0568, Title List, Publicly Available Documents, TMI-2. Cumulated to 05-21-1979 (1979-05) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-12-01 | 4d-NRC | NUREG-0631, Title List, Publicly Available Documents, TMI-2. Cumulated to 11-16-1979 (1979-12) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-12-01 | 4d-NRC | NUREG-0636, The Public Whole Body Counting Program Following the Three Mile Island Accident (1980-12) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-01 | 4d-NRC | NUREG-0698, Rev. 0, NRC Plan for Cleanup Operations at TMI-2 (1980-07) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-02-01 | 4d-NRC | NUREG-0698, Rev. 1, NRC Plan for Cleanup Operations at TMI-2 (1982-02) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-03-01 | 4d-NRC | NUREG-0698, Rev. 2, NRC Plan for Cleanup Operations at TMI-2 (1984-03) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-03-01 | 4d-NRC | NUREG-0732, Rev. 1, Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Cleanup Activities at TMI-2 (1984-03) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1 NRC Annual Reports, Sections Concerning TMI-2 Recovery (1979-1995) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1975-12-31 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1975 NRC Annual Report | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1976-12-31 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1976 NRC Annual Report | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1978-04-28 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1977 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-0400) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-02-14 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1978 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-0516) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1979 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-0690) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-03-17 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1980 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-0774) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-06-17 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1981 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-0920) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-06-17 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1982 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-0998) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-06-18 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1983 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1090) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-06-12 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1984 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 1) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-06-30 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1985 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 2) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-06-15 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1986 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 3) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-07-22 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1987 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 4) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-06-12 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1988 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 5) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-07-27 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1989 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 6) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-06-30 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1990 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 7) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1992-07-31 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1991 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 8) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-07-31 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1992 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 9) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1994-08-25 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1993 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 10) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1995-06-30 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1994 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 11) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1996-08-30 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1995 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 12) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1997-09-30 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1996 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 13) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1998-12-31 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1997 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 14) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1999-07-30 | 4e-NRC-Annual | 1998 NRC Annual Report (NUREG-1145, Vol. 15) The Last Annual Report | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-01 | 4f-DOE | ALO-85, Review of Literature on TMI Accident and Correlation to the LWR Safety Technology (1980-05) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-03-01 | 4f-DOE | DOE-ID-10276, TMI-2 Lessons Learned by the DOE 1979-1990 (1990-03) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-07-01 | 4f-DOE | DOE-ID-10289, USDOE TMI Research and Development Program Annual Report 1989 (1990-07) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-02-01 | 4f-DOE | DOE-ID-10289-90, USDOE TMI Research and Development Program Annual Report 1990 (1991-02) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-03-01 | 4f-DOE | DOE-ID-10400, Historical Summary of the TMI-2 Core Debris Transportation Campaign (1993-03) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-04-01 | 4f-DOE | DOE-NE-34110, Research and Development Activities on TMI-2. Annual Report for 1985 (1986-04) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-15 | 4f-DOE | EGG, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program Updates (DOE-EGG News Letters, 1980-1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-15 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 1, No. 1, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1980-04-15) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-31 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 1, No. 2, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1980-07-31) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-10-29 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 1, No. 3, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1980-10-29) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-03-15 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 2, No. 1, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1981-03-15) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-11-30 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 2, No. 2, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1981-11-30) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-11-01 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 3, No. 1, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1982-11-01) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-08-15 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 3, No. 2, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1983-08-15) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-12-15 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 4, No. 1, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1983-12-15) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-06-15 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 4, No. 2, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1984-06-15) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-11-01 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 5, No. 1, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1984-11) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-02-01 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 5, No. 2, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1985-02) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-08-01 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 5, No. 3, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1985-08) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-04-01 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 6, No. 1, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1986-04) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-12-01 | 4f-DOE | EGG, Vol. 7, No. 1, TMI Unit-2 Technical Information and Examination Program, Update (1986-12) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-10-01 | 4f-DOE | EGG-2529, Historical Summary of Fuel and Waste Handling and Disposition at TMI-2, 1980-1988 (1988-10) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-12-01 | 4f-DOE | EGG-TMI-6130, TMI-2 Fuel Recovery Plant Feasibility Study (1982-12) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-01 | 4f-DOE | GEND-003, TMI-2 Technical Information and Examination Program Annual Report 1980 (1981-02) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-04-01 | 4f-DOE | GEND-022, TMI-2 Technical Information and Examination Program Annual Report 1981 (1982-04) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-04-01 | 4f-DOE | GEND-032, TMI-2 Technical Information and Examination Program Annual Report 1982 (1983-04) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-04-01 | 4f-DOE | GEND-039, TMI-2 Technical Information and Examination Program Annual Report 1983 (1984-04) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-04-01 | 4f-DOE | GEND-049, TMI-2 Technical Information and Examination Program Annual Report 1984 (1985-04) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-04-01 | 4f-DOE | GEND-055, USDOE TMI Research and Development Program Annual Report 1985 (1986-04) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-04-01 | 4f-DOE | GEND-060, USDOE TMI Research and Development Program Annual Report 1986 (1987-04) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-01 | 4f-DOE | ORNL-TM-7081, Post-Accident Cleanup of Radioactivy at TMI (1980-02) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1997-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-CMT-CP-92022 (CONF), Electrometallurgical Treatment of TMI-2 Fuel Debris (1997) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-CONF-8710111-9, The Microstructural and Microchemical Characterization of Samples from the TMI-2 Core (1987) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-CONF-8810155-42, Evaluation of Selected Samples from the TMI-2 Core (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-CONF-891103-61, Heatup of the TMI-2 Lower Head During Core Relocation (1989) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-CP-70999 (CONF), TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project (VIP) Metallurgical Program (1990) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-ET-CP-79615 (CONF), TMI-2 Instrument Nozzle Examinations at Argonne National Laboratory (1993) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-ET-CP-79638 (CONF), Examination of Cracking in TMI-2 Pressure Vessel Lower Head Material (1993) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-ET-CP-81036 (CONF), Examinations of Samples and Instrument Nozzles from the TMI-2 Lower Head (1983) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-ET-CP-81036, Results of Examinations of Pressure Vessel Samples and Instrument Nozzles from Lower Head (1993) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-NUREGCP-0091, Microstructural and Microchemical Characterization of Samples for TMI-2 Core (1987) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ANL-NUREGCP-0097, Evaluation of Selected Samples from the TMI-2 Core (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | Bechtel-NUREGCP-0097, Status of Dissassembly of Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Core (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
2014-07-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-105930-2014-CP, Nuclear Material Accountancy Lessons from TMI-2 with Application at 1F (2014-07) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-26970 (CONF), Critique of Source Term and Environmental Measurement at Three Mile Island (1979) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-42394 (CONF), Environmental Measurements During the TMI-2 Accident (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-26762 (CONF), Analysis of the TMI-2 Source Range Detector Response (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-27185 (CONF), OTSG Modeling for the analysis of the TMI Incident (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-31390 (CONF), Waste properties of strippable coating used for TMI-2 reactor building decontamination (1982) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-31894 (CONF), Irradiation Effects in the Storage and Disposal of Ion-Exchange Resins (1983) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-31929 (CONF), Leach Behavior and Mechanical-Integrity of Epicor-II Waste Products (1982) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-33618 (CONF), Characterization of TMI-type Wastes and Solid Products (1983) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-34430 (CONF), Strippable Coating Used for the TMI-2 Reactor Building Decontamination (1984) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-37448 (CONF), Lessons Learned from NUREG-0737 Review of High-Range Effluent Monitors and Samplers (1985) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-37614 (CONF), Investigation of intergranular stress corrosion cracking in the fuel pool at TMI-1 (1985) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-38549 (CONF), A review of monitoring, sampling and analysis in post accident concentrations (1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-39319 (CONF), Evaluation of potential mixed wastes containing lead, chromium, or used oil (1987) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-40326 (CONF), Lessons learned of post-accident sampling systems, high range effluent monitor (1987) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-44385 (CONF), The importance of human performance and procedures in limiting severe accident risks (1990) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-44449 (CONF), Simplified approach for predicting radionuclide releases from reactor accidents (1991) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-44451 (CONF), Safety goals and functional performance criteria, Advanced Reactor Design (1991) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-47066 (CONF), Considerations and problems associated with long-term storage of low-level waste (1991) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1992-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-47342 (CONF), Organizational culture during the accident response process (1992) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | BNL-NUREG-48608 (CONF), Modeling of field lysimeter release data using the computer code dust (1993) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | DOE-CONF-800542, Proceedings of the Concrete Decontamination Workshop (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | DOE-CONF-8510166, Proceedings of the first international information meeting on the TMI-2 accident (1985) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | DOE-CONF-860932, ANS Topical Meeting on Radiological Accidents (1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-CONF-801107-6, Meeting the reactor operator's information needs using functional analysis (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-CONF-810803-18, Status of the TMI-2 core, a review of damage assessments (1981) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-CONF-881011-38, Thermal behavior of molten corium during TMI-2 core relocation event (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-08081 (CONF), High integrity container for storage, transportation, and disposal of TMI-2 wastes (1981) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-08281 (CONF), Venting krypton-85 from the Three Mile Island Unit 2 reactor building (1981) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-08483 (CONF), TMI-2 core damage, a summary of present knowledge (1983) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-08986 (CONF), TMI-2 Core boring machine (1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-09386 (CONF), Fuel removal, transport, and storage (1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-09681 (CONF), Lessons learned from TMI-2 (1981) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-16383 (CONF), TMI-2 core examination (1983) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-19186 (CONF), TMI-2 REACTOR FUEL REMOVAL, LOADING, TRANSPORT, AND STORAGE (1985) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-21887 (CONF), Analysis of fission product release behavior during the TMI-2 accident (1987) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-29486 (CONF), Transporting TMI-2 core debris to INEL, Public safety and public response (1987) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-30887 (CONF), TMI-2 (Three-Mile Island-Unit 2) rail cask and railcar maintenance (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-88192 (CONF), Community relations for the transport of TMI-2 core debris (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-88196 (CONF), TMI-2 core shipping preparations (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-88243 (CONF), QA in the design and fabrication of the TMI-2 rail cask (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-88243 (CONF), QA in the Design and Fabrication of TMI-2 Rail Cask (1988-01) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-88384 (CONF), Working with the states to transport TMI-2 core debris (1989) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-88439 (CONF), Timing of the TMI-2 core degradation as determined by forensic engineering (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-89109 (CONF), The TMI-2 accident evaluation program (1989) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1992-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-91452 (CONF), Evaluation of EPICOR-II Resin-Liner Lysimeter investigation Data (1992) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1992-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-92038 (CONF), TMI defueling project fuel debris removal system (1992) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1992-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-M-92123 (CONF), TMI-2 analysis (1992) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-TIO-M-00182 (CONF), Instrumentation and electrical program at the TMI-2, Technical Integration Office (1982) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-TIO-M-00282 (CONF), Technology transfer at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (1982) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-TIO-M-00484 (CONF), Radiation effects on resins and zeolites at Three Mile Island Unit II (1984) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | EGG-TIO-M-00782 (CONF), Preliminary results of the TMI-2 radioactive iodine mass balance study (1982) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | HEDL-SA-2867-FP (CONF), Fuel debris assessment for TMI-2 by gamma-ray and neutron dosimetry (1983) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | HEDL-SA-3063A (CONF), Characterization of fuel distribution in reactor system by neutron and gamma-ray dosimetry (1984) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | HEDL-SA-3293 (CONF), Neutron dosimetry in the TMI-2 reactor cavity with solid-state track recorders (1985) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
2002-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEEL-CON-02-00113 (CONF), Welding the Dry Shielded Canisters of the TMI-2 Reactor Core Debris (2002) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1995-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEL-9500431 (CONF), Drying tests conducted on TMI fuel canisters containing simulated debris (1995) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEL-NUREGCP-0082, Preliminary Results of the TMI-2 Core Bores (1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEL-NUREGCP-0082, TMI-2 Accident Senario Update (1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEL-NUREGCP-0082, TMI-2 Lower Vessel Debris Examinations (1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEL-NUREGCP-0082, Update on Standard Problem, Data Base, and Uncertainties (1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEL-NUREGCP-0091, Analysis of Fission Prodcut Release Behavior During TMI-2 Accident (1987) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEL-NUREGCP-0091, TMI-2 Accident Scenario Development (1987) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEL-NUREGCP-0091, TMI-2 Core Bore Examination Results (1987) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEL-NUREGCP-0097, Summary of TMI-2 Core Sample Examinations (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INEL-NUREGCP-0097, TMI-2 Core Materials and Fission Product Inventory (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
2012-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INL-CON-12-26246 (CONF), Lessons from TMI Packaging, Transport and Disposition that Apply to Fukushima (2012) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
2013-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INL-CON-13-28099, Instrumentation Performance during the TMI-2 Accident (2013) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
2015-02-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | INL-CON-14-33682, Qualification of Data Obained from TMI-2 Evaluations (2015-02) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | LA-UR-79-2942 (CONF), Analysis of early core damage at Three Mile Island (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | LA-UR-79-2946 (CONF), Evaluation of the Three Mile Island accident in the context of WASH-1400 (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | LA-UR-79-3301 (CONF), System calculations related to the accident at Three-Mile Island using TRAC (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | LA-UR-80-1069 (CONF), Fuel damage estimates for the TMI-2 reactor (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | LA-UR-83-963 (CONF), Fuel models and results from the TRAC-PF1-MIMAS TMI-2 accident calculation (1983) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | LA-UR-88-1364 (CONF), Preliminary modeling of the TMI-2 accident with MELPROG-TRAC (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | LA-UR-88-3348 (CONF), Modeling of the TMI-2 accident with MELPROG-TRAC (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | LBL-11297 (CONF), Health effects of the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | LBL-14021 (CONF), Decision-making and radiological protection at TMI, response of the Department of HEW (1982) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | LBL-14846-Rev. (CONF), Effects of the accident at TMI on the mental health and behavioral responses (1982) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1996-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | NEL-95-00431 (CONF), Drying tests conducted on Three Mile Island fuel canisters containing simulated debris (1996) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-791049-26, ORNL Assistance to TMI in Handling Contaminated Air and Water (1979) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-800403-13, Estimates of dose to the population within 50 miles due to noble gas releases from TMI incident (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-800607-60, Emergency Actions Concerning with Effluent Control at TMI (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-800802-10, Recent chemical engineering requirements as the result of TMI on-site experience (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-800802-13, Flowsheet Develop. Studies for the Decontamination of High-Activity-Level Water at TMI-2 (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-801107-29, TMI-2 criticality analysis, analytical models and methods (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-801107-32, TMI-2 criticality analysis, parametric studies and overall results (1980) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-801107-32, TMI-2 Criticality Analysis, Parametric Studies and Overall Results (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-820559, TMI Accident and Post-Accident Recovery, What Did We Learn (1982) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-830756-8, Evaluation of the use of zeolite mixtures in the TMI-2 Submerged Demineralizer System (SDS) (1983) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-840807-4, Hydrolysis of iodine-equilibria at high temperatures (1984) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-850417-18, Cleanup of TMI-2 demineralizer resins (1985) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-850917-7, Criticality Analysis for TMI-2 Defueling (1985) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-860604-7, Drop testing at the ORNL (TRUPACT-I and a TMI-2 defueling canister)(1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1986-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-860911-19, Release and transport of fission product cesium in the TMI-2 accident (1986) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-881024-6, Analysis of leaching concrete samples taken from the TMI-2 reactor building basement (1988) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | ORNL-CONF-890546-3, BWR reactor vessel bottom head failure modes (1989) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | PNL-SA-8143 (CONF), Demonstration of alternative decontamination techniques at Three Mile Island (1979) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | SAND-90-2580C (CONF), MELCOR Analysis of the TMI-2 Accident (1990) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | SAND-93-2134C (CONF), Behavior of steel liners in concrete containments subjected to overpressurization loads (1993) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | UCRL-101842 (CONF), Utilization of dose assessment models for off-site recovery operations during accidents (1989) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | UCRL-82227 (CONF), Operator-instrumentation interactions during the Three Mile Island incident (1979) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | UCRL-83489 (CONF), Atmospheric Release Advisory capability (ARAC) response to the TMI accident (1979) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | UCRL-92070 (CONF), Thermal damage to polymeric materials in TMI-2 reactor building (1985) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | UCRL-92721 (CONF), Thermal damage to polymeric materials by hydrogen deflagration in TMI-2 reactor building (1985) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | UCRL-JC-104077 (CONF), A review of source term and dose estimation for the TMI-2 reactor accident (1990) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-01-01 | 4g-DOE-CONF | WSRC-RP-89-1206 (CONF), Ion exchange in the nuclear industry (1990) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-05-15 | 4h-GPU | (1979-05-15) GPU, Interim Report on TMI-2 Accident (re 04-11-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-06-18 | 4h-GPU | (1979-06-18) GPU, Second Interim Report on the TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-07-16 | 4h-GPU | (1979-07-16) GPU, Third Interim Report on the TMI-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-10-15 | 4h-GPU | (1979-10-15) GPU, TMI-2 Quarterly Report No. 1 (Followup Report No. 4), Period Ending 10-15-1979 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-01-15 | 4h-GPU | (1980-01-15) GPU, TMI-2 Quarterly Report No. 2 (Followup Report No. 5), Period Ending 01-15-1980 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-04-15 | 4h-GPU | (1980-04-15) GPU, TMI-2 Quarterly Report No. 3 (Followup Report No. 6), Period Ending 03-31-1980 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-07-15 | 4h-GPU | (1980-07-15) GPU, TMI-2 Quarterly Report No. 4 (Followup Report No. 7), Period Ending 06-30-1980 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-10-15 | 4h-GPU | (1980-10-15) GPU, TMI-2 Quarterly Report No. 5 (Followup Report No. 8), Period Ending 09-30-1980 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-05-11 | 4h-GPU | (1981-05-11) LER 79-014, Final Report on the TMI-2 Accident of March 28, 1979 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-05-14 | 4h-GPU | (1981-05-14) GPU, 10 CFR 50.59 Report for 1980 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-10-06 | 4h-GPU | (1981-10-06) LER-79-014, Final Report, Missing Page 48 of Attachment C | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-03 | 4h-GPU | (1982-03-03) GPU, 10 CFR 50.59 Report for 1981 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-03-28 | 4h-GPU | (1986-03-28) GPU, 10 CFR 50.59 Report for 1985 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-03-11 | 4h-GPU | (1987-03-11) GPU, 10 CFR 50.59 Report for 1986 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-02-16 | 4h-GPU | (1989-02-16) NRC IR 88-20 (See Encl. 2, TMI-2 Clean-Up Program Status Update) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-03-12 | 4h-GPU | (1993-03-12) GPU, 10 CFR 50.59 Report for 1992 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1996-02-29 | 4h-GPU | (1996-02-29) GPU, 10 CFR 50.59 Report for 1994-1995 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-12-05 | 4i-Other | (1981-12-05) GEND, TMI-2 Seminar, San Francisco, California, December 4-5, 1981 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-11-14 | 4i-Other | (1982-11-14) TMI-2 Special Sessions (ANS Meeting) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1994-07-01 | 4i-Other | (1994-07-01) Papers, Special Section on TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-03-01 | 4i-Other | ANS-CONF-860932, ANS Topical Meeting on Radiological Accidents (1987-03) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-10-01 | 4i-Other | DOE-CONF-8510166, Proceedings, First International Information Meeting on TMI-2 Accident (1985-10) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
| 4i-Other | IAEA-TECDOC-627, Catalogue of Methods, Tools and Techniques for Recovery from Fuel Damage Events, IAEA, Vienna (1991) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-12 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1980-03-12) Operating License Amendment 10 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-06-24 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1980-06-24) Operating License Amendment 11 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-01-29 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1981-01-29) Operating License Amendment 12 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-03-25 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1981-03-25) Operating License Amendment 13 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-04-22 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1981-04-22) Operating License Amendment 14 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-05-06 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1981-05-06) Operating License Amendment 15 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-06-26 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1981-06-26) Operating License Amendment 16 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-10-22 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1981-10-22) Operating License Amendment 17 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-12-30 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1981-12-30) Operating License Amendment 18 (concurrent with modification of Order) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-02-16 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1982-02-16) Operating License Amendment 19 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-03 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1982-03-03) Operating License Amendment 20 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-17 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1982-03-17) Operating License Amendment 20 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-05-19 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1983-05-19) Operating License Amendment 21 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-05-19 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1983-05-19) Operating License Amendment 21 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-12-14 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1983-12-14) Operating License Amendment 22 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-01-31 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1984-01-31) Operating License Amendment 23 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-01-31 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1984-01-31) Operating License Amendment 24 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-21 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1985-10-21) Operating License Amendment 25 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-01-26 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1986-01-26) Operating License Amendment 26 (Fully incorporates Recovery Mode Proposed Technical Specifications) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-04-17 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1987-04-17) Operating License Amendment 27 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-06-25 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1987-06-25) Operating License Amendment 28 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-03-17 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1988-03-17) Operating License Amendment 29 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-05-25 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1988-05-25) Operating License Amendment 30 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-09-02 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1988-09-02) Operating License Amendment 31 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-02-14 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1989-02-14) Operating License Amendment 32 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-04-12 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1989-04-12) Operating License Amendment 33 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-05-15 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1989-05-15) Operating License Amendment 34 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-08-30 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1989-08-30) NRC Review, TS Mod. to Delete Prohibition on Disposal of Accident Generated Water (re 02-25, 04-13-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-09-11 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1989-09-11) Operating License Amendment 35 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-01-26 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1990-01-26) Operating License Amendment 36 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-02-15 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1990-02-15) Operating License Amendment 36 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-02-21 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1990-02-21) Operating License Amendment 37 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-04-26 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1990-04-26) Operating License Amendment 38 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-11-11 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1990-11-11) Operating License Amendment 39 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1991-03-06 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1991-03-06) Operating License Amendment 40 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1992-03-02 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1992-03-02) Operating License Amendment 41 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1992-06-05 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1992-06-05) Operating License Amendment 42 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-05-26 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1993-05-26) Operating License Amendment 43 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-07-12 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1993-07-12) Operating License Amendment 44 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-09-14 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1993-09-14) Operating License Amendment 45 (Possession Only License) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-11-08 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1993-11-08) Operating License Amendment 46 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-12-06 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1993-12-06) Operating License Amendment 47 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-12-28 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1993-12-28) Operating License Amendment 48 (TS for PDMS) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1995-06-21 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1995-06-21) Operating License Amendment 49 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1996-10-08 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1996-10-08) Operating License Amendment 50 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1996-10-24 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1996-10-24) Operating License Amendment 51 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1998-11-12 | 5a-OL-Amend | (1998-11-12) Operating License Amendment 52 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-05-22 | 5b-Order | (1979-05-22) Commission Order, Preservation of records relating to TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-07-20 | 5b-Order | (1979-07-20) NRC Order, Suspends Facility Operating License No. DPR-73 to operate TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-08-20 | 5b-Order | (1979-08-20) NRC Order, Extend Time to Issue Proposed Tech Specs (re 07-20-1979 Order) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-10-16 | 5b-Order | (1979-10-16) Memorandum and Order, Direct the Licensee to Operate EPICOR II | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-10-22 | 5b-Order | (1979-10-22) NRC Order (10-18-1979), Operation of EPICOR II to Decontaminate Rad Waste Water in Auxiliary Building | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-10-26 | 5b-Order | (1979-10-26) NRC Order Amend, Clarifies Order dated 10-26-1979 Concerning the Operation of EPICOR-II | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-02-13 | 5b-Order | (1980-02-13) NRC Order (2-11-1980), Provides TMI-2 Recovery Technical Specifications | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-06-13 | 5b-Order | (1980-06-13) NRC Order (6-12-1980), Orders Release Krypton-85 from the Reactor Building Atmosphere by Controlled Purge | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-06-08 | 5b-Order | (1981-06-08) NRC Order, Denying Met Ed Damage Suit Under Federal Tort Claims Act | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-06-18 | 5b-Order | (1981-06-18) NRC Order, Operation of SDS and EPICOR-II to Process Reactor Building Sump and RCS Water | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-08-20 | 5b-Order | (1982-08-20) NRC Order (8-06-1982), Preservation of TMI-2 Accident Records | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-10-26 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1979-10-26) Order Amendment | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-07-31 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1980-07-31) GPU, Technical Specifications Change Request 24 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-08-05 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1980-08-05) GPU, Technical Specifications Change Request 24 (Correction of 7-31-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-08-11 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1980-08-11) Order Amendment (also ROP-3) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-11-14 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1980-11-14) Order Amendment (also ROP-4) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-04-28 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1981-04-28) Order Amendment | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-09-23 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1981-09-23) Order Amendment | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-01 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1982-04-01) Order Amendment | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-09 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1982-04-09) Order Amendment (also ROP-6) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-05-17 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1982-05-17) Order Amendment | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-06-18 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1982-06-18) Order Amendment | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-07-07 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1982-07-07) Order Amendment dated 06-18-1982 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-09-24 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1982-09-24) Order Amendment | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-09-19 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1983-09-19) Order Amendment (also OP-6 and 7) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-10-24 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1983-10-24) Order Amendment (Settlement of Lochstet Stipulation) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-04-24 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1984-04-24) Order Amendment (also ROP-19) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-06-15 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1984-06-15) Order Amendment (also OP-8) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-17 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1984-07-17) Order Amendment (also ROP-20) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-12-19 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1984-12-19) Order Amendment (also ROP-22 and exemptions from 10 CFR) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-02-19 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1985-02-19) Order Amendment dated 12-19-1984 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-23 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1985-04-23) Order Amendment (see ROP-27) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-07-08 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1985-07-08) Order Amendment | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-08 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1985-08-08) Order Amendment (also exemption from 10CFR50 AppA) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-08 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1985-08-08) Order Amendment dated 7-08-1985 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-09-20 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1985-09-20) Order Amendment dated 8-08-1985 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-18 | 5c-Order-Amend | (1985-10-18) Order Amendment (also ROP-30) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-04-16 | 5d-Exemption | (1981-04-16) NRC Exempt, 50.55(a)(g)(6)(i) Inservice Testing of Most Valves in Mini-Decay Heat Removal System | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-04-27 | 5d-Exemption | (1981-04-27) NRC Exempt, Relief from Inservice Inspection Program Requirements of 50.55a | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-07-20 | 5d-Exemption | (1981-07-20) NRC Exempt, 50.71(e) Deleting FSAR Updating Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-09-02 | 5d-Exemption | (1981-09-02) NRC Exempt, 50, App J to Perform Certain Reactor Building Leakage Tests | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-09-14 | 5d-Exemption | (1982-09-14) NRC Exempt, 10CFR50, App E, Regarding Certain Annual Emergency Plan Exercise Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-05-18 | 5d-Exemption | (1984-05-18) NRC Exempt, 50.48 Regarding Certain Fire Protection Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-17 | 5d-Exemption | (1984-07-17) NRC Exempt, 10CFR50, App. A, Regarding Design of Containment Penetrations After Reactor Head Removal | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-11-05 | 5d-Exemption | (1984-11-05) NRC Exempt, (07-17-1984) Clarification | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-12-19 | 5d-Exemption | (1984-12-19) NRC Exempt, 50.36(c)(3) Regarding Seismic Instruments and 50.55a Regarding RCS Code Safety Valves | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-05-16 | 5d-Exemption | (1985-05-16) NRC Exempt, 50.54(a) Regarding FSAR Updating Relative to QA Program Revisions | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-08 | 5d-Exemption | (1985-08-08) NRC Exempt, 10CFR50, App A, Regarding GDC 34 and 37 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-17 | 5d-Exemption | (1985-10-17) NRC Exempt, 30.51, 40.61, 70.51(d), 70.53 Regarding Reporting Core Special Material | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-24 | 5d-Exemption | (1985-10-24) NRC Exempt, 61.55 Regarding Waste Classification for EPICOR II Resin Liners | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-12-30 | 5d-Exemption | (1985-12-30) NRC Exempt, 50.61 Regarding PTS Protection Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-02-09 | 5d-Exemption | (1987-02-09) NRC Exempt, 10CFR50, App A, GDC 17 and 19 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-03-18 | 5d-Exemption | (1987-03-18) NRC Exempt, 10CFR171 Regarding Annual Fees for FY 1987 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-12-28 | 5d-Exemption | (1987-12-28) GPU, 10 CFR 55 Exemption Request | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-04-26 | 5d-Exemption | (1988-04-26) NRC Environmental Assessment, Exemption to 70,24, Criticality Accident Requirement | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-05-27 | 5d-Exemption | (1988-05-27) NRC Exempt, 70.24 Regarding Criticality Accident Requrements | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-08-23 | 5d-Exemption | (1988-08-23) NRC Environmental Assessment , Exemptions from Requirements of 10 CFR 55.59 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-08-31 | 5d-Exemption | (1988-08-31) NRC Exempt, 55.59 Regarding Elimination of Certain Lectures and Manipulation Exercises | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-09-20 | 5d-Exemption | (1988-09-20) NRC Environmental Assessment, 10CFR55, Use of Simulators and OJT for Maintaining Active License | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-10-06 | 5d-Exemption | (1988-10-06) NRC Exempt, 10CFR55, Reqarding the Use of Simulators and OJT for Maintaining Active License | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-10-19 | 5d-Exemption | (1988-10-19) NRC Environmental Assessment, Exemptions from 50.54(w)(5(i) Regarding Property Insurance | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-11-15 | 5d-Exemption | (1988-11-15) NRC Exempt, 50.54(w)(5)(i) Regarding Property Inssurance | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-02-10 | 5d-Exemption | (1989-02-10) GPU, Review of 10CFR 50 Technical Regulatory Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1992-06-15 | 5d-Exemption | (1992-06-15) NRC Exempt, 70.24 Regarding Criticality Accident Requirements | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-11-17 | 5d-Exemption | (1993-11-17) NRC Exempt, 50.120 Regarding Training Rule | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1994-07-29 | 5d-Exemption | (1994-07-29) NRC Exempt, 140.11(a)(4) Reqarding Secondary Financial Protection Requirements of Price-Anderson Act | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1999-07-15 | 5d-Exemption | (1999-07-15) NRC Environmental Assessment, Regarding Exemption from 50.54 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1999-07-21 | 5d-Exemption | (1999-07-21) NRC Exempt, 50.54(w) Regarding Reduction in Insurance Coverage Limit | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-07-25 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1980-07-25) Recovery Operation Plan Change 1 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-07-31 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1980-07-31) Recovery Operation Plan Change 2 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-08-14 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1980-08-14) Recovery Operation Plan Change 1 and 2 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-01-19 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1981-01-19) Recovery Operation Plan Change 5 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-08-05 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1981-08-05) Recovery Operation Plan Change 6 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-10-15 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1981-10-15) Recovery Operation Plan Change 8 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-09 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-04-09) Recovery Operation Plan Change 6 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-16 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-04-16) Recovery Operation Plan Change 6 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-26 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-04-26) Recovery Operation Plan Change 11 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-05-12 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-05-12) Recovery Operation Plan Change 12 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-05-17 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-05-17) Recovery Operation Plan Change 13 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-05-21 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-05-21) Recovery Operation Plan Change 12 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-08-18 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-08-18) Recovery Operation Plan Change 15 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-09-02 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-09-02) Recovery Operation Plan Change 16 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-10-07 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-10-07) Recovery Operation Plan Change 17 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-11-30 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-11-30) Recovery Operation Plan Change 18 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-12-08 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1982-12-08) Recovery Operation Plan Change 18 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-04-24 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1984-04-24) Recovery Operation Plan Change 19 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-17 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1984-07-17) Recovery Operation Plan Change 20 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-23 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1984-07-23) Recovery Operation Plan Change 21 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-11-05 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1984-11-05) Recovery Operation Plan Change 23 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-12-19 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1984-12-19) Recovery Operation Plan Change 22 (with complete ROP) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-01-17 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-01-17) Recovery Operation Plan Change 24 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-01-17 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-01-17) Recovery Operation Plan Change 26 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-02-19 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-02-19) Recovery Operation Plan Change 22 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-03-01 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-03-01) Recovery Operation Plan Change 25 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-03 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-04-03) Recovery Operation Plan Change 26 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-12 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-04-12) Recovery Operation Plan Change 28 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-23 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-04-23) Recovery Operation Plan Change 27 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-24 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-04-24) Recovery Operation Plan Change 28 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-08 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-08-08) Recovery Operation Plan Change 29 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-09-23 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-09-23) Recovery Operation Plan Change 29 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-21 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1985-10-21) Recovery Operation Plan Change 31 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-06-24 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1986-06-24) Recovery Operation Plan Change 33 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-06-26 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1986-06-26) Recovery Operation Plan Change 32 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-07-03 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1986-07-03) Recovery Operation Plan Change 32 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-07-10 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1986-07-10) Recovery Operation Plan Change 34 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-09-11 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1986-09-11) Recovery Operation Plan Change 35 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-06-25 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1987-06-25) Recovery Operation Plan Change 37 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-07-21 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1987-07-21) Recovery Operation Plan Change 38 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-05-27 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1988-05-27) Recovery Operation Plan Change 39 (enclose entire ROP) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-08-30 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1988-08-30) Recovery Operation Plan Change 40 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-05-18 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1989-05-18) Recovery Operation Plan Change 41 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-10-10 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1989-10-10) Recovery Operation Plan Change 42 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-10-23 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1989-10-23) Recovery Operation Plan Change 42 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-08-09 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1990-08-09) Recovery Operation Plan Change 43 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-05-26 | 5e-ROP-Change | (1993-05-26) Recovery Operation Plan Change 44 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-07-16 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1979-07-16) NRC, Approves Radwaste Operations Review Committee | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-12-11 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1979-12-11) GPU, Recovery Organization Plan, Draft | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-01-14 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1980-01-14) NRC Review, Proposed Organization Plan (re 12-11-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-08-12 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1980-08-12) GPU, Revised Recovery Organization Plan | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-09-29 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1981-09-29) TMI-2 Organization Plan Change | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-02-02 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1982-02-02) TMI-2 Organization Plan Change | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-11-29 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1982-11-29) GPU, Proposed Organization Plan Revision no. 6 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-09-19 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1983-09-19) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 6 and 7 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-06-15 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1984-06-15) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 8 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-16 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1984-07-16) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 9 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-06-05 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1985-06-05) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 10 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-09 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1985-08-09) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 11 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-02-13 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1986-02-13) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 12 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-09-10 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1986-09-10) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 13 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-05-28 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1987-05-28) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 15 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-09-01 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1987-09-01) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 17 (re 08-14-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-09-23 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1987-09-23) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 16 (re 06-19-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-08-16 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1988-08-16) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 18 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-12-15 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1988-12-15) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 19 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-03-01 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1989-03-01) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 20 (re 02-13-1989) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-11-08 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1989-11-08) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 21 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-02-02 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1990-02-02) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 22 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-06-29 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1990-06-29) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 24 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-07-31 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1990-07-31) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 25 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-10-15 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1990-10-15) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 23 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-03-31 | 5f-OP-Rev | (1993-03-31) TMI-2 Organization Plan Revision 26 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-04 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-04) GPU, TMI Recovery Organization | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-06 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-06) NRC (Internal), Staffing Report and Reorganization at TMI | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-09 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-09) GPU, Established Data Reduction and Management Group | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-09 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-09) GPU, Establishes Data Reduction and Management Group | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-09 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-09) NRC Internal, Procedure for National Lab Support for NRC Activities at TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-10 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-10) GPU, Actions to Be taken Prior to Returning TMI-2 to Power Operation | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-10 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-10) NRC (Internal), Licensee Priority Actions from Staff Lists | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-23 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-23) GPU, TMI-2 Recovery Organization | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-24 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-24) GPU, Reorganization of Waste Management Activities | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-25 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-25) NRC, NRC Staff and Recovery Support Organizations Involved in TMI Operations | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-27 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-27) NRC (Internal), NRR Action Related to TMI | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-27 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-27) NRC to Commissioners (Internal), Actions Relating to TMI | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-29 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-29) NRC (Internal), IE Organization Charts (for 4-29) and Staffing (for 04-06 and 04-09) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-30 | 6a-Plans | (1979-04-30) NRC (Internal), TMI Response | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-05-11 | 6a-Plans | (1979-05-11) NRC (Internal), Operating Plan for IE Resident Office at TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-05-18 | 6a-Plans | (1979-05-18) NRC (Internal), NRC TMI Organization and Staff Assignment (starting 3-30-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-07-02 | 6a-Plans | (1979-07-02) GPU, Planning Study for Containment Entry and Decontamination | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-07-13 | 6a-Plans | (1979-07-13) GPU-Bechtel, Containment Recommissioning, Preliminary Assessment of Potential Costs and Schedule | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-07-16 | 6a-Plans | (1979-07-16) NRC, Temp T.S. Change, Regarding Radwaste Operations Review Committee | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-08-06 | 6a-Plans | (1979-08-06) GPU Response to NRC, Revised Recovery Organization Charts (re 07-27-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-08-13 | 6a-Plans | (1979-08-13) GPU, Entry and Decontamination of Reactor Building, Highlights of a Planning Study | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-10-23 | 6a-Plans | (1979-10-23) NRC (Internal), TMI Support Staff Realignment | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-10-23 | 6a-Plans | (1979-10-23) NRC, Discusses Procedures Controls | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-11-16 | 6a-Plans | (1979-11-16) GPU, Reorganization to Form TMI Generation Group | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-11-29 | 6a-Plans | (1979-11-29) NRC, Request Approved Version of Technical Plan to TMI-2 Recovery | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-12-11 | 6a-Plans | (1979-12-11) GPU, Recovery Organization Plan, Draft | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-12-12 | 6a-Plans | (1979-12-12) GPU, Summary Technical Plan for TMI-2 Decontamination and Defueling | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-12-21 | 6a-Plans | (1979-12-21) GPU Response to NRC, Recovery Program Schedule Information (re 12-03-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-01-14 | 6a-Plans | (1980-01-14) NRC Review, Proposed Organization Plan (re 12-11-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-01-28 | 6a-Plans | (1980-01-28) NRC, NRC Participation During an Emergency | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-02-26 | 6a-Plans | (1980-02-26) Report of The Governor's Commission on TMI | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-02-28 | 6a-Plans | (1980-02-28) NRC, Report of Special Task Force on TMI Cleanup | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-03-04 | 6a-Plans | (1980-03-04) GPU Letter to NRC Chairman, Cleanup of TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-03-26 | 6a-Plans | (1980-03-26) Coordination Agreement, TMI Information and Examination Program (DOE-NRC-GPU-EPRI) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-03-31 | 6a-Plans | (1980-03-31) NRC (Internal), Name Change of NRC TMI Organization to TMI Program Office | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-04-01 | 6a-Plans | (1980-04-01) NRC, Change of NRC-TMI Organization | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-04-10 | 6a-Plans | (1980-04-10) GPU, Relocation of NRC Offices | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-05-30 | 6a-Plans | (1980-05-30) GPU Response to NRC, Definition and Use of the Term Operable (re 04-10-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-06-09 | 6a-Plans | (1980-06-09) GPU, Planning Study for Phase II Reactor Internals Disassembly, Fuel Removal, and System Cleanup | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-07-17 | 6a-Plans | (1980-07-17) NRC, TMI Program Office Staff Personnel | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-08-12 | 6a-Plans | (1980-08-12) GPU, Revised Recovery Organization Plan | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-09-09 | 6a-Plans | (1980-09-09) GPU, TMI-2 Recovery Program Estimate, as of August 1, 1980 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-11-25 | 6a-Plans | (1980-11-25) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), NRC Project Approval Process | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-07-15 | 6a-Plans | (1981-07-15) NRC-DOE MOU, Removal and Disposition of Solid Nuclear Waste from TMI-2 (Signed) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-07-23 | 6a-Plans | (1981-07-23) NRC-DOE MOU, Removal and Disposition of Solid Nuclear Waste from TMI-2 (SECY-81-446) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-02-04 | 6a-Plans | (1982-02-04) NRC Review, Update Recovery System SD and TER from 6 month to 1 year (re 01-20-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-12 | 6a-Plans | (1982-03-12) NRC to GPU, Transmittal of NUREG-0698, Rev. 1, NRC Plan to Cleanup at TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-15 | 6a-Plans | (1982-03-15) NRC-DOE Revised MOU, Removal and Disposition of Solid Nuclear Waste from TMI-2 (Signed) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-19 | 6a-Plans | (1982-03-19) DOE-GPU Agreement, Acquisiition of Damaged TMI-2 Reactor Core by DOE | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-19 | 6a-Plans | (1982-04-19) NRC-DOE Revised MOU, Removal and Disposition of Solid Nuclear Waste from TMI-2 (SECY-82-165) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-06-23 | 6a-Plans | (1982-06-23) NRC, TMI-2 Fuel Accountability Limited to Item Control, Measurements Can Be Conducted at DOE (re 11-04-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-09-21 | 6a-Plans | (1982-09-21) GPU, Cleanup Delays and Costs | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-01-07 | 6a-Plans | (1983-01-07) NUCLEAR WASTE POLICY ACT OF 1982 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-01-21 | 6a-Plans | (1983-01-21) GPU, TMI-2 Recovery Program Estimate, Rev. 2 (re 12-30-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-02-06 | 6a-Plans | (1984-02-06) GPU, Annual Update of SDs and TERs (re 07-20-1981, 02-04-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-03-02 | 6a-Plans | (1984-03-02) GPU, Update Major Milestone Schedule for TMI-2 Cleanup (re 01-31-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-03-09 | 6a-Plans | (1984-03-09) NRC Review, Staffing Levels at TMI-2 (re 09-19-1983 and new 10 CFR 50.54) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-04-16 | 6a-Plans | (1984-04-16) DOE, Agreement with DOE for Japanese Participation in the TMI-2 Research and Development | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-05-22 | 6a-Plans | (1984-05-22) GPU, Updated Major Milestone Schedule for Cleanup (re 03-02-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-07-02 | 6a-Plans | (1984-07-02) GPU, Long-Term Schedule for TMI-2 Cleanup | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-09-11 | 6a-Plans | (1984-09-11) GPU, Assessment of Risks to Safe Operation of TMI-1 Resulting from TMI-2 and Its Cleanup (Report) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-02-15 | 6a-Plans | (1985-02-15) GPU, 1985 Program Intermediate Master Schedule (re 01-31-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-02-27 | 6a-Plans | (1985-02-27) GPU, 1985 Program Master Schedule (re 02-15-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-30 | 6a-Plans | (1985-04-30) GPU, Defueling Schedule Update (re 02-15-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-06-20 | 6a-Plans | (1985-06-20) GPU, 1985 Program Summary Schedule, Rev. 1 (re 02-15-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-09-23 | 6a-Plans | (1985-09-23) GPU, TMI-2 Recovery Program Estimate, Rev. 3, as of August 1985 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-29 | 6a-Plans | (1985-10-29) NRC, Appointment of W. Travers as Acting Director, TMI Program Office | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-04-14 | 6a-Plans | (1986-04-14) GPU, 1986 Program Master Schedule | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-10-08 | 6a-Plans | (1986-10-08) GPU, 1986 Program Master Schedule Update | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-12-17 | 6a-Plans | (1986-12-17) NRC, Requesting Corporation in Increasing NRC Resident Inspectors Visibility | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-04-14 | 6a-Plans | (1987-04-14) GPU, TMI-2 SNM Accountability Program Plan dated 04-03-1987 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-11-25 | 6a-Plans | (1987-11-25) GPU, 1987 Program Master Schedule Update | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-01-28 | 6a-Plans | (1988-01-28) NRC, Inform NRC TMI-2 Cleanup Project Directorate Dissolved 02-01-1988 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-03-16 | 6a-Plans | (1988-03-16) GPU, NRC Staff Support for TMI-2 Cleanup Program (re 10-30-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1994-02-18 | 6a-Plans | (1994-02-18) GPU, Schedule for Biennial Updates of PDMS Safety Analysis Report | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-10-01 | 6a-Plans | GEND-001, GEND Planning Report (1980-10) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-10-01 | 6a-Plans | GEND-001-ATT-2, GEND Planning Report Section 3.0 (1980-10) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-10-01 | 6a-Plans | GEND-INF-036, Task Plan for the U.S. DOE TMI-2 Programs (1982-10) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-12-01 | 6a-Plans | NUREG-0325, Rev. 2, USNRC Functional Organization Charts (1979-12) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-11-01 | 6a-Plans | NUREG-0689, Potential Impact of Licensee Default on Cleanup of TMI-2 (1980-11) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-07-01 | 6a-Plans | NUREG-0698, Rev. 0, NRC Plan for Cleanup Operations at TMI-2 (1980-07) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-02-01 | 6a-Plans | NUREG-0698, Rev. 1, NRC Plan for Cleanup Operations at TMI-2 (1982-02) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-03-01 | 6a-Plans | NUREG-0698, Rev. 2, NRC Plan for Cleanup Operations at TMI-2 (1984-03) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-03-01 | 6a-Plans | NUREG-0732, REV. 1, Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Cleanup Activities at TMI-2 (1984-03) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-20 | 6b-Commission | (1979-08-20) NRC-EDO to Commission, Resumption of Licensing Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-08-31 | 6b-Commission | (1979-08-31) SECNAV to Chairman, Requests NRC not publicize Navy as source of nuclear-trained personnel | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-10-09 | 6b-Commission | (1979-10-09) NRC Chairman to GPU, Requests approval to operate EPICOR II (10-01-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-11-21 | 6b-Commission | (1979-11-21) NRC Statement of Policy and Notice of Intent to Prepare Programmatic EIS | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-03-04 | 6b-Commission | (1980-03-04) GPU to NRC Chairman, Cleanup of TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-05-28 | 6b-Commission | (1980-05-28) NRC Response to GPU letter to NRC Chairman, TMI-2 Cleanup (re 03-04-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-09-12 | 6b-Commission | (1980-09-12) GPU to NRC Chairman, Discusses Actions Taken by Owners on TMI-2 Cleanup Plans | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-10-20 | 6b-Commission | (1980-10-20) NRC Chairman Letter to DOE Secretary, Suggests TMI-2 Waste Be Buried at DOE Facilities | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-01-07 | 6b-Commission | (1981-01-07) NRC Chairman to DOE, Concerned that DOE Has Limited Activity Scope re TMI-2 Cleanup (re 10-20-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-01-12 | 6b-Commission | (1981-01-12) NRC Chairman to GPU, NRC Activities Required to be Performed by the TMI Licensee (re 09-12-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-02-04 | 6b-Commission | (1981-02-04) GPU to Chairman, TL Ashley to Negotiate and Develop a Solution to Cleanup TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-02-27 | 6b-Commission | (1981-02-27) GPU Response to NRC Chairman, Containment Biulding Entries (re 01-12-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-10-06 | 6b-Commission | (1987-10-06) GPU to NRC Commissioners, Disposal of Accident-Generated Water | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-05-23 | 6b-Commission | (1990-05-23) GPU to Chairman, Final Report of TMI-2 Safety Advisory Board (incl. App. A) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-05-07 | 6c-SECY | (1979-05-07) SRM, Briefing on Offsite Radiological Levels at TMI, 05-031979 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-05-09 | 6c-SECY | (1979-05-09) SRM, Briefing on Interagency Radiological Assistance Program, 05-08-1979 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-05-21 | 6c-SECY | (1979-05-21) SRM, Briefing on Facts of TMI Operational Sequence, 05-17-1979 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-05-31 | 6c-SECY | (1979-05-31) SRM, Division of Options Regarding Deferral of Licenses, 05-30-1979 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-09-20 | 6c-SECY | (1979-09-20) SRM, Briefing on Conclusions of TMI Lessons Learned Recommendations, 09-14-1979 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-10-18 | 6c-SECY | (1979-10-18) SRM, Briefing on TMI Lessons Learned Task Force Report, 10-16-1979 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-03-11 | 6c-SECY | (1980-03-11) NRC to Commission, Proposed Man Entry into Reactor Building and Release of Kr-85 from Air Lock on Egress | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-03-17 | 6c-SECY | (1981-03-17) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 03-16-1981 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-11-20 | 6c-SECY | (1981-11-20) SECY-81-663, Status of TMI Action Plan Requirements at Operating Reactors | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-26 | 6c-SECY | (1982-03-26) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 03-23-1982 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-10-07 | 6c-SECY | (1983-10-07) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 09-16-1983 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-02-14 | 6c-SECY | (1984-02-14) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 02-03-1984 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-06-14 | 6c-SECY | (1984-06-14) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 05-30-1984 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-11-07 | 6c-SECY | (1984-11-07) SRM, Briefing of TMI-2 Cleanup Schedule and Funding, 11-07-1984 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-12-19 | 6c-SECY | (1984-12-19) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 11-15-1984 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-03-29 | 6c-SECY | (1985-03-29) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 03-07-1985 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-07-05 | 6c-SECY | (1985-07-05) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 06-20-1985 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-12-11 | 6c-SECY | (1985-12-11) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 11-19-1985 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-01-23 | 6c-SECY | (1986-01-23) SRM, Briefing by GPU on TMI-2 Cleanup and TMI-1 Operational Experience, 01-14-1986 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-03-20 | 6c-SECY | (1986-03-20) SRM, Briefing by DOE on Research Results from TMI-2 Cleanup, 03-11-1986 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-06-24 | 6c-SECY | (1986-06-24) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 06-11-1986 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-02-20 | 6c-SECY | (1987-02-20) SRM, Briefing by GPUNC on Status of TMI-2 Cleanup, 02-13-1987 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-03-23 | 6c-SECY | (1988-03-23) SRM, Briefing on Status of TMI-2, 03-17-1988 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-11-01 | 6c-SECY | (1988-11-01) SRM, Briefing by TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 10-25-1988 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-04-27 | 6c-SECY | (1989-04-27) SRM, Breifing on Status of TMI-2, 04-20-1989 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1992-12-10 | 6c-SECY | (1992-12-10) SRM, Briefing By TMI-2 Advisory Panel, 12-01-1992 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-04-02 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-135 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-04-21 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-235, Possible Determination of an Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrence at TMI-1 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-04-17 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-265 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-04-30 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-304 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-05-19 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-344-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-05-24 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-344 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-05-24 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-351 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-06-04 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-371-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-11-21 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-371 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-07-12 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-371A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-10-31 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-416A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-07-03 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-425 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-08-16 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-425A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-07-20 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-447 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-07-25 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-459 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-04-16 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-490 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-09-14 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-529 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-10-03 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-561 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-11-13 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-609 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-11-15 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-617 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-11-15 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-617-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-12-18 | 6c-SECY | SECY-79-669 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-01-11 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-018 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-15 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-093 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-20 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-105 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-02-29 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-117 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-07 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-127 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-11 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-132-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-08 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-132 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-15 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-132C, CORRECTION | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-30 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-132C | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-05-30 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-132D | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-03-19 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-132E | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-04 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-175-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-14 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-175 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-04-08 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-181 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-08-11 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-295A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-09-09 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-416 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-10-31 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-416A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1980-09-09 | 6c-SECY | SECY-80-417 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-04 | 6c-SECY | SECY-81-088 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-27 | 6c-SECY | SECY-81-133-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-02-27 | 6c-SECY | SECY-81-133 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-03-10 | 6c-SECY | SECY-81-137 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-03-04 | 6c-SECY | SECY-81-253-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-04-24 | 6c-SECY | SECY-81-253 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-06-10 | 6c-SECY | SECY-81-369 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-07-23 | 6c-SECY | SECY-81-446 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-11-20 | 6c-SECY | SECY-81-663, Status of TMI Action Plan Requirements at Operating Reactors | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-03-18 | 6c-SECY | SECY-82-121 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-04-19 | 6c-SECY | SECY-82-165 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-05-27 | 6c-SECY | SECY-82-214 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-08-19 | 6c-SECY | SECY-82-346 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-09-13 | 6c-SECY | SECY-82-346A | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1982-12-27 | 6c-SECY | SECY-82-500 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-01-31 | 6c-SECY | SECY-83-044-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-05-27 | 6c-SECY | SECY-83-044 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-04-15 | 6c-SECY | SECY-83-140 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1983-07-26 | 6c-SECY | SECY-83-303 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-05-14 | 6c-SECY | SECY-84-200 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-07-10 | 6c-SECY | SECY-84-277 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1984-10-17 | 6c-SECY | SECY-84-404 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-01-05 | 6c-SECY | SECY-85-005, Report to Congress on Status of Emergency Response Planning for NPPs (Partial) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-03-11 | 6c-SECY | SECY-85-089-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-04-26 | 6c-SECY | SECY-85-089 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-05-01 | 6c-SECY | SECY-85-153 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-05-24 | 6c-SECY | SECY-85-185 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1985-08-20 | 6c-SECY | SECY-85-278 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-02-06 | 6c-SECY | SECY-87-034 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-02-11 | 6c-SECY | SECY-87-038-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-03-05 | 6c-SECY | SECY-87-038 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-04-09 | 6c-SECY | SECY-87-112 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-04-30 | 6c-SECY | SECY-87-275 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-11-05 | 6c-SECY | SECY-87-281-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-12-10 | 6c-SECY | SECY-88-007 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-01-11 | 6c-SECY | SECY-88-348 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1988-12-21 | 6c-SECY | SECY-89-063 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-02-22 | 6c-SECY | SECY-89-082-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-03-22 | 6c-SECY | SECY-89-089-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-04-21 | 6c-SECY | SECY-90-149 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-04-25 | 6c-SECY | SECY-90-224 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-06-21 | 6c-SECY | SECY-90-350-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1990-10-09 | 6c-SECY | SECY-90-350 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-01-24 | 6c-SECY | SECY-90-397, Implementation of the TMI Action Plan | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-10-25 | 6c-SECY | SECY-91-345-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1991-11-15 | 6c-SECY | SECY-91-345 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1992-08-10 | 6c-SECY | SECY-92-276 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-05-05 | 6c-SECY | SECY-93-119 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-08-24 | 6c-SECY | SECY-93-238-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1993-09-02 | 6c-SECY | SECY-93-238 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-02-11 | 6c-SECY | SECY-97-038 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1998-04-08 | 6c-SECY | SECY-98-071-SRM | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1998-05-20 | 6c-SECY | SECY-98-071 | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-04-26 | 6d-Advisory | (1979-04-26) GPU, Natural Circulation Initiation Task Force Membership | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-01-30 | 6d-Advisory | (1980-01-30) DOE to NRC, TMI Information and Examination Program TWG Meeting (12-10 to 12-11-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-12-09 | 6d-Advisory | (1981-12-09) NRC Review, Endorses Concept of Technical Assessment and Advisory Group | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-03-24 | 6d-Advisory | (1982-03-24) TAAG, First Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-08-31 | 6d-Advisory | (1982-08-31) TAAG, Third Report of Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-12-01 | 6d-Advisory | (1982-12-01) TAAG, Fourth Report of the TMI-2 Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-12-29 | 6d-Advisory | (1982-12-29) TAAG, Additional Addenda to Third Report of TAAG | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-04-01 | 6d-Advisory | (1983-04-01) TAAG, Fifth Report of the TMI-2 Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-01-24 | 6d-Advisory | (1984-01-24) TAAG, Sixth Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-04-16 | 6d-Advisory | (1984-04-16) Advisory Panel to Chairman, Comments on Draft PEIS | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-05-14 | 6d-Advisory | (1984-05-14) GPU Response to ACRS, Reactor Radiological Effects Regarding Cleanup (re 04-10-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-05-21 | 6d-Advisory | (1984-05-21) GPU Safety Advisory Board, Annual Report 1983-1984 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-08-08 | 6d-Advisory | (1984-08-08) TAAG, Draft Eight Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-09-14 | 6d-Advisory | (1984-09-14) TAAG, Ninth Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-03-06 | 6d-Advisory | (1985-03-06) TAAG, Tenth Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-05-08 | 6d-Advisory | (1985-05-08) GPU, TMI-2 Safety Advisory Board Meeting Summary (meeting on 04-11, 04-12-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-11-06 | 6d-Advisory | (1985-11-06) NRC Chairman, Recognition to Robert Reid, Mayor of Middletown | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-06-12 | 6d-Advisory | (1986-06-12) TAAG, Thirteenth Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-06-29 | 6d-Advisory | (1988-06-29) NRC, Responses to Questions from 05-26-1988 TMI-2 Advisory Panel Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-03-01 | 6d-Advisory | (1990-03-01) Final Report, Three Mile Island Unit 2 Safety Advisory Board | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-12-11 | 6d-Advisory | (1990-12-11) NRC, TMI-2 Advisory Panel Questions (re 10-18-1990 meeting) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1990-12-21 | 6d-Advisory | (1990-12-21) GPU Response to NRC, TMI-2 Advisory Panel Questions (re 12-11-1990) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1994-08-01 | 6d-Advisory | NUREGCR-6252, Lessons learned from the Three Mile Island Unit 2 Advisory Panel (1994-08) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1979-04-16 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1979-04-16) NRC (Internal), QA Practices Associated with TMI-2 Modifications | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-05-21 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1979-05-21) NRC (Internal), Resident QA Staff for Daily Surveillance of TMI-2 Activities | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-12-18 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1979-12-18) NRC, Preparing Environmental Assessment Before Granting Approval for Reactor Building Purge | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-03-03 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1980-03-03) GPU Response to NRC, Quality Assurance Program | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-07-01 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1980-07-01) PSU, A Pedagogical Review of Reactor Operator Training at TMI, A Post TMI-2 Accident Analysis | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1980-10-30 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1980-10-30) GPU, Recovery Quality Assurance Plan, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-01-30 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1981-01-30) NRC Review, TMI-2 Operator Training Program (re 10-07-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-02-26 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1981-02-26) Generic Letter 81-06, Periodic Updating of FSARs | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-03-20 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1981-03-20) NRC Review, Recovery QA Plan, Rev. 0 (re 10-30-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-04-24 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1981-04-24) GPU Response, Recovery QA Plan, Rev. 0 (re 03-20-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-06-22 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1981-06-22) GPU Response, Quality Classification List (re 03-20-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1981-07-15 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1981-07-15) NRC Review, Acceptability of Recovery QA Plan Rev. 0 (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-09-24 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1982-09-24) GPU, Recovery QA Plan, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-05-11 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1983-05-11) NRC, Final Waste Classification and Waste Form Technical Position Papers | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-10-17 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1983-10-17) NRC Review, Approves Recovery QA Plan, Rev. 1, with Comments (re 09-24-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-12-22 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1983-12-22) GPU Response, Recovery QA Plan, Rev. 2 (re 10-17-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-02-10 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1984-02-10) GPU Procedure, Requirements for Certification of Candidates for NRC Operator License, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-04-17 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1984-04-17) GPU, Recovery QA Plan, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-06-15 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1984-06-15) NRC Review, Approved Recovery QA Plan Rev. 3 with Comment (re 04-17-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-25 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1985-04-25) NRC Review, Fuel Handling SRO Training Program (re 01-14-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-05-29 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1985-05-29) GPU Procedure, Fuel Handling Senior Reactor Operator Training Program Unit 2, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-06-06 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1985-06-06) GPU Procedure, Licensed Operator Requalification Program Unit 2, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-06-10 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1985-06-10) GPU Response to NRC, Fueling Handling SRO Training (re 01-14, 04-25-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-06-13 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1985-06-13) GPU, TMI-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Training | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-07-26 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1985-07-26) GPU Response to NRC, Fuel Handling Senior Reactor Operator Training (re 01-14-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-23 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1985-08-23) NRC Safety Evaluation, Fuel Handling Senior Operator Training Program (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-10-14 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1985-10-14) GPU, Recovery Quality Assurance Plan, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-11-22 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1985-11-22) NRC Review, Recovery QA Plan, Rev. 4 (re 10-14-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-03-17 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1987-03-17) GPU, Comments on Supp. 2 of PEIS (re 02-03, 02-18-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-04-14 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1987-04-14) GPU, Additional Comments on Supp. 2 of PEIS | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-04-14 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1987-04-14) GPU, Special Nuclear Material Accountability Plan | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-05-06 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1987-05-06) NRC Review, Protected Species in PA | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-12-28 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1987-12-28) GPU, TMI-2 Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-08-25 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1988-08-25) GPU, Post-Defueling Monitored Storage QA Plan (re 08-16-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1988-09-27 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1988-09-27) GPU Request Exemption, Seismic Design Requirements Inside Reactor Building | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1989-09-14 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1989-09-14) NRC, Issuance of Final Supplement 3 to PEIS | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1991-06-10 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1991-06-10) NRC Review, Approved Recovery QA Plan, Rev. 5 (re 03-25-1991) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1992-01-14 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1992-01-14) NRC Review, Post-Defueling Monitored Storage QA Plan (re 08-25-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1992-03-29 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1992-03-29) GPU Response to NRC, Post-Defueling Monitored Storage QA Plan (re 01-14-1992) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1992-06-03 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1992-06-03) NRC Review, Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Quality Assurance Plan for TMI-2 (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1993-06-29 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | (1993-06-29) GPU Plan, PDMS Quality Assurance Plan, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-10-01 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | NUREG-0683, SUPP. 1, PEIS, Occupational Radiation Dose (1984-10) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1987-06-01 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | NUREG-0683, SUPP. 2, PEIS, Disposal of Accident-Generated Water (1987-06) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1989-08-01 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | NUREG-0683, SUPP. 3, PEIS, Post-Defueling Storage and Cleanup (1989-08) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-03-01 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | NUREG-0683, Vol. 1, PEIS-Decontamination and Disposal of Radioactive Wastes Resulting from TMI-2 (1981-03) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-03-01 | 6e-Guide-PEIS | NUREG-0683, Vol. 2, PEIS-Decontamination and Disposal of Radioactive Wastes Resulting from TMI-2 (1981-03) | Link | Technical Report | 2 |
1981-12-22 | 6f-Design | (1981-12-22) GPU, General Project Design Criteria, Rev. 1 (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-04-01 | 6f-Design | (1982-04-01) NRC Review, General Project Design Criteria for Recovery Facilities (re 12-22-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-08-06 | 6f-Design | (1982-08-06) GPU, Revision of the General Project Design Criteria (re 04-01-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1982-11-11 | 6f-Design | (1982-11-11) GPU, General Project Design Criteria, Rev. 3 (re 04-01-1982)(Rev. 2 never issued to NRC) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-01-21 | 6f-Design | (1983-01-21) NRC Review, General Project Design Criteria, Revs. 2 and 3 (re 11-11-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-05-25 | 6f-Design | (1983-05-25) GPU Response to NRC, Rev. 3 of General Project Design Criteria (re 01-21-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-07-07 | 6f-Design | (1983-07-07) NRC Review, General Project Design Criteria (re 05-25-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1983-09-23 | 6f-Design | (1983-09-23) GPU, General Project Design Criteria, Rev. 4 (re 05-25, 07-07-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-08-10 | 6f-Design | (1984-08-10) NRC Review, General Project Design Criteria, Rev. 4 (re 09-23-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-10-30 | 6f-Design | (1984-10-30) GPU, General Project Design Criteria, Rev. 5 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1984-12-11 | 6f-Design | (1984-12-11) NRC Review, General Project Design Criteria (re 10-30-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-04-16 | 6f-Design | (1985-04-16) GPU Safety Evaluation, Justifying Non-Seismic Design of TMI-2 Post-Accident Systems, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-07-29 | 6f-Design | (1985-07-29) NRC Review, Seismic Design Requirements to Post Accident Systems (re 04-16-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-08-02 | 6f-Design | (1985-08-02) GPU Response to NRC, Rev. 5 of General Project Design Criteria, Rev. 6 attached (re 12-11-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-09-12 | 6f-Design | (1985-09-12) NRC Review, General Project Design Criteria, Rev. 6 (re 08-02, 12-11-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1985-09-27 | 6f-Design | (1985-09-27) GPU Response to NRC, Seismic Design Criteria Analysis (re 07-29-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-01-16 | 6f-Design | (1986-01-16) NRC Review, Seismic Design Requirements to Post Accident Systems (re 04-16, 07-29, 09-27-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1986-06-30 | 6f-Design | (1986-06-30) GPU, Seismic Design Criteria for Modified Containment Penetration | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1987-04-03 | 6f-Design | (1987-04-03) NRC Safety Evaluation, Seismic Design Criteria for Modified Containment Penetrations (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 2 |
1979-03-29 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-03-29) TMI-2 Surveillances Required by Technical Specifications Not Being Performed | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-06 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-06) NRC (Internal), Estimate of Fuel Damage in TMI | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-08 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-08) NRC Review, Design of Mods to Decay Heat Removal System | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-10 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-10) GPU, System Criteria for Use of OTGS for Cooldown, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-10 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-10) NRC (Internal), Licensee Priority Actions from Staff Lists | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-11 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-11) NRC (Internal), Status of Plant Modifications and Status of NRR Technical Review Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-11 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-11) NRC (Internal), Status of Plant Modifications | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-11 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-11) NRC HQ Advisory Report, Condenser Integrity and Containment Isolation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-11 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-11) NRC HQ Advisory Report, Cooldown | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-11 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-11) NRC Review, Criteria for Use of Steam Generator for Short and Long Term Cooldown | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-11 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-11) NRC to FDAA, Request to locate railway cars to store low level waste from TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-12) GPU (Internal), Cooldown of TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-12) GPU Safety Analysis, Transition to Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-12) NRC (Internal), Fuel Experts Meeting on Condition of the TMI Core | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-12) NRC (Internal), Primary Coolant Sample Analysis Comparison (March 29 and April 10 Samples) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-12) NRC HQ Advisory Report, Boration and Criticality Aspects of Cooldown from Points A to C | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-12) NRC HQ Advisory Report, Specific Valves for Containment Isolation Penetrations (re 04-11-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-13) GPU (Internal), Mechanical Conditions of TMI Core | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-13) NRC (Internal), Ability to Monitor Reactor Pressure and Level Using Instruments Outside Containment | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-13) NRC (Internal), Core Damage Assessment for TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-13) NRC (Internal), Storage of Liquid Radwaste in Tankcars | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-13) NRC HQ Advisory Report, Effect of Loss of Recombiner Operation on H2 in Containment | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-13) NRC HQ Advisory Report, Need for Continuous Recording Thermocouples | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-16 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-16) NRC (Internal) , QA Practices Associated with TMI-2 Modifications | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-16 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-16) NRC (Internal), Updated Status of Proposals for Achieving Cold Shutdown for TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-16 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-16) NRC Review, Design Criteria for Modifications to Electrical Power Systems | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-18 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-18) GPU, Modification Criteria for System to Measure Water Level in Reactor Building | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-18 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-18) NRC (Internal), Calculation of Dose Rates from Piping Filled with Diluted Secondary Water | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-18 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-18) NRC (Internal), Preliminary Evaluation of Radiological Consequences of Steaming with OTSG-B | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-19) GPU, Alternate Pressurizer Level Indication | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-19) GPU, Data Reduction and Management Group Status Report No. 5 (1000 hrs) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-19) GPU, Modifications to Provide Diesel Generators for BOP Buses, Terminology | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-19) NRC (Internal), Dose Rate at Top of Containment Dome | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-19) NRC (Internal), Evaluation of Alternative Cooling Systems for Steam Generators | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-19) NRC (Internal), Revised Report on Degradation to Core Melt in TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-19) NRC, TMI-2 Ground Water Study | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-19) Sandia to NRC, Preliminary Report on TMI Cooling Investigation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-20 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-20) NRC (Internal), Calculations of Dose Rates from RHR Piping Containing Primary Coolant | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-21 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-21) GPU, Criteria for Loss of Offsite Power BOP Electrical Power | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-23 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-23) GPU, Modification to Design Criteria of Reactor Coolant Pressure Control System, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-23 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-23) GPU, Natural Circulation Initiation Task Force Established | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-24 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-24) GPU, Modification Criteria for Use of OTSG for Long Term Cooldown, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-24 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-24) NRC (Internal), Systems Analyses of Filling and Operation of OTSG-B Water Solid | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-25 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-25) GPU, Master Test Index for Unit Recovery, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-27 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-04-27) NRC to Commissioners (Internal), Actions Relating to TMI | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-01 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-05-01) GPU (Internal), Evaluation of Need for Long Term Cooling System for OTSG-B | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-01 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-05-01) NRC (Internal), TMI-2 Plant Modifications for Achieving Cold Shutdown | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-02 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-05-02) NRC (Internal), TMI-2 Startup Range Counts | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-17 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-05-17) NRC Press Release, Measurement error in water depth inside containment | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-18 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-05-18) NRC, T.S. Amend to Extend Channel Calibration No Later Than 14 Days Following Cold Shutdown | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-05-19) NRC Review, Area Transmission Systems for TMI (re 05-15-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-06 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-07-06) NRC, Criteria for Groundwater Monitoring at TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-20 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-07-20) NRC Review, Mini Decay Heat Removal System Preliminary Design Criteria, Rev. A | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-31 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-07-31) GPU Response to NRC, Installation of Groundwater Monitoring System (re 07-06-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-08-03 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-08-03) NRC Review, TMI Cleanup System Description for Containment Water | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-08-17 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-08-17) GPU Response to NRC, Natural Circulation Stability (re 07-26-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-08-21 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-08-21) NRC Review, Fire Protection Systems in Various Exhaust Ventilation Systems | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-08-21 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-08-21) NRC, Fire Protection Modifications in Various TMI-2 Exhaust Ventilation Systems | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-08-30 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-08-30) GPU, Design Criteria of Reactor Coolant Pressure Control System, Rev. 6 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-08-30 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-08-30) GPU, Radioactive Effluent Release Report (01-01-1979 to 06-30-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-09-11 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-09-11) NRC Review, Portable Auxiliary Boiler Design Criteria (re 08-27-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-09-27 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-09-27) NRC Review, Design Criteria of Reactor Coolant Pressure Control System, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-10-01 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-10-01) GPU, Water Storage Assessment | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-10-01 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-10-01) NRC Review, Design for Fuel Handling Building Environ Barrier Between Units (per 08-09-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-10-12 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-10-12) NRC Review, Emergency Procedures Regarding Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-10-17 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-10-17) GPU Response to NRC, Safety and Non-Safety Grade System Interactions (re 09-17-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-10-23 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-10-23) GPU, Plan to Use TMI-1 Tankage for EPICOR II Storage | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-10-26 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-10-26) NRC Review, Plan for Use of TMI-1 Tankage for TMI-2 Wastewater | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-11-01 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-11-01) GPU, Statistical Bases for In-Core Thermocouple Averaging Method | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-11-05 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-11-05) NRC, Requests Evaluation of Natural Circulation and Changing OTSG Levels | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-11-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-11-13) GPU Safety Analysis, Reactor Building Atmosphere Cleanup | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-11-15 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-11-15) NRC Review, Plans for Controlling RCS Chemistry (re 10-16-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-11-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-11-19) NRC, Notifications to the NRC of All Water Movements in Units 1 and 2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-11-28 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-11-28) NRC Review, Design Description, No. 2 Personnel Air Lock Contamination Control Facility | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-12-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-12-13) GPU, Minimum BWST Volume Reduction Justification | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-12-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-12-13) GPU, TMI-2 No. 2 Personnel Air Lock Contamination Control Facility Design | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-12-18 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-12-18) GPU, Requests NRC Approval to Proceed with Reactor Building Purging (re 11-13-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-12-18 | 7a-Stabilization | (1979-12-18) NRC Review, Use Borated Water from EPICOR-II Processed Water for BWST (re 12-13-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-01-04 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-01-04) GPU Response to NRC, Natural Circulation (re 11-05-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-01-04 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-01-04) GPU Response to NRC, Reactor Building Atmosphere Cleanup (re 12-18-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-01-11 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-01-11) GPU, Additional Processed Water Storage Space in TMI-2 (re 10-23-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-01-14 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-01-14) NRC Request, Regarding Reason for No Change in Sump Level Given RCS Leakage | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-01-15 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-01-15) GPU Response to NRC, Information Concerning Mini Decay Heat Removal | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-01-15 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-01-15) NRC Review, Several Modifications to Draft TMI-2 Tech. Specs (re 12-20-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-01-21 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-01-21) NRC Response to GPU (01-11-1980), Use of TMI-1 Tankage for TMI-2 Water from BWST | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-02-01 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-02-01) NRC Review, Design Criteria for Processed Water Storage Tanks (re 01-24-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-02-04 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-02-04) NRC Review, Hardware Intended for Reactor Building Purge (re 11-12-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-02-05 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-02-05) DOE to NRC, Forwards DOE Review of GPU Recommendation for Containment Purging | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-02-20 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-02-20) GPU, Processed Water Storage Tanks Venting Analysis | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-03-04 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-03-04) GPU, BOP Diesel Generators | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-03-26 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-03-26) NRC, Transmittal of NUREG-0662, Environ Assessment for Decon of Reactor Building Atmosphere, Addend 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-03-28 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-03-28) NRC Review, Modification to TMI-2 Offsite Power System (re 03-04-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-03-31 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-03-31) NRC, Transmittal of NUREG-0662, Environ Assessment for Decon of Reactor Building Atmosphere, Addend 2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-04-08 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-04-08) NRC, Independent Plan Established by Governor to Study Alternatives for Containment Purge | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-04-16 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-04-16) NRC Review, Mini Decay Heat Removal Overpressure from OTSG Burp (re 01-09-1980, 12-17-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-04-16 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-04-16) NRC, Mini Decay Heat Removal Overpressurization from Steam Generator Burp | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-04-18 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-04-18) GPU, Comments on NUREG-0662 (Reactor Building Purging) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-04-29 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-04-29) GPU Response to NRC, Mini Decay Heat Removal System Overpressure from OTSG Burp (re 04-16-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-05-29 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-05-29) GPU, Actions on Past and Present IE Bulletins (re -8-17-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-06-04 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-06-04) GPU, Plans to Discontinue Use of Supplemental Ventilation System Atop of Aux. Building | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-06-04 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-06-04) GPU, TDR-155, MDHR Startup and Operation Effects on RCS Boron Concentration | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-06-27 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-06-27) NRC Review, Approve Procedure for Containment Purge | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-07-07 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-07-07) NRC Review, Changes in Site Discharges Water Composite Sampling Frequencies (re 06-24-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-07-24 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-07-24) GPU, Plans to Routinely Purge Reactor Building | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-07-31 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-07-31) NRC Review, Routine Purging of the Reactor Building (re 07-24-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-07-31 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-07-31) NRC, Routine Reactor Building Purges (re 07-24-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-08-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-08-13) NRC, Considers TMI-2 Reactor Building Atmosphere Purge Complete | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-08-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-08-13) NRC, Reactor Building Purge Complete as of 07-11-1980 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-08-14 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-08-14) NRC Review, Containment Purge of 100 Ci Total | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-08-20 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-08-20) NRC (Internal), Assessment of Groundwater Liquid pathway from Leakage of TMI-2 Containment | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-10-09 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-10-09) GPU Response to NRC, Processed Water Storage Tanks (re 01-24, 02-01-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-11-04 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-11-04) GPU, Contingency Plan for Transfer and Storage of Reactor Building Sump Water (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-12-15 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-12-15) GPU, Cork Seal Contamination Report (floor plan) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-12-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-12-19) GPU, Cork Seal Contamination Report (re 12-15-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-12-23 | 7a-Stabilization | (1980-12-23) GPU, Design Criteria for Mod for Closure of Penetration 401 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-01-06 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-01-06) NRC Review, Contingency Plan for Transfer and Storage of Sump Water (re 11-04-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-02-11 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-02-11) NRC Review, Modification of Containment Penetration 401 (re 12-23-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-02-20 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-02-20) GPU, TMI Groundwater Monitoring Program (Period 11-12 to 12-24-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-02-23 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-02-23) GPU Response to NRC, Preliminary Assessment of Radionuclides Found in Ground Water at TMI | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-02-24 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-02-24) NRC Review, Cork Seal Contamination Report (re 01-19-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-02-27 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-02-27) GPU, Cork Seal Contamination Report (re 01-19-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-04-18 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-04-18) NRC Review, Mini Decay Heat Removal Surveillance Requirements (re 12-09-1980, 02-13-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-05-06 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-05-06) GPU Response to NRC, Sump Water Contingency Plan (re 11-04-1980, 01-06-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-05-22 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-05-22) GPU, Containment Integrity Assessment Program (including Groundwater Monitoring) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-06-17 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-06-17) GPU Design Criteria, Hot Chemistry Laboratory, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-07-16 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-07-16) NRC Review, Hot Chemistry Laboratory Design Criteria (re 06-17-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-12-23 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-12-23) GPU, Containment Integrity Assessment Program (water leakage), 7th Report | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-12-31 | 7a-Stabilization | (1981-12-31) GPU Response to NRC, Hot Chemistry Laboratory Design Criteria (re 07-16-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-02-05 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-02-05) GPU System Descriptions, Mini Decay Heat Removal and EPICOR-II Systems | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-03-09 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-03-09) GPU Response to NRC, Temporary OTGS Layup Recirculation System | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-04-08 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-04-08) GPU, Reserved Waste Water Tankage | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-04-20 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-04-20) NRC Review, OTSG Layup Recirculation System (re 03-09-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-04-20 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-04-20) NRC Review, Reserve Waste Water Tankage (re 04-08-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-05-10 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-05-10) GPU, 10 CFR 50.59 Report for 1981, Addendum (re 03-03-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-07-21 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-07-21) GPU Technical Evaluation, OTSG Layup Recirculation System | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-08-05 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-08-05) GPU, Emergency Procedures and Training for Station Blackout Events | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-08-06 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-08-06) GPU System Description, Standby Reactor Coolant Pressure Control System, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-09-15 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-09-15) GPU, Reactor Building Airborne Monitoring | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-10-04 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-10-04) GPU, Reserve Waste Water Tankage (re 04-20-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-10-06 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-10-06) GPU, Radioactive Groundwater Water Management Program | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-10-29 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-10-29) NRC Review, GPU Response to GL 81-04, Emergency Procedures and Training for SBO Events | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-11-16 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-11-16) NRC Review, OTSG Layup Recirculation System TER (re 07-21-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-11-22 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-11-22) GPU, Inform Plans to Refill RCS | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-12-14 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-12-14) GPU, Changes in Plan to Vent Pressurizer During RCS Refill (re 11-22-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-12-14 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-12-14) NRC Review, Plan to Refill and Pressurize RCS to Purge Gases (re 11-22-1982 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-12-14 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-12-14) NRC Review, Plans to Refill and Pressurize RCS (re 11-22-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-12-30 | 7a-Stabilization | (1982-12-30) GPU, Results of Test Measurements of RCS Water Temperature | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-07-13 | 7a-Stabilization | (1983-07-13) GPU, Plans to Change Reserve Waste Water Tankage Requirements (re 05-27-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-08-26 | 7a-Stabilization | (1983-08-26) GPU Design Criteria, Temp Mods to Existing Containment Penetrations (re 12-04-1981, 04-09-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-01-27 | 7a-Stabilization | (1984-01-27) GPU Response to NRC, OTSG Layup Recirculation System (re 11-29-1983, 01-04-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-05-23 | 7a-Stabilization | (1984-05-23) GPU, Technically Feasible to Reinstall Reactor Vessel Head, if Needed | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-06-11 | 7a-Stabilization | (1984-06-11) NRC Safety Evaluation, Use of TMI-2 CST for Backup Rad Waste Storage at TMI-1 (re 11-12-1983, 03-07-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-07-20 | 7a-Stabilization | (1984-07-20) NRC Review, Definition of Gaseous Radwate | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-11-06 | 7a-Stabilization | (1984-11-06) GPU System Description, Standby Reactor Coolant Pressure Control System, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-11-14 | 7a-Stabilization | (1984-11-14) GPU Technical Evaluation, OTSG Layup Recirculation System, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-12-10 | 7a-Stabilization | (1984-12-10) NRC Review, OTSG Layup Recirculation System (re 11-14-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-09-27 | 7a-Stabilization | (1985-09-27) GPU Hazards Analysis, Potential for Boron Dilution of Reactor Coolant System, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-01-19 | 7a-Stabilization | (1987-01-19) GPU, Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-04-03 | 7a-Stabilization | (1987-04-03) NRC Safety Evaluation, Seismic Design Criteria for Modified Containment Penetrations (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-02-10 | 7a-Stabilization | (1988-02-10) GPU, Nuclear Instrumentation During Defueling Operations | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-03-09 | 7a-Stabilization | (1988-03-09) NRC Review, Nuclear Instrumentation During Defueling Operations (re 02-10-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-04-20 | 7a-Stabilization | (1988-04-20) GPU Response to NRC, Nuclear Instrumentation (re 03-09, 02-10-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1989-06-07 | 7a-Stabilization | (1989-06-07) GPU System Description, Reactor Building Sump Recirculation System, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-11-12 | 7a-Stabilization | (1993-11-12) GPU, Information on Cork Seam Contamination During TMI-2 Accident (floor plans) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-11-23 | 7a-Stabilization | (1993-11-23) GPU Response to NRC, Activities to Characterize Cork Seam Contamination (re 11-12-1993) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-12-10 | 7a-Stabilization | (1993-12-10) GPU Response to NRC, Cork Seam Contamination (re 11-12-1993, 11-23-1993) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1994-06-02 | 7a-Stabilization | (1994-06-02) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Actions Taken to Modify Cork Joint at TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
2013-04-01 | 7a-Stabilization | (2013-04-01) Exelon, TMI Annual Radiological Groundwater Protection Program Report for 2012 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-07-01 | 7a-Stabilization | GEND-026, ADDITION OF SOLUBLE AND INSOLUBLE NEUTRON ABSORBERS TO THE RCS OF TMI-2 (1984-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-04-01 | 7a-Stabilization | GEND-INF-017-VOL-12, RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TMI-2 INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM (1982-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-02-01 | 7a-Stabilization | NUREG-0432, TMI-2 Recovery Technical Specifications (1980-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-01 | 7a-Stabilization | NUREG-0557, Evaluation of Long-Term Post-Accident Core Cooling of TMI-2 (1979-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-02-01 | 7a-Stabilization | NUREG-0647, Safety Evaluation and Environmental Assessment, TMI-2 (1980-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-03-01 | 7a-Stabilization | NUREG-0662, Environmental Assessment for Decontamination of TMI-2 Reactor Building Atmosphere. Draft (1980-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-05-01 | 7a-Stabilization | NUREG-0662V1, Environmental Assessment for Decontamination of TMI-2 Reactor Building Atmosphere, Final Report (1980-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-05-01 | 7a-Stabilization | NUREG-0662V2, Environmental Assessment for Decontamination of TMI-2 Reactor Building Atmosphere, Final Report (1980-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-05-01 | 7a-Stabilization | NUREG-0673, Answers to Questions About Removing Krypton from the TMI-2 Reactor Building (1980-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-04-01 | 7a-Stabilization | NUREG-0681, Environmental Assess of Radiological Effluents from Data Gathering and Maint Operation on TMI-2 (1980-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-01 | 7a-Stabilization | NUREGCR-1584, Psychological Stress for Alternatives of Decontamination of TMI-2 Reactor Building Atmosphere (1980-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-02-01 | 7a-Stabilization | ORNL-TM-7081, Post-Accident Cleanup of Radioactivity at TMI (1980-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-03 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-03) GPU, Daily Planning Meeting Initiated (04-04 Agenda) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-04 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-04) Technical Working Group Minutes (First Meeting) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-05 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-05) 1700 hrs, Technical Working Group Minutes | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-05 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-05) GPU, Daily Planning Meeting (04-06 Agenda) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-06 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-06) 0900 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-07 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-07) 1700 hrs, Technical Working Group Minutes | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-07 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-07) GPU, Daily Planning Meeting (04-08 Agenda) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-07 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-07) Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-08 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-08) GPU, Daily Planning Meeting (04-09 Agenda) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-08 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-08) Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-09 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-09) Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-10 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-10) Daily Planning Meeting (04-11 Agenda) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-12) 0800 hrs, Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-14 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-14) 0900 Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-14 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-14) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-15 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-15) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-15 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-15) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-16 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-16) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-16 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-16) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-17 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-17) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-17 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-17) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-18 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-18) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-18 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-18) 0900 hrs, Technical Working Group (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-18 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-18) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-19) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-19) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-20 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-20) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-20 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-20) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-21 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-21) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-22 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-22) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-23 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-23) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-23 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-23) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-24 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-24) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-24 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-24) 1800 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-25 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-25) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-25 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-25) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-26 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-26) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-26 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-26) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-27 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-27) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-27 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-27) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-28 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-28) 0900 hrs, Planning Group (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-28 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-28) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-29 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-29) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-30 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-04-30) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-01 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-01) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-01 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-01) 1700 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-02 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-02) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-02 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-02) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-03 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-03) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-03 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-03) 1800 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-04) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-04) GPU, TMI-2 Recovery Base Case Summary, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-04) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-05 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-05) 0900 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-05 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-05) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-07 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-07) 1300 hrs, Planning Meeting (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-08 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-08) Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-09 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-09) Planning Meeting | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-10 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-10) 1300 hrs, Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-15 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-15) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-17 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-17) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-18 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-18) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-19 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-19) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-21 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-21) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-22 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-22) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-23 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-23) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-25 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-25) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-29 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-05-29) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-06-01 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-06-01) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-06-05 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-06-05) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-06-08 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-06-08) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-06-12 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-06-12) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-06-14 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-06-14) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-06-19 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-06-19) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-06-22 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-06-22) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-06-27 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-06-27) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-02 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-07-02) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-05 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-07-05) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-10 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-07-10) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-13 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-07-13) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-17 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-07-17) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-19 | 7b-Meeting | (1979-07-19) Technical Working Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-02 | 7c-Procedures | (1979-05-02) GPU (Internal), Status of Procedures | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-08 | 7c-Procedures | (1979-05-08) GPU (Internal), Status of Emergency and Special Operating Procedures | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-11-04 | 7c-Procedures | Contingency Plan C-08, Rev. 0, Loss of Primary Coolant Inventory (04-11-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-12-04 | 7c-Procedures | Contingency Plan C-18, Rev. 1, Breach of Containment (04-12-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-12-04 | 7c-Procedures | Contingency Plan C-20, Rev. 0, Emergency Plan for Criticality Incident (04-12-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-03-04 | 7c-Procedures | EP-01, Loss of Reactor Coolant (RC) Pump 1A, R1 (04-03-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-02-04 | 7c-Procedures | EP-05, Loss of Letdown, R1 (04-02-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-06, Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Failure, R1 (05-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-23 | 7c-Procedures | EP-07, Loss of Offsite Power, R1C (04-23-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-07-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-07, Loss of Offsite Power, R2 (05-07-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-07-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-08, Loss of Makeup Tank Level Instrumentation, R0 (05-07-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-24 | 7c-Procedures | EP-13, Loss of RCS Temperature Indication, R0 (04-24-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-21 | 7c-Procedures | EP-14, Loss of RCS Flow Indication, R0 (04-21-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-08-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-16, Loss of Source Range Indication, R0 (05-08-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-03-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-17, RC-V-137 Stuck Open, R0 (05-03-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-11-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-18, RC-V-2 Stuck Open, R0 (05-11-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7c-Procedures | EP-19, RC-V-2 Stuck Shut, R0 (04-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-02-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-19, RC-V-2 Stuck Shut, R1 (05-02-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-02-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-20, RC-V-137 Stuck Shut, R1 (05-02-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-15 | 7c-Procedures | EP-21, Total Loss of Pressurizer Level Indication, R2 (04-15-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-09-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-21, Total Loss of Pressurizer Level Indication, R6 (05-09-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-04 | 7c-Procedures | EP-22, Loss of Pressurizer Temperature Indication, R0 (04-04-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-22, Loss of Pressurizer Temperature Indication, R1 (05-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-03-04 | 7c-Procedures | EP-24, Responses For Hydrogen Recombiner Alarm Indications, R0 (04-03-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-17 | 7c-Procedures | EP-25, Loss of One Auxiliary Transformers-Substation Bus, R0 (04-17-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-28, TMI Unit 2 Control Room Evacuation, R0 (05-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-11-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-29, Loss of Condenser Vacuum, R1 (05-11-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-22 | 7c-Procedures | EP-32, Loss of RCPs Successful Natural Circulation, R1 (04-22-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-07-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-33, Core Cooling with No RCPs or Natural Circulation, R0 (05-07-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-34, Loss of Natural Circulation, R0 (05-04-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-08-05 | 7c-Procedures | EP-35, Loss of Instrument Air and Service Air, R0 (05-08-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-02-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-001, Core Flood System Isolation Valve Prevent Close Interlock, R0 (04-02-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-09-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-005, Sample Waste Decay Tank (WDCT)-lB, R1 (04-09-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-01-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-006, Pressurizer Degas Procedure, R0 (04-01-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-03-31 | 7c-Procedures | Z-007, Procedure for Leak Checking Recombiner Flanges, R0 (03-31-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-01-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-008, WG System Troubleshooting, R0 (04-01-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-10-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-009, Sampling Makeup Tank MU-T-1, R2 (04-10-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-01-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-010, Venting Makeup Tank Gas Space to Vent Header, R0 (04-01-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-01-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-011, Procedure for Leak Checking Spare Recombiner Flanges, R0 (04-01-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-03-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-012, Recombiner Operation, R0 (04-03-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-01-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-016, Switching from Normal to Emergency Feedwater (CANCELLED)(04-01-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-02-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-019, Replacement of HPR-219 and HPR-228 Filters, R0 (04-02-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-02-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-020, Reactor Building H2 Sampling, R0 (04-02-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-05 | 7c-Procedures | Z-028, OTSG Level Control while Feeding through the Aux. Feed Nozzle, R0 (05-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-03-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-029, Filling Boric Acid Mix Tank, R0 (04-03-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-030, Functional Test of Standby RCPs, R0 (04-04-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-12-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-032, Venting Makeup Tank to Reactor Building, R0 (04-12-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-03-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-033, Water Sump Discharges to Industrial Waste Treatment and Filter System, R0 (04-03-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-01-05 | 7c-Procedures | Z-033, Water Sump Discharges to Industrial Waste Treatment and Filter System, R1 (05-01-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-03-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-034, Alternate Filling of the NaOH Tank, R0 (04-03-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-035, Waste Gas Decay Tank Pressure Remote Indication, R0 (04-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-036, Incore Thermocouple Noise, R1 (04-04-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-037, Alternate Pressurizer Level Indication Gauge Installation, R1 (04-04-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-23 | 7c-Procedures | Z-039, Natural Circulation Operation, R1 (05-23-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-043, Self Reader Dosimeter Usage and Record Keeping (CANCELLED)(04-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-044, Incore Instrumentation, R1 (04-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-045, Emergency Power Feed for Valves RC-V-2 and RC-V-137, R0 (04-04-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-046, Sewage Disposal, R0 (04-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-01-05 | 7c-Procedures | Z-046, Sewage Disposal, R1 (05-01-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-047 (CANCELLED)(04-04-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-05 | 7c-Procedures | Z-048, Condensate Pump Flow Test through the Emergency Feedwater Pump. R1 (05-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-08-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-049, Excore Detector Noise Analysis and Measurement, R0 (04-08-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-16 | 7c-Procedures | Z-050, Test of Alternate Pressurizer Level, R7 (04-16-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-07-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-051, Liquid Release from TMI, R2 (04-07-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-03-05 | 7c-Procedures | Z-051, Liquid Release from TMI, R3 (05-03-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-053, Reduction of Iodine Levels in Aux. Bldg. NaOH and Na2S2O3 Solution, R0 (04-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-054, Increase Letdown Flow by Throttling ICCW Flow, R0 (04-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-11-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-057, Pressure Reduction During DeGas, R3 (04-11-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-059, Transferring Secondary Water to Unit One, R0 (04-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-07-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-061, Jog Control for RC-V2, R0 (04-07-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-062, Alternate Pressurizer Level Hydro Test, R0 (04-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-05 | 7c-Procedures | Z-063, Control of RCS Pressure with Solid Pressurizer, R0 (05-04-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-28 | 7c-Procedures | Z-063, Control of RCS Pressure with Solid Pressurizer, R0a (04-28-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-27 | 7c-Procedures | Z-063, Control of RCS Pressure with Solid Pressurizer, R3 (05-27-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-064, NR-V51A-B Jog Control, R0 (04-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-065, Liquid Radiation Monitor Calibration, R0 (04-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-066, Radiation Monitor Calibration G-M Tube Area Monitors , R0 (04-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-067, Atmosphere Radiation Monitor Calibration, R0 (04-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-068, Incore Instrument Computer Input Modification, R0 (04-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-08-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-069, Transfer of Misc. Waste to RCBT, R2 (04-08-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-09-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-070, RCS Sampling Manual, R2 (04-09-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-09-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-073, Alternate OTSG Level Indication, R0 (04-09-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-07-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-075, Increase Letdown Flow by Bypassing Letdown Purification Demin, R0 (04-07-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-08-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-076, WDL-P-15A Pressure Switch and Control SW. Bypass, R0 (04-08-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-07-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-077, Repack or Add Packing to RR-P1A, B, C, D, R0 (04-07-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-07-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-078, Blowdown of Misc. Waste Storage Tank Level Transmitter, R0 (04-07-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-09-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-080, Pressurizer Heater Cable Dryout, R1 (04-09-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-09-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-081, Chemical and Radiochemical Sampling and Analysis Procedure, R0 (04-09-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-09-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-082, Alternate Pressurizer Level Hydrotest, R0 (04-09-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-09-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-084, Installation of Temporary Isolation Transformers for Selected Pressurizer Heaters, R0 (04-09-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-09-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-086, Transfer of MWHT to Concentrate Waste Tank, R0 (04-09-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-10-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-088, Power Range Uncompensated Ion Chamber Current Measurement, R0 (04-10-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-22 | 7c-Procedures | Z-089, Operation of Vacuum Pump Discharge Filter, R1 (04-22-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-24 | 7c-Procedures | Z-089, Operation of Vacuum Pump Discharge Filter, R2 (05-24-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-11-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-090, Fuel Handling Bldg. Roll Door Opening, R0 (04-11-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-06-05 | 7c-Procedures | Z-092, Calculation of Letdovn Flow Rate Using Makeup Tank Mass Balance, R0 (05-06-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-16 | 7c-Procedures | Z-093, Reactor Building Sump Level Measurement, R0 (04-16-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-25 | 7c-Procedures | Z-093, Reactor Building Sump Level Measurement, R2 (05-25-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-24 | 7c-Procedures | Z-095, RCS Sampling for Total Gas (Manual), R2 (04-24-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-12-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-096, Thermocouple Indication Recording in Control Room, R0 (04-12-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-14 | 7c-Procedures | Z-097, Backup Pressurizer Pressure, Level Indication, R2 (04-14-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-11-04 | 7c-Procedures | Z-098, Auxiliary Bldg. Exhaust Filter(s) Changeout (04-11-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-14 | 7c-Procedures | Z-099, Transfer of Unit II WDL-T-8 A, B to Neutralizer Feed Tank, R0 (04-14-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-26 | 7c-Procedures | Z-106, Utilization of Service Air for Breathing Air, R1 (04-26-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7c-Procedures | Z-107, Test Method No. 2 for Alternate Pressurizer Level, R0 (04-19-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-20 | 7c-Procedures | Z-109, Eberline Stack Monitor Data Collection, R0 (04-20-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-29 | 7c-Procedures | Z-110, Putting OTSG-B in Solid Cooling Mode (will be EP)(DRAFT)(04-29-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-25 | 7c-Procedures | Z-111, Installation, Hydro Testing, Operation of Feedwater System Bypass, R0 (04-25-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-08-05 | 7c-Procedures | Z-115, RCS Pressure Control Using a Decay Heat Removal Pump (will be EP)(DRAFT)(05-08-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-23 | 7c-Procedures | Z-116, Procedure for Recirculation and Operational Test of Long-Term OTSG-B, R0 (05-23-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-01 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-01) IAG Task 115, Secondary System Use for Long-Term Cooling | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-03 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-03) IAG Task 100 Closeout, Examination of Controlled Depressurization to Achieve Long-Term Cooling Status | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-06 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-06) IAG Task 25C Closeout, TCs to be used for Natural Circulation Criteria | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-06 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-06) IAG Task E-101, Hydrogen in RCS | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-06 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-06) IAG Task E-103, Core Assessment | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-06 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-06) IAG Task E-104, Natural Circulation with Pressurizer Solid | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-07 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-07) IAG Review, Details Methods Used to Keep Reactor Core Cooled by Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-07 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-07) IAG Task E-102, Containment Building and Estimate of Total Metal Water Reaction | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-08 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-08) IAG Task E-106, Operation of RCPs at Reduced Speed | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-08 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-08) IAG Task E-107 Review, Removal of Airborne Radioactivity From Containment | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-09 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-09) IAG Task E-109 Review, Assessment of RCS Behavior in Perculating Mode Before Gas Buildup | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-10 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-10) IAG Task 4, Behavior of RCS with Steam Generators in Condensing Mode | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-10 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-10) IAG Task E-110, Status Report of Diagnostic Instrumentation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-11 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-11) IAG Review, Desired Long-Term Containment Configuration | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-11 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-11) IAG Review, Leak From Vent Header or Someplace | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-11 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-11) IAG Task 5 A, B Closeout, Containment Conditions for Greater than 30 Days | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-11 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-11) IAG Task Closeout, Review of Short-Term Control Room and Site Evacuation Contingency Plan C-26, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-12) IAG Review, Tentative Qualification of Makeup Tank System up to MU Valve 13 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-12) IAG Task 11-6 Closeout, Instrument Diagnostics Incore Thermocouple and SPND Noise Analysis | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-12) IAG Task 4B Closeout, Use of CFT to Aid Reflux Boiler Cooling | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-13) IAG Task 10B Closeout, Thermocouple Readings During Pressure Transients from 4-9 and 4-12 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-13) IAG Task 11-3 Closeout, Instrument Diagnostics and Data Recording Procedures | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-13) IAG Task 26A Closeout, Reactor Core Status Instrumentation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-13) IAG Task 3 Closeout, Simulation of Fire in Containment, System Capabilities and Containment Response | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-13) IAG Task 6 Closeout, Assessment of Core Integrity | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-13 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-13) IAG Task 6B Closeout, Current Assessment of Core Status | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-14 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-14) IAG Task 1 Remarks, Qualification of Vent Header System | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-14 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-14) IAG Task 11-1 Closeout, Instrumentation Diagnostics | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-14 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-14) IAG Task 11-2 Closeout, Instrumentation Diagnostics | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-14 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-14) IAG Task 11-4 Closeout, Instrument Diagnostics, Compilation of Shift Summary Reports | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-15 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-15) IAG Task 15 Closeout, Pros and Cons of Alternate RHR System | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-16 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-16) IAG Task 49 Closeout, Review of Sandia-NRC Emergency Containment Vent Deign Package | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-17 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-17) IAG Review, Tasks Remaining, Special Instrumentation Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-17 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-17) IAG Task 10C Closeout, Effect of Non-Condensibles in the Reflux Boiling Mode | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-18 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-18) IAG Task 10A Closeout, Modes of Operation During Long-Term Cooling | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-19) IAG Review, Cleanup of Auxiliary Building and Containment | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-19) IAG Task 21 Review, Criteria for Aborting Attempt to Establish Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-19 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-19) IAG Task 29 Closeout, Natural Circulation Degraded Core Geometry, Calculation of Temperatures | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-20 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-20) IAG Task 23, High Counting Rate of BF3 Neutron Detector | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-20 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-20) IAG Task 24 Closeout, Source of Gaseous Activity in Auxiliary Building | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-20 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-20) IAG Task 26C Closeout, Thermocouples to be Used for Natural Circulation Criteria | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-21 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-21) IAG Task 27 Closeout, Simulation of Containment Response to Loss of all Containment Cooling | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-21 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-21) IAG Task 29 Closeout, Natural Circulation Degraded Core Geometry, Calculation of Temperatures | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-22 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-22) IAG Task 28 Closeout, System to Measure Water Level in Reactor Building | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-23 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-23) IAG Task 30 Closeout, Prediction of Core Thermocouples During Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-24 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-24) IAG Task 18 Closeout, Risk and Advantages of Going Natural Circulation As Is vs Present Plan | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-24 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-24) IAG Task 26B Closeout, Instrumentation Required for Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-25 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-25) IAG Task 26A, Review of Natural Circulation Criteria Upon Inadvertent RCP Trip | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-25 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-25) IAG Task 32 Closeout, Convective Simulation of Cold Shutdown | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-26 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-26) IAG Task 1 Closeout, Determine Method of Finding Leak in Header Vent | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-26 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-26) IAG Task 26C Closeout, Mod to Procedure EP-32 for Constant Mass Control During Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-26 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-26) IAG Task 26E Closeout, Verification of Natural Circulation Shrinkage | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-27 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-27) IAG Task 26A Closeout, Additional Calculations in Support of IA-26A | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-28 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-28) IAG Task 26A Closeout, Implement Cautions Described in IA-26A While Transition to Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-28 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-28) IAG Task 38 Closeout, Configuration of Thermocouple Response During Transition to Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-29 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-29) IAG Task 33 Closeout, Evaluate EP-21, Recommend Methods for Long Term Use of Bling Level Control | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-29 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-29) IAG Task 37 Closeout, Switching Modes and Analysis for Taking OTSG-B Solid | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-30 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-30) IAG Task 11 Closeout, Instrument Diagnostics, Noise Analysis Study of TC Signals for Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-04-30 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-04-30) IAG Task 41 Closeout, Reasons for Temperature Rise in Thermocouple 9H | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-01 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-01) IAG Task 34 Closeout, Ex-Core UIC Instrument Readings | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-01 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-01) IAG Task 39 Closeout, Evaluate Need for Long Term Cooling of OTSG-B | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-02 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-02) IAG Task 40 Closeout, Shrinkage Calculations for Input to EP 32 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-02 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-02) IAG Task 42 Closeout, Options for Short Term (2-4 month) Core Cooling Plan | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-02 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-02) IAG Task 48 Closeout, Comments about Continued Natural Circulation Operation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-03 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-03) IAG Task 40 Closeout, Review Modifications to EP-34, Loss of Natural_ Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-03 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-03) IAG Task 47 Closeout, Review Modifications to Procedure Z-110 for Actions to Take OTSG-B Solid | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-04) IAG Task 43 Closeout, Long Time Cooling Plan | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-04 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-04) IAG Task 44 Closeout, Methods of Determining Containment Water Level Outside Containment | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-05 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-05) IAG Task 14 Closeout, Boron and gas Concentrations in Primary Systems | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-05 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-05) IAG Task 46 Closeout, Heat Loss from Primary Coolant System | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-07 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-07) IAF Task 20 Not Completed, Evaluate Alternatives to decontaminate Plant in Long Term | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-07 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-07) IAG Task 11-10 Closeout, Provide Documents of Completed Instrumentation Diagnostics Tasks | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-07 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-07) IAG Task 2 Not Completed, Provide Alternative Methods of Pressure and Volume Control | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-07 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-07) IAG Task 22 Not Completed, Plant Needs (Piping and Equipment) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-07 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-07) IAG Task 45 Not Completed, Dying Time for Natural Circulation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-07 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-07) IAG Task 7 Closeout, Provide Documentation of Completed Tasks | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-18 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-18) IAG, IAG Support During the Early Stages | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-21 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-21) IAG Task 113, Relative Safety of Alternative Cooling Modes | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-21 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-21) IAG Task 118, Palladano Activities on TMI Industrial Advisory Group | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-21 | 7d-IAG-Report | (1979-05-21) IAG Task E-108 Review, Particle Bed Investigation | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-03-21 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1980-03-21) GPU, Initial Reactor Building Entry Program | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-03-25 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1980-03-25) NRC Review, Reactor Building Entry (re 03-21-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-04-08 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1980-04-08) GPU Response to NRC, Reactor Building Entry (re 03-25-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-04-30 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1980-04-30) GPU, Plan to Reschedule Reactor Building Entry (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-07-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1980-07-15) GPU, Planned Reactor Building Entry (re 05-16-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-07-22 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1980-07-22) NRC, Approval for Each Reactor Building Entry Not Required | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1980-08-15) NRC (Internal), Med Ed's Legend for TMI-2 Reactor Building Second Entry Photos | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-09-08 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1980-09-08) GPU-TDR-161, Krypton Response of the Containment Entry Suit | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-09-24 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1980-09-24) GPU-TDR-162, Hazardous Gas Analysis of TMI-2 Reactor Building Atmosphere For Building Entry | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-10-24 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1980-10-24) GPU, TDR-198, TMI-2 Reactor Building Entry Program Summary | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-02-27 | 7e-RB-Entries | (1981-02-27) GPU Response to NRC Chairman, Containment Biulding Entries (re 01-12-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-1 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-10 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-11 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-12 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-13 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-14 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-15 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-16 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-17 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-18 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-19 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-2 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-20 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-21 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-22 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-24 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-25 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-26 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-27 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-28 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-29 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-3 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-4 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-5 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-6 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-7 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-8 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-23 | 7e-RB-Entries | 1st Reactor Building Entry-9 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-1 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-10 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-11 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-12 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-13 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-14 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-15 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-16 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-17 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-18 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-19 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-20 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-21 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-22 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-23 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-24 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-25 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-26 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-27 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-28 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-29 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-3 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-30 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-31 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-32 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-33 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-34 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-35 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-36 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-37 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-4 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-5 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-6 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-7 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-8 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-15 | 7e-RB-Entries | 2nd Reactor Building Entry-9 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-1 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-10 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-11 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-12 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-13 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-14 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-15 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-2 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-3 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-4 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-5 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-6 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-7 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-8 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-13 | 7e-RB-Entries | 4th Reactor Building Entry-9 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-10-01 | 7e-RB-Entries | GEND-006, COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE TMI-2 REACTOR CONTAINMENT BUILDING-ENTRIES 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (1981-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-06-01 | 7e-RB-Entries | GEND-INF-001, QUICK LOOK REPORT ENTRY 1 (1981-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-07-01 | 7e-RB-Entries | GEND-INF-002, QUICK LOOK REPORT ENTRY 2 (1981-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-07-01 | 7e-RB-Entries | GEND-INF-003, QUICK LOOK REPORT ENTRY 3 (1981-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-06-01 | 7e-RB-Entries | GEND-INF-004, QUICK LOOK REPORT ENTRY 4 (1981-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-08-01 | 7e-RB-Entries | GEND-INF-005, QUICK LOOK REPORT ENTRY 5 (1981-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-08-01 | 7e-RB-Entries | GEND-INF-006, QUICK LOOK REPORT ENTRY 6 (1981-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-08-01 | 7e-RB-Entries | GEND-INF-007, QUICK LOOK REPORT ENTRY 7 (1981-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-02 | 8a-Protection | (1979-04-02) GPU, 1978 Annual Report of Personnel Exposures | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-06-20 | 8a-Protection | (1979-06-20) GPU, General Review of the Health Physics Program at TMI | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-08-30 | 8a-Protection | (1979-08-30) GPU, 10 CFR 20 Report of Overexposure | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-11-29 | 8a-Protection | (1979-11-29) NRC Review, Radiation Protection Plan (re 11-21-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-12-20 | 8a-Protection | (1979-12-20) NRC, Request GPU Review of Report of Special panel on TMI-2 Radiation Protection Program | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-01-24 | 8a-Protection | (1980-01-24) GPU, TMI-2 Radiation Protection Plan, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-02-20 | 8a-Protection | (1980-02-20) GPU, 1979 Annual Report of Personnel Exposures | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-07-25 | 8a-Protection | (1980-07-25) GPU, TMI-II Radiation Protection Plan, Rev. 2 (Transmittal Letter Only) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-08-05 | 8a-Protection | (1980-08-05) NRC, Guidance for the Proposed TMI Worker Registry | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-08-29 | 8a-Protection | (1980-08-29) NRC Inspection Report, Aug 28, 1979, Event Involving Overexposures by Six Workers | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-09-08 | 8a-Protection | (1980-09-08) GPU-TDR-161, Krypton Response of the Containment Entry Suit | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-09-14 | 8a-Protection | (1980-09-14) GPU Response to NRC, TMI Worker Registry (re 08-05-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-02-25 | 8a-Protection | (1981-02-25) NRC Review, Charcoal-Particulate Canisters for Respiratory Protection (re 06-26-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-03-05 | 8a-Protection | (1981-03-05) NRC Review, TMI-2 Radiation Protection Plan, Rev. 2 (re 07-25-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-01-24 | 8a-Protection | (1982-01-24) NRC Review, Radiological Field Operations Training Program (re 04-23-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-03-01 | 8a-Protection | (1982-03-01) GPU, 1981 Annual Report of Personnel Exposusres | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-04-23 | 8a-Protection | (1982-04-23) GPU, Radiological Field Operations Training Program | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-12-06 | 8a-Protection | (1982-12-06) GPU Nuclear Corporation Radiation Protection Plan, Rev. 0 (Replaces TMI-II Rad Plan) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-01-11 | 8a-Protection | (1983-01-11) NRC Review, GPUNC Radiation Protection Plan, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-01-28 | 8a-Protection | (1983-01-28) GPU, Plans to Open Both Containment Airlocks Simultaneously During Entire Entry Time | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-03-22 | 8a-Protection | (1983-03-22) NRC Requests Evaluation of Opportunities to Reduce Occupational Exposures | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-04-14 | 8a-Protection | (1983-04-14) GPU, Dose Reduction Program (re 12-03-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-07-26 | 8a-Protection | (1983-07-26) GPU, Review of Reactor Building Basement Reflood for Dose Reduction | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-08-12 | 8a-Protection | (1983-08-12) NRC Review, Reactor Building Dose Reduction Program | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-03-01 | 8a-Protection | (1984-03-01) GPU, 1983 Annual Report of Personnel Exposusres | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-06-22 | 8a-Protection | (1984-06-22) GPU, 1983 Annual Personnel Exposures Report, Revised | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-10-14 | 8a-Protection | (1985-10-14) GPU, Radiation Measurements for Determining Status of High Radiation Areas | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-12-27 | 8a-Protection | (1985-12-27) GPU, Corporate Radiation Protection Plan, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-02-25 | 8a-Protection | (1986-02-25) GPU, 1985 Annual Personnel Exposure Report | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-04-09 | 8a-Protection | (1986-04-09) NRC Review, Corporate Radiation Protection Plan (re 12-27-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-04-09 | 8a-Protection | (1986-04-09) NRC Review, GPU Nuclear Corporate Radiation Protection Plan (re 12-27-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-06-23 | 8a-Protection | (1986-06-23) GPU, Handling of Radioactive Core Debris | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-06-23 | 8a-Protection | (1986-06-23) NRC (Internal), Potential Impact of TMI-2 Fuel Movements on Workers in TMI-1 (re 11-15, 06-20-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-02-29 | 8a-Protection | (1988-02-29) GPU, 1987 Annual Personnel Exposure Report | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1990-02-23 | 8a-Protection | (1990-02-23) GPU, 1989 Annual Personnel Exposure Report | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1992-03-02 | 8a-Protection | (1992-03-02) GPU, 1991 Annual Personnel Exposure Report | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-01-04 | 8a-Protection | (1993-01-04) GPU, Proposed TMI-2 Possession Only License, Radiation Protection Plan, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-06-10 | 8a-Protection | (1993-06-10) GPU Nuclear Corporate Radiation Protection Plan, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1995-02-22 | 8a-Protection | (1995-02-22) GPU, 1994 Annual Personnel Exposure Report | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-06-01 | 8a-Protection | GEND-004, INTERIM STATUS REPORT OF THE TMI PERSONNEL DOSIMETRY PROJECT (1981-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-09-01 | 8a-Protection | GEND-033, USE OF MULTI-ELEMENT BETA DOSIMETERS IN THE TMI-2 CONTAINMENT BUILDING (1983-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-12-01 | 8a-Protection | NUREG-0640, TMI-2, Radiation Protection Program Report of the Special Panel (1979-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-12-01 | 8a-Protection | NUREG-1060, Answers to Questions About Updated Estimates of Occupational Doses at TMI-2 (1983-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-08-01 | 8a-Protection | NUREGCR-3403, Criteria and Test Method for Certifying Air-Purifying Respirator Cartridges (1983-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-11-01 | 8a-Protection | NUREGCR-4399, Possible Options for Reducing Occupational Dose from the TMI-2 Basement (1985-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-07-01 | 8a-Protection | PNL-4714, Use of Multi-Element Beta Dosimeters for in the TMI-2 Containment Building (1983-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-09 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1979-04-09) GPU, Data Reduction and Management Group Established | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-05-12 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1980-05-12) GPU, Sludge Characterization in Containment Sump | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-02-03 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1982-02-03) NRC (Internal), Containment Sump Water Sludge and Make-Up Filter Residue Analysis | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-06-15 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1982-06-15) GPU Safety Evaluation, Axial Power Shaping Rod Insertion Test | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-07-06 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1982-07-06) GPU Safety Evaluation, Insertion Camera Through Reactor Vessel Leadscrew Opening, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-07-13 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1982-07-13) NRC Review, Control Rod Drive Mechanism Quick Look Camera Inspection (re 07-06-1982) (2) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-07-13 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1982-07-13) NRC Review, Control Rod Drive Mechanism Quick Look Camera Inspection (re 07-06-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-03-15 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1983-03-15) GPU Technical Plan (TPO-TMI-035), TMI-2 Core Accountability (re 06-23-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-05-19 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1983-05-19) GPU Safety Analysis, Radiation Characterization Under Reactor Vessel Head (No Polar Crane), Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-05-25 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1983-05-25) GPU Safety Analysis, Radiation Characterization Under the Reactor Vessel Head, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-05-26 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1983-05-26) GPU Safety Evaluation, Underhead Characterization, Core Topography Addendum | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-06-02 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1983-06-02) NRC Review, Underhead Characterization SER (re 05-19, 05-25-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-06-29 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1983-06-29) GPU Response to NRC, Underhead Characterization SER (re 06-02-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-07-20 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1983-07-20) GPU Safety Evaluation, Underhead Characterization, Core Sampling Addendum | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-08-19 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1983-08-19) NRC Safety Evaluation, Addendum to the Underhead Characterization Study (re 07-30-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-12-09 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1983-12-09) NRC Review, Characterization of Reactor Building Radiological Conditions | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-01-03 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1985-01-03) GPU Safety Analysis, Measuring Uranium Fuel Material in Lower Reactor Vessel Region, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-02-15 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1985-02-15) NRC Safety Evaluation, Plan to Characterize Fuel Deposits in Lower Reactor Vessel (re 01-03-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-03-18 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1985-03-18) GPU Safety Evaluation, Probing the Lower Reactor Vessel Head (re 01-03-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-08-30 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1985-08-30) GPU Safety Evaluation, Core Stratification Sample Acquisition, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-12-31 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1985-12-31) GPU Safety Evaluation, Core Stratification Sample Acquisition, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-05-05 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-05-05) NRC Safety Evaluation, Core Stratification Sample Acquisition SER, Rev. 1 (re 08-30-1985, 12-31-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-05-13 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-05-13) GPU Response to NRC, Core Stratification Sample Acquisition SER, Rev. 3 (re 04-23-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-05-28 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-05-28) NRC Safety Evaluation, Core Stratification Sample Acquisition SER, Rev. 3 (re 12-31-1985, 05-13-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-06-11 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-06-11) GPU Safety Evaluation, Core Stratification Sample Acquisition, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-06-19 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-06-19) NRC Safety Evaluation, Core Stratification Sample Acquisition, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-06-23 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-06-23) GPU, Extended Core Stratification Sample Acquisition Activity (re 12-31-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-07-11 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-07-11) GPU, Extended Core Stratification Sample Acquisition Activity (re 06-23-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-07-16 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-07-16) NRC Safety Evaluation, Extended Core Stratification Sample Acquisition SER (re 06-23-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-07-21 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-07-21) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Extension of Lower Head Core Stratification Sample Acquisition | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-07-25 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-07-25) NRC Review, Extension of Lower Head Core Stratification Sample Acquisition (re 07-21-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-09-05 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1986-09-05) GPU Technical Bulletin 86-36, Characterization of Sediment on Reactor Building Basement Floor, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-05-21 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1987-05-21) GPU, Reactor Vessel Integrity, Dose Rate Profiles Under Vessel (re 01-19-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1990-04-12 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1990-04-12) GPU, Results of Post-Lower Head Sampling Program Cleanup | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-08-24 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1993-08-24) NRC (PNL), Measurement of Neutron Emission Rates from TMI-2 Fuel Debris | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-11-12 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1993-11-12) GPU, TMI-2 Radiation and Contamination Surveys | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-12-13 | 9a-Data-Recovery | (1993-12-13) GPU, AFHB Contamination Estimate (re 09-15-1993) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-02-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-5966-R1, TMI-2 CORE EXAMINATION PROGRAM, INEL FACILITIES READINESS STUDY (1983-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-07-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-6169-R1, TMI-2 CORE EXAMINATION PLAN (1984-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-02-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-6181, INTERIM REPORT ON THE TMI-2 PURIFICATION FILTER EXAMINATION (1983-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-03-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-6531, TMI-2 CORE DEBRIS GRAB SAMPLE QUICK LOOK REPORT (1984-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-09-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-6580, DRAFT, TMI PARTICLE CHARACTERIZATION DETERMINED FROM FILTER EXAMINATIONS (1984-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-06-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-6617-DRAFT, USING NEUTRON TOMOGRAPHY TO EXAMINE TMI-2 FUEL ASSEMBLIES (1984-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-06-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-6630, DRAFT, TMI-2 CORE DEBRIS GRAB SAMPLES, ANALYSIS OF FIRST GROUP OF SAMPLES (1984-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-04-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-6685, Preliminary Report, Examination of H8 and B8 Leadscrews from TMI-2 (1985-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-09-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-6697-DRAFT, TMI-2 CORE DEBRIS, CESIUM RELEASE SETTLING TEST (1984-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-07-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-6853, Part 1, Draft Report, TMI-2 Core Debris Grab, Samples Examination and Analysis (1985-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-07-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-6853, Part 2, Draft Report, TMI-2 Core Debris Grab, Samples Examination and Analysis (1985-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-12-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-7121, TMI-2 SAMPLE ACQUISITION AND EXAMINATION PLAN, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (1985-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-01-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-7132, TMI-2 ACCIDENT EVALUATION PROGRAM, SAMPLE ACQUISITION AND EXAMINATION PLAN (1986-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-02-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-7385-R1, TMI-2 CORE BORE ACQUISITION SUMMARY REPORT (1987-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-07-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-7429, TMI-2 LOWER PLENUM VIDEO DATA SUMMARY (1987-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-02-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-7521, TMI-2 SAMPLE ACQUISITION AND EXAMINATION PLAN FOR FY87 AND BEYOND (1987-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-08-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-7789, UNCERTAINTY IN VOLUME OF PRIOR MOLTEN ZONE BASED UPON BORE HOLE VIDEO DATA (1987-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-09-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-7851-DRAFT, TMI- FISSION PROOUCT INVENTORY ESTIMATES (1987-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1988-04-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-7987, TMI-2 B-LOOP STEAM GENERATOR LOOSE DEBRIS EXAMINATIONS (1988-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1988-02-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-7992, TMI-2 ACCIDENT EVALUATION PROGRAM SAMPLE ACQUISITION AND EXAMINATION PLAN (1988-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1988-06-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | EGG-TMI-8058, TMI-2 CORE BORE GAMMA RAY SPECTROSCOPY MEASUREMENTS (1988-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-05-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-005, Characterization of TMI-2 Reactor- Building Atmosphere Prior to Purge (1981-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-07-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-008, THE CITIZEN RADIATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE TMI AREA (1981-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-04-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-009, MEASUREMENTS OF I-129 AND PARTICULATES IN CONT. ATM DURING AND AFTER VENTING (1981-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-08-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-010-Vol-1, In-Vessel Inspection Before Head Removal-CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT Phase I (1982-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-07-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-010-Vol-2, In-Vessel Inspection Before Head Removal-Tooling and Systems Design Phase II (1982-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-09-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-010-Vol-3, In-Vessel Inspection Before Head Removal-Tooling and System Design Phase I (1982-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-05-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-016, Accountability Study for TMI-2 Fuel (1981-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-11-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-018, NONDESTRUCTIV'E TECHNIQUES FOR ASSAYING FUEL DEBRIS IN PIPING AT TMI-2 (1981-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-03-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-030-VOL-1, Quick Look Inspection Report on Insertion of a Camera into TMI-2 Reactor Vessel (1983-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-10-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-037, SURFACE AND FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF TMI-2 REACTOR BUILDING GROSS DECON EXPERIMENT (1983-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-10-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-042, TMI-2 SOURCE TERM MEASUREMENTS, SURFACES AND BASEMENT WATER AND SEDIMENT (1984-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-11-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-043, TMI-2 PYROPHORICITY STUDIES (1984-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-11-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-057, TMI-2 FISSION PRODUCT INVENTORY PROGRAM FY-85 STATUS REPORT (1986-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-02-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-009, Pre-decontamination Gamma-Ray Surface Scans in TMI-2 Containment 305-elevation (1982-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-07-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-011-VOL-1, FIRST RESULTS OF TMI-2 SUMP SAMPLES ANALYSES, ENTRY 10 (1981-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-10-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-011-VOL-2, REACTOR BUILDING BASEMENT RADIONUCLIDE DISTRIBUTION STUDIES (1982-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-06-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-011-VOL-3, REACTOR BUILDING BASEMENT RADIONUCLIDE DISTRIBUTION STUDIES (1983-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-05-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-012, Design and Operation of the Core Topography (1984-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-05-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-013, TMI-2 Purification Demineralizer Resin Study (1984-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-01-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-019, ESTIMATED SOURCE TERMS DURING TMI-2 DEFUELING OPERATIONS PHASE I (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-05-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-019-VOL-2, ESTIMATED SOURCE TERMS DURING TMI-2 DEFUELING OPERATIONS PHASE II (1983-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-05-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-021, ANALYSIS DATA ON SAMPLES FROM THE TMI-2 RCS AND REACTOR COOLANT BLEED TANK (1982-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-04-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-032-VOL-1, RADIONUCLIDE MASS BALANCE FOR TMI-2 ACCIDENT (1983-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-04-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-032-VOL-2, RADIONUCLIDE MASS BALANCE FOR TMI-2 ACCIDENT (1983-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-04-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-038, Assessment of the TMI-2 Axial Power Shaping Rod Dynamic Test Results (1983-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-06-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-039, FINAL ANALYSIS DATA ON TMI-2 RCS AND REACTOR COOLANT BLEED-TANK SAMPLES (1983-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-04-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-044, TMl-2 LEADSCREW DEBRIS PYROPHORICITY STUDY (1984-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-11-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-047, RADIONUCLIDE MASS BALANCE FOR THE TMI-2 ACCIDENT (1984-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-09-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-052, EXAMINATION OF H8 AND B8 LEADSCREWS FROM TMI-2 (1985-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-06-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-054, ANALYSES ON CONCRETE CORES FROM FLOORS AND D-RING WALLS OF RB (1984-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-05-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-059, SOLID-STATE RECORDER NEUTRON DOSIMETRY IN THE TMI-2 REACTOR CAVITY (1985-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-07-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-060-VOL-1, (Prelim) TMI-2 CORE DEBRIS GRAB SAMPLES ANALYSIS OF 1st GROUP OF SAMPLES (1985-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-07-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-060-VOL-1, TMI-2 CORE DEBRIS GRAB SAMPLES ANALYSIS OF FIRST GROUP OF SAMPLES (1985-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-05-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-060-VOL-2, TMI-2 H8A CORE DEBRIS SAMPLE EXAMINATION FINAL REPORT (1985-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-12-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-060-VOL-3, TMI-2 CORE DEBRIS-CESIUM RELEASE-SETTLING TEST (1984-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-03-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-067, EXAMINATION OF THE LEADSCREW SUPPORT TUBE FROM TMI-2 (1986-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-02-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-074, TMI-2 CORE CAVITY SIDES AND FLOOR EXAMS DECEMBER 1985 AND JANUARY 1986 (1987-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-09-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-075-PT-1, TMI-2 CORE DEBRIS GRAB SAMPLE EXAMINATION AND RESULTS (1986-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-09-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-075-PT-2, TMI-2 CORE DEBRIS GRAB SAMPLE SAMPLES EXAMINATION (1986-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-11-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-076, TMI-2 CORE BORE (CB) DATA BASE VERSION 2.0 (1987-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-09-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-080, TMI-2 RCS MANWAY COVER BACKING PLATES SURFACE DEPOSIT EXAMINATIONS (1987-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-02-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-081, EXAMINATION OF CONCRETE SAMPLES FROM THE TMI-2 REACTOR BUILDING BASEMENT (1987-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-09-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-082, EXAMINATION OF THE TMI-2 CORE DISTINCT COMPONENTS (1987-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-10-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-083, TMI-2 CORE HORSESHOE RING EXAMINATIONS (1987-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-08-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-087, TMI-2 STANDING FUEL ROD SEGMENTS PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION REPORT (1987-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1988-01-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-089-Draft, TMI-2 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM SURFACE DEPOSIT EXAMINATION (1988-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1989-06-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-090, TMI-2 B-LOOP STEAM GENERATOR TUBE SHEET LOOSE DEBRIS EXAM AND ANALYSIS (1989-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1990-01-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-092-VOL-1, TMI-2 CORE BORE EXAMINATIONS (1990-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1990-01-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | GEND-INF-092-VOL-2, TMI-2 CORE BORE EXAMINATIONS (1990-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-11-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | HEDL-7484, Solid-State Track Recorder Neutron Dosimetry in the TMI-2 Reactor Cavity (1984-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-12-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | HEDL-SA-2834, Neutron Dosimetry Measurements for Fuel Debris Assessment of TMI-2 Demineralizer-A (1982-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
2013-09-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | INLEXT-13-30078, Review of Destructive Assay Methods for Characterization from the TMI Fuel Debris (2013-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-10-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | LA-8041-MS, TMI-2 Decay Power, LASL Fission-Product and Actinide Decay Power Calculations (1979-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1994-03-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | NUREGCR-6195, Examination of Relocated Fuel Debris Adjacent to Lower Head of Reactor Vessel (1994-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-12-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | ORNL-TM-10362, Characterization of Solids in the TMI-2 Reactor Defueling Water (1987-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1988-03-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | ORNL-TM-10362-A1, Characterization of Solids in the TMI-2 Reactor Defueling Water, Addendum (1988-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-10-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | ORNL-TM-8730, Estimated Amount of Kr-85 Available for Release from Intact Fuel Rods in TMI-2 (1983-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1989-01-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | PNL-6807, Neutron Measurements of Fuel Remaining in the TMI-2 Steam Generators (1989-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-08-01 | 9a-Data-Recovery | UCID-18783, Comparisons Between Measurements and Model Calculations for the TMI Venting Kr-85 (1980-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-07-27 | 9b-Data-Accident | (1979-07-27) EPRI, Enclosed NSAC-1, Analysis of Three Mile Island-2 Accident | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-11-05 | 9b-Data-Accident | (1984-11-05) Article, Testing a Reactors Reactions (TMI T-H Model at U of MD) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1989-08-18 | 9b-Data-Accident | (1989-08-18) GPU Safety Evaluation, Remove Metallurgical Samples from Reactor Vessel SER | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1989-10-20 | 9b-Data-Accident | (1989-10-20) GPU Safety Evaluation, Remove Metallurgical Samples from Vessel, Rev. 1 (re 08-18-1989) (effective pages) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1989-11-28 | 9b-Data-Accident | (1989-11-28) NRC Safety Evaluation, Reactor Vessel Lower Head Metallurgical Sampling (re 08-18-1989) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1990-04-16 | 9b-Data-Accident | (1990-04-16) Removal of Test Specimens from the TMI-2 Reactor Vessel Bottom Head, Status Report | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1994-07-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | (1994-07-01) Nuclear Safety, Three Mile Island-New Findings 15 Years After the Accident | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1994-07-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | (1994-07-01) Papers, Special Section on TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
2013-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | (INL-EXT-13-30060, A Brief Review of Past INL Work Assessing Radionuclide Content in TMI-2 Melted Fuel Debris, Use of 144~1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-10-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | ANL-81-75, Neutronic analysis of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 ex-core detector response (1981-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1988-08-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | ANL-RAS-GPU-1, Assessment of the Integrity of TMI-2 Lower Head Instrument Penetration Weldments (1988-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-12-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-10228-1009, Airborne Cloud Tracking Measurements During the TMI Accident (1984-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-08-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-10282-1021, Aerial Radiological Survey of TMI and Surrounding Area (1983-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1994-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-RAAM-11445, Coolability of a Continuous Mass of Relocated Debris to a Water-Filled Lower Plenum (1994-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-6701, TELLURIUM RELEASE AND DEPOSITION DURING THE TMI-2 ACCIDENT (1984-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-05-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-6859, Computer Code Calculations of the TMI-2 Accident Initial and Boundary Conditions (1985-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-08-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-6894, TELLURIUM CHEMISTRY, RELEASE AND DEPOSITION DURING THE TMI-2 ACCIDENT (1985-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-02-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7048, TMI-2 ACCIDENT EVALUATION PROGRAM (1986-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-01-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7100, ANALYSIS OF TMI-2 PRESSURIZER LEVEL INDICATIONS (1986-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7150, TMI-2 Core Debris Bed Coolability (1986-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7174, TMI-2 SOURCE ANO INTERMEDIATE RANGE NEUTRON FLUX MONITORS DATA REPORT (1986-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-06-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7222, Assessment of Damage Potential to Lower Head Due to Thermal Attack by Core Debris (1986-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7324, DETERMINE VOID FRACTION FROM SOURCE RANGE MONITOR AND MASS FLOW RATE DATA (1986-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-01-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7359, TM1-2 ONCE THROUGH STEAM GENERATOR SECONDARY LEVEL ANALYSIS (1987-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7376, TMI-2 RADIATION MONITOR DATA REPORT (1986-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7382, TMI -2 STANDARD PROBLEM PACKAGE (1986-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-11-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7402, Core Relocation in the TMI-2 Accident (1986-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-01-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7481, TMI-2 ONCE THROUGH STEAM GENERATOR AFW INJECTION RATES (1987-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-01-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7482, STEAM GENERATOR SECONDARY TO PRIMARY SIDE T-H EFFECTS DURING TMI-2 ACCIDENT (1987-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-12-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7485, TMI-2 PRIMARY COOLANT MASS FLOWRATE DATA REPORT (1986-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-12-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7489, TMI-2 Accident Scenario Update (1986-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-05-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7703, ERV FLOW AND PRIMARY SYSTEM H2 STORAGE DURING THE TMI-2 ACCIDENT (1987-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-08-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7757, TMI-2 UPPER-CORE PARTICLE BED THERMAL BEHAVIOR (1987-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-08-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7784, TMI-2 REACTOR VESSEL LOWER HEAD HEATUP CALCULATIONS (1987-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7785, ASSESSMENT OF TMI-2 IODINE AND CESIUM CHEMISTRY DURING CORE DEGRADATION (1987-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7811, THERMAL INTERACTION OF CORE MELT DEBRIS WITHIN REACTOR VESSEL (1987-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-07-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7825, PORV DISCHARGE FLOW DURING THE TMI-2 ACCIDENT (1987-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7833, RECOMMENDED HPI RATES FOR THE TMI-2 ANALYSIS EXERCISE (0-300 MINUTES) (1987-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7843, TMI-2 DATA SUMMARY REPORT (1987-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7844, SUMMARY OF TMI-2 DATA BASES (1987-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-06-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7955, ANALYSIS OF TMI-2 SOURCE RANGE MONITOR DURING THE TMI ACCIDENT (1987-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-07-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-7956, THE TMI-2 CORE RELOCATION HEAT TRANSFER AND MECHANISM (1987-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1988-08-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-8133, TMI-2 Lower Head Creep Rupture Analysis (1988-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1988-12-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EGG-TMI-8379-DRAFT-TMI-2 REACTOR VESSEL LOWER HEAD INTEGRITY PROGRAM PLAN (1988-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-10-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | EPRI-NP-2069, Two-Phase Natural-Circulation Experiments Modeled after TMI-2 (1981-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-12-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-017, Response of the SPND Measurement System To Temperature During the TMI-2 Accident (1981-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-028, PRELIMINARY RADIOIODINE SOURCE-TERM AND INVENTORY ASSESSMENT FOR TMI-2 (1983-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-05-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-061, Lessons Learned from Hydrogen Generation and Burning During the TMI-2 Event (1987-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-08-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-023-VOL 5, ANALYSIS OF THE TMI-2 REACTOR COOLING SYSTEM TRANSIENTS (1982-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-06-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-023-VOL-1, INVESTIGATION OF HYDROGEN-BURN DAMAGE IN THE TMI-2 REACTOR BUILDING (1982-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-12-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-023-VOL-2, ESTIMATED TEMPS OF ORGANIC MATERIALS IN TMI-2 RB DURING HYDROGEN BURN (1982-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-023-VOL-3, DATA INTEGRITY REVIEW OF TMI-2 HYDROGEN BURN DATA (1983-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-023-VOL-4, ANALYSIS OF THE THREE MILE ISLAND UNIT 2 HYDROGEN BURN (1983-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-02-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-023-VOL-6, ASSESSMENT OF THERMAL DAMAGE TO POLYMERIC MATERIALS IN TMI-2 RB (1984-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-11-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-024, REVIEW OF TMI-2 RTD ACCIDENT DATA AND IN-SITU TESTING (1982-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-04-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-030, ANALYSIS OF AIR-TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS FROM THE TMI-2 REACTOR BUILDING (1983-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-08-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-063, ANALYSIS Of THE TMI-2 DOME RADIATION MONITOR (1985-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1988-01-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-078, TMI-2 INITIAL AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS DATA BASE VERSION 3.1 (1988-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-02-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | GEND-INF-079, TMI-2 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS DATA BASE VERSION 2.0 (1987-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1994-11-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | INEL-94-0157, TMI-2 Analysis Using SCDAP-RELAP5-MOD3.1 (1994-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
2014-05-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | INL-EXT-13-28043, TMI-2 - A Case Study for PWR Instrumentation Performance during a Severe Accident (2014-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
2013-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | INL-EXT-13-30078, Review of Destructive Assay Methods for Nuclear Materials Characterization from TMI Fuel Debris (2013-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
2013-09-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | INLEXT-13-30060, Review of Past INL Work Assessing Radionuclide Content in TMI-2 Melted Fuel Debris (2013-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-10-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | LA-8041-MS, TMI-2 Decay Power, LASL Fission-Product and Actinide Decay Power Calculations (1979-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-08-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | LA-UR-79-2425, Preliminary Calculations Related to the Accident at Three Mile Island (1979-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
| 9b-Data-Accident | LA-UR-83-737, Light-Water Reactor Degraded-Core Cooling Program Techncial Note, A damage Assessment of TMI-2 | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-01-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NSAC-24, TMI-2 Accident, Core Heatup Analysis (1981-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NSAC-80-1, NSAC-1 Revised, Analysis of Three Mile Island Unit 2 Accident (1980-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-05-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREG-0558, Population Dose and Health Impact of Accident at TMI (1979-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-11-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREG-0596, Non-Radiological Consequences to the Aquatic Biota and Fisheries of the Susquehanna River (1979-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-07-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-0913, Generation of Hydrogen during the First Three Hours of the TMI Accident (1979-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-10-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-1093, TMI Telephone Survey Preliminary Report on Procedures and Findings (1979-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-01-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-1215, The Social and Economic Effects of the Accident at TMI - Findings to Date (1980-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-10-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-1219, Analysis of the Three Mile Island Accident and Alternative Sequences (1980-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-1353, Preliminary Calculations Related to the Accident at TMI (1980-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-04-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-2063, Effects of the Accident at TMI on Residential Property Values and Sales (1981-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-04-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-2121, TMI-2 Accident Postulated Heat Transfer Mechanisms and Available Data Base (1981-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-07-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-4953, Correlation of Radioiodine Resuspension with Temperature at TMI-2 (1987-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-08-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-4978, Rev 4, The Cooldown Aspects of the TMI-2 Accident (1987-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1994-07-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-6183, Peer Review of the TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project Metallurgical Examinations (1994-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1994-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-6185, TMI-2 Instrument Nozzle Examinations at ANL, Feb 1991-Jun 1993 (1994-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1994-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-6194, Metallographic and Hardness Examinations of TMI-2 Lower Pressure Vessel Head Samples (1994-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1994-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-6196, Calculations to Estimate Margin to Failure in the TMI-2 Vessel (1994-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1994-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-6197, TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project Integration Report (1994-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1994-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | NUREGCR-6198, TMI-2 Nozzle Examinations Performed at INEL (1994-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-12-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | ORNL-CSD-TM-106, Criticality Analyses of Disrupted Core Models of Three Mile lsland Unit 2 (1979-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1992-10-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | ORNL-TM-12202, Models of Iodine Behavior in Reactor Containments (1992-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1987-03-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | RHO-RE-EV-95P, Lessons Learned from Hydrogen Generation and Burning During the TM I-2 Event (1987-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-07-01 | 9b-Data-Accident | UCRL-52959, Utilization of the Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability (ARAC) During and After the TMI Accident (1980-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-11-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | EGG-TMI-6443, TMI CABLE TRACER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR ASSEMBLY 417910 (1983-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-10-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-014, Examination Results of the Three Mile Island Radiation Detector HP-R-211 (1981-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-11-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-019, EXAMINATION RESULTS OF THE THREE MILE ISLAND RADIATION DETECTOR HP-R-213 (1982-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-11-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-020, EXAMINATION RESULTS ON TMI-2 LPM CHARGE CONVERTERS YM-AMP-7023 AND TM-AMP-7025 (1982-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-06-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-040, FINAL REPORT ON THE IN SITU TESTING OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS AND DEVICES AT TMI-2 (1984-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-07-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-050, TMI INSTRUMENTATION AND ELECTRICAL SUMMARY REPORT (1985-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-11-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-056, TMI-2 Instrumentation and Electrical Program Final Evaluation Report (1986-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-07-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-008, QUICK LOOK REPORT ON HP-RT-0211 MULTIVALUED BEHAVIOR (1981-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-09-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-010, HP-RT-211 CABLE ANALYSIS (1981-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017, VOL-3, Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation HP-R-211 (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-11-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017-VOL-1, Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation CF-1-PT3 (1981-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-04-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017-VOL-10, Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation HP-R-214 (1982-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-04-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017-VOL-11, Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation NI-AMP-2 (1982-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1981-11-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017-VOL-2, Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation CF-1-PT4 (1981-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017-VOL-4, Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation CF-2-LT4 (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017-VOL-5, Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation CF-2-LT2 (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017-VOL-6, Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation IC-10-dPT (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017-VOL-7, Field Measurements and Interpretation of YM-AMP-7023, YM-AMP-7025 (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017-VOL-8, Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation HP-R-212 (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-017-VOL-9, Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation HP-R-213 (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-12-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-018, EXAM SOLENOID VALVES AH-EP-5037, AH-EP-5039, LIMIT SWITCHES AH-KS-5037,AH-KS-5039 (1984-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-08-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-022, STATUS OF TMI-2 INSTRUMENTS AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS (1982-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-08-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-026, Static In Situ Test of the Axial Power Shaping Rod and Shim Safety Control Rod Mechanisms (1982-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-11-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-028, IN-SITU TEST PROCEDURES FOR TMI-2 AXIAL-POWER-SHAPING ROD-DRIVE MECH (1982-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-02-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-029, TMI-2 PRESS TRANSMITTER EXAM PROGRAM YEAR-END REPORT- CF-1-PT3 AND CF-2-LT3 (1983-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-04-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-029-VOL 2, TMI-2 PRESS TRANSMITTER EXAM AND EVAL-CF-I-PTl, CF-2-LTl, AND CF-2-LT2 (1984-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-029-VOL-3, EXAMINATION AND EVALUATION OF TMI-2 TRANSMITTERS-CF-l-PT4 and CF-2-LT4 (1985-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-031, PRELIMINARY REPORT OF TMI-2 IN-CORE INSTRUMENT DAMAGE (1983-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-04-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-031-VOL-2, TMI-2 IN-CORE INSTRUMENT DAMAGE, AN UPDATE (1984-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-11-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-034, TESTING AND EXAMINATION OF TMI-2 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS AND DISCRETE DEVICES (1982-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-11-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-041, EVALUATION OF TMI-2 PRESSURE SWITCHES NM-PS-14S4 AND NM-PS-4174 (1983-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-12-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-042, TMI-2 CABLE CONNECTION PROGRAM-A LOOK AT IN SITU TEST DATA (1983-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-045, EVALUATION OF RESULTS OF TMI-2 SOLENOIDS AH-V6 AND AH-V74 (1984-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-12-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-046, SEQUOYAH 1 CHANGE CONVERTER EXAMINATION RESULTS (RELATES TO TMI-2 INVESTIGATION) (1983-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-049, EXAMINATION RESULTS OF THE THREE MILE ISLAND RADIATION DETECTOR HP-R-212 (1983-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-09-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-056, TMI-2 CABLE-CONNECTIONS PROGRAM FY-84 STATUS REPORT (1984-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-08-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-058, IRRADIATION TEST REPORT-FOXBORO E11GM, BAILEY BY3X31A, AND CABLE (1984-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-09-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-064, Post-Accident Examination of Platinum Resistance Thermometers in the TMI-2 Reactor (1985-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-09-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-068, TMI-2 CABLE CONNECTIONS PROGRAM FY-85 STATUS REPORT (1985-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-01-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-069, ANALYSIS OF THE POLAR CRANE PENDANT CABLE FROM TMI-2 (1986-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-03-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | GEND-INF-072, ANALYSIS AND TESTING OF THE HP-R-214 DOME MONITOR CABLE FROM TMI-2 (1986-03) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
2013-06-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | INL-CON-13-28099, Instrumentation Performance during the TMI-2 Accident (2013-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-12-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | SAND-83-1930, Examination Results of the TMI Radiation Detector HP-R-212 (1983-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-06-01 | 9c-Data-Equipment | Sandia (IRT-6597-001), TMI-2 Literature Search with Application to Equipment Qualificiation Issues (1983-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-12 | 9d-Criticality | (1979-04-12) NRC HQ Advisory Report, Boration and Criticality Aspects of Cooldown from Points A to C | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-05-14 | 9d-Criticality | (1979-05-14) NRC Review, Recriticality Potential of TMI-2 Core | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-04-04 | 9d-Criticality | (1980-04-04) NRC Review, A Further Evaluation of Risk of Recriticality at TMI-2 (re 03-06-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-02-06 | 9d-Criticality | (1981-02-06) NRC (Internal), Boron Dilution and Re-Criticality Meeting Minutes with Licensee | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-04-29 | 9d-Criticality | (1981-04-29) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Potential for Criticality in Spent SDS Vessels | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-06-01 | 9d-Criticality | (1981-06-01) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Criticality Concerns | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-06-15 | 9d-Criticality | (1981-06-15) GPU, Results of Criticality Analysis on SDS Demineralizer | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-08-18 | 9d-Criticality | (1981-08-18) NRC (Internal), ANL Evaluation of Potential and Consequences of Recriticality During Cleanup and Defueling | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-06-01 | 9d-Criticality | (1982-06-01) BAW, Criticality Calculations to Support Recovery Activities Through Head Removal | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-10-01 | 9d-Criticality | (1982-10-01) BAW, Verification of Criticality Calculations for TMI-2 Recovery Operations Through Head Removal, Addend 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-12-01 | 9d-Criticality | (1982-12-01) GPU, Addendum to TMI-2 Decay Heat Removal Report of April 1982, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-12-01 | 9d-Criticality | (1983-12-01) BAW, Criticality Analysis for Heavy Load Drop Accident in Support of Recovery Through RV Head Removal | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-11-08 | 9d-Criticality | (1984-11-08) GPU, Criticality Report, Reactor Coolant System | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-03-15 | 9d-Criticality | (1985-03-15) NRC Safety Evaluation, Reactor Coolant System Criticality Report (re 11-08-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-03-27 | 9d-Criticality | (1985-03-27) NRC Evaluation, Internals Indexing Fixture Safety Evaluation Report, R2 (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-05-28 | 9d-Criticality | (1985-05-28) GPU, Discussion on installing criticality monitoring system | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-06-19 | 9d-Criticality | (1985-06-19) GPU, TMI-2 Transfer System Criticality Technical Report | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-08-19 | 9d-Criticality | (1985-08-19) NRC Review, Criticality Review of Technical Evaluation Report for Defueling Canisters (re 03-22-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-09-10 | 9d-Criticality | (1985-09-10) GPU Criticality Evaluation, Transfer System | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-10-30 | 9d-Criticality | (1985-10-30) NRC (Internal), Criticality Evaluation of Loaded Canister Dropping its Load in Another Canister.pdf | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-01-23 | 9d-Criticality | (1986-01-23) GPU Safety Evaluation, Reactor Building Criticality Evaluation, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-03-05 | 9d-Criticality | (1986-03-05) NRC Review, Reactor Building Sump Criticality SER (re 01-23-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-03-06 | 9d-Criticality | (1986-03-06) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Canister TER, Rev. 2 (wo criticality report) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-05-26 | 9d-Criticality | (1986-05-26) GPU Response to NRC, Reactor Building Sump Criticality SER | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-09-05 | 9d-Criticality | (1986-09-05) GPU Safety Evaluation, Reactor Building Sump Criticality Safety | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-09-11 | 9d-Criticality | (1986-09-11) NRC Review, Reactor Building Sump Criticality Safety Evaluation Report (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-02-20 | 9d-Criticality | (1987-02-20) GPU Safety Evaluation, Criticality Safety Evaluation for Coagulants (re 12-15, 12-31-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-03-27 | 9d-Criticality | (1987-03-27) NRC Review, Criticality Safety Evaluation for Coagulants (re 12-11-1986, 02-20, 01-05-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-03-27 | 9d-Criticality | (1987-03-27) NRC Review, Criticality Safety Evaluation for Coagulants (re various) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-11-30 | 9d-Criticality | (1987-11-30) GPU Criticality Assessment for Using Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Lower Core Support Assembly, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-03-16 | 9d-Criticality | (1988-03-16) GPU, Criticality Safety Assessment for Use of Plasma Arc Torch (re 11-30-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-08-11 | 9d-Criticality | (1988-08-11) GPU, Criticality Assessment, Use of Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Baffle Plates and Core Support Shield | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-12-27 | 9d-Criticality | (1988-12-27) GPU Criticality Assessment for Using Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Upper Core Support Assembly, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1989-01-31 | 9d-Criticality | (1989-01-31) NRC Safety Evaluation, Criticality Assess of Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Vessel Internals (08-11, 12-27-1988).pdf | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1989-02-13 | 9d-Criticality | (1989-02-13) GPU Criticality Safety Assessment for Increasing the TMI-2 Safety Fuel Mass Limit, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1992-02-20 | 9d-Criticality | (1992-02-20) NRC Safety Evaluation, Post Defueling Monitored Storage (re 02-20-1992) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1992-12-18 | 9d-Criticality | (1992-12-18) GPU Criticality Safety Analysis Report for the TMI-2 Reactor Vessel | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-04-08 | 9d-Criticality | (1993-04-08) GPU Response to NRC, Criticality Analysis and Post-Defueling Survey Report (re 03-22-1993) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-07-06 | 9d-Criticality | (1993-07-06) NRC Safety Evaluation, Vessel Criticality Safety Analysis (with PNL Report) (re various letters).pd | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-04-01 | 9d-Criticality | DOE-NCT-01, Review of the State of Criticality of the TMI-2 Core and Reactor Vessel (1987-04) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
2003-09-01 | 9d-Criticality | DOE-SNF-REP-084, TMI Fuel Characteristics for Disposal Criticality Analysis (2003-09) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
2004-06-01 | 9d-Criticality | DOE-SNF-REP-090, Packaging Strategies for Criticality Safety for Other DOE Fuels in a Repository (2004-06) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-05-01 | 9d-Criticality | GEND-071, TMI CRITICALITY STUDIES LOWER VESSEL RUBBLE AND ANALYICAL BENCHMARKING (1986-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-12-01 | 9d-Criticality | ORNL-CSD-TM-106, Criticality Analyses of Disrupted Core Models of Three Mile lsland Unit 2 (1979-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-12-01 | 9d-Criticality | ORNL-CSD-TM-106, Criticality Analyses of Disrupted Core Models of TMI-2 (1979-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-10-01 | 9d-Criticality | ORNL-CSD-TM-195, Nuclear-Criticality-Safety Studies of Interest to TMI-2 Recovery Operations (1982-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1985-12-01 | 9d-Criticality | ORNL-CSD-TM-222, TMI-2 Criticality Studies, Lower-Vessel Rubble and Analytical Benchmarking (1985-12) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-04-29 | 10a-Decon | (1979-04-29) GPU, Use of Inorganic Solvent for Decontamination | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-13 | 10a-Decon | (1979-07-13) GPU, Plan for Decontamination of Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Buildings | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-07-27 | 10a-Decon | (1979-07-27) GPU, Post Decontamination Leaching Problem | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1979-12-13 | 10a-Decon | (1979-12-13) GPU, No. 2 Personnel Air Lock Contamination Control Facility Design Description | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-01-28 | 10a-Decon | (1980-01-28) NRC Review, Surface Contamination Limits (re 01-14-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1980-02-29 | 10a-Decon | (1980-02-29) GPU, Program for Aux. Building Sump and Associated Tanks Decontamination (re 12-21-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-10-30 | 10a-Decon | (1981-10-30) GPU, Decontamination Experiment for Containment Building | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-11-18 | 10a-Decon | (1981-11-18) GPU Safety Evaluation, Containment Building Decontamination Experiment (re 10-30-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-12-15 | 10a-Decon | (1981-12-15) GPU Safety Evaluation, Containment Building Decontamination Experiment, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1981-12-23 | 10a-Decon | (1981-12-23) NRC Safety Evaluation, Decontamination Experiment in Reactor Building | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-09-23 | 10a-Decon | (1982-09-23) GPU Safety Evaluation, Ongoing Containment Building Decontamination Activities, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1982-09-24 | 10a-Decon | (1982-09-24) NRC Safety Evaluation, Extended Containment Building Decontamination Effort | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-01-13 | 10a-Decon | (1983-01-13) GPU, Plans to Shutoff Containment Air Cooler Units Indefinite Time | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-01-24 | 10a-Decon | (1983-01-24) NRC Review, Plan to Secure Reactor Building Air Cooler Units (re 01-13-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-02-07 | 10a-Decon | (1983-02-07) NRC Review, Plan to Maintain RB Airlock Doors Open (re 01-28-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-09-29 | 10a-Decon | (1983-09-29) GPU Safety Evaluation, Ongoing Reactor Building Decontamination-Dose Reduction, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1983-12-30 | 10a-Decon | (1983-12-30) GPU, Aux and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule (re 09-30-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-02-03 | 10a-Decon | (1984-02-03) NRC Safety Evaluation, Containment Decontamination and Dose Reduction (re 09-29, 01-23-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-03-07 | 10a-Decon | (1984-03-07) NRC Review, Aux and Fuel Handling Building Decontamination Schedule (re 12-30-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-03-30 | 10a-Decon | (1984-03-30) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1984Q1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-04-30 | 10a-Decon | (1984-04-30) GPU, 1984 Reactor Building Decontamination Activities | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-07-13 | 10a-Decon | (1984-07-13) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1984Q2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1984-10-15 | 10a-Decon | (1984-10-15) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1984Q3 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-01-15 | 10a-Decon | (1985-01-15) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1984Q4 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-02-08 | 10a-Decon | (1985-02-08) GPU Safety Evaluation, Reactor Building Decontamination and Dose Reduction Activities for 1985, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-03-25 | 10a-Decon | (1985-03-25) GPU Safety Evaluation, Reactor Building Decontamination and Dose Reduction Activities for 1985, Supp. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-04-15 | 10a-Decon | (1985-04-15) GPU, Aux and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, Q1-1985 (re 03-07-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-09-25 | 10a-Decon | (1985-09-25) NRC Safety Evaluation, Reactor Building Decontamination and Dose Reduction for 1985 (re 02-08, 03-25-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1985-10-15 | 10a-Decon | (1985-10-15) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1985Q3 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-01-15 | 10a-Decon | (1986-01-15) GPU, Aux. and Fual Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1986Q4 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-01-15 | 10a-Decon | (1986-01-15) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1985Q4 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-03-14 | 10a-Decon | (1986-03-14) GPU Safety Evaluation, Decontamination Using Ultrahigh Pressure Water Flush, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-03-18 | 10a-Decon | (1986-03-18) GPU, Safety Evaluation, Sediment Transfer and Processing Operations SER | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-03-28 | 10a-Decon | (1986-03-28) GPU Safety Evaluation, Reactor Building Decontamination and Dose Reduction Activities for 1986, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-04-14 | 10a-Decon | (1986-04-14) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1986Q1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-06-04 | 10a-Decon | (1986-06-04) GPU Safety Evaluation, Sediment Transfer and Processing Operations, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-07-14 | 10a-Decon | (1986-07-14) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1986Q2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-07-16 | 10a-Decon | (1986-07-16) NRC Safety Evaluation, Decontamination using Ultrahigh Pressure Water Flush (re 03-14-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-09-25 | 10a-Decon | (1986-09-25) NRC Review, Sediment Transfer and Processing Operations (re 03-18-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1986-10-15 | 10a-Decon | (1986-10-15) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1986Q3 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-02-12 | 10a-Decon | (1987-02-12) GPU Safety Evaluation, Sediment Transfer and Processing Operations, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-03-26 | 10a-Decon | (1987-03-26) NRC Review, Sediment Transfer and Processing Operations (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-04-14 | 10a-Decon | (1987-04-14) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1987Q1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-07-14 | 10a-Decon | (1987-07-14) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1987Q2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-10-15 | 10a-Decon | (1987-10-15) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1987Q3 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-11-25 | 10a-Decon | (1987-11-25) GPU Safety Evaluation, Sediment Transfer and Processing Operations, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-01-15 | 10a-Decon | (1988-01-15) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1987Q4 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-03-09 | 10a-Decon | (1988-03-09) NRC Review, Sediment Transfer and Processing Operations (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-04-14 | 10a-Decon | (1988-04-14) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1988Q1 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-07-15 | 10a-Decon | (1988-07-15) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1988Q2 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1988-10-12 | 10a-Decon | (1988-10-12) GPU, Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Decon Schedule, 1988Q3 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1989-01-10 | 10a-Decon | (1989-01-10) GPU Safety Evaluation, Sediment Transfer and Processing Operations, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1993-09-15 | 10a-Decon | (1993-09-15) GPU Response to NRC, Contamination Estimate for Two TMI-2 AFHB Cubicles | Link | Correspondence | 3 |
1987-10-01 | 10a-Decon | DOE-C0NF-87101B-V2, Proceedings of the 1987 International Decommissioning Symposium (1987-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1998-01-01 | 10a-Decon | DOE-EW-55094, Assessment of Strippable Coatings for Decontamination and Decommissioning (1998-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1997-02-01 | 10a-Decon | DOE-MC-29104-5759, Mobile Worksystems for Decontamination and Decommissioning Operations (1997-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1995-08-01 | 10a-Decon | DOE-ORO-2034, Contaminated Concrete, Occurrence and Emerging Technologies for DOE Decontamination (1995-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-10-01 | 10a-Decon | GEND-002, Vol. 1, Facility Decontamination Technology Workshop, Presentations (1980-10) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1982-01-01 | 10a-Decon | GEND-002, Vol. 2, Facility Decontamination Technology Workshop, Discussion Groups (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-02-01 | 10a-Decon | GEND-031, Assessment of strippable coatings for decontamination and decommissioning (1983-02) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-07-01 | 10a-Decon | GEND-034, Gross Decontamination Experiment Report (1983-07) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1983-08-01 | 10a-Decon | NUREGCR-3381, Evaluation of the TMI-2 Reactor Building Decontamination Process (1983-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1984-08-01 | 10a-Decon | NUREGCR-3884, Evaluation of Nuclear Facility Decommissioning Projects Report, TMI-2 Polar Crane Recovery (1984-08) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-05-01 | 10a-Decon | NUREGCR-4315, Vol. 1, TMI-2 Reactor Coolant System and Systems Decontamination, Summary Status Report (1986-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-05-01 | 10a-Decon | NUREGCR-4315, Vol. 2, TMI-2 Reactor Building Decontamination, Summary Status Report (1986-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1986-05-01 | 10a-Decon | NUREGCR-4315, Vol. 3, TMI-2 Reactor Defueling and Disassembly, Summary Status Report (1986-05) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1980-11-01 | 10a-Decon | PNL-3628, Decontamination Demonstration Facility Modularization-Mobility Study (1980-11) | Link | Technical Report | 3 |
1979-11-14 | 11a-Waste | (1979-11-14) NRC to NIOSH, Results of the Initial Epicor II Processing of the First 6000 Gallons | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-01-18 | 11a-Waste | (1980-01-18) GPU, Plans to Dispose TMI-1 Solid Radwaste | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-01-24 | 11a-Waste | (1980-01-24) GPU, Processed Water Storage Tank Dikes (re 12-13-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-01-30 | 11a-Waste | (1980-01-30) GPU, TMI-2 Water Processing and Processed Water Disposition Plan for 1980 (re 12-21-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-02-01 | 11a-Waste | (1980-02-01) GPU Response to NRC, Options for Processed Water Disposal (re 12-21-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-02-01 | 11a-Waste | (1980-02-01) NRC Review, Design Criteria for Processed Water Storage Tanks (re 01-24-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-02-11 | 11a-Waste | (1980-02-11) NRC, Disposition of Unit 1 Solid Radioactive Waste (re 01-18-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-02-27 | 11a-Waste | (1980-02-27) City of Lancaster Settlement Agreement | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-03-26 | 11a-Waste | (1980-03-26) Coordination Agreement, TMI Information and Examination Program (DOE-NRC-GPU-EPRI) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-05-05 | 11a-Waste | (1980-05-05) BNL Report, Leachability, Structural Integrity, and Radiation Stability of Resins Solidified in Cement | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-05-06 | 11a-Waste | (1980-05-06) GPU, Operational Performance Summaries of EPICOR I and II Systems through 4-14-1980 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-05-08 | 11a-Waste | (1980-05-08) GPU Response to NRC, Evaporator-Solidification Facility (re 11-23-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-05-09 | 11a-Waste | (1980-05-09) GPU, Processed Water Management (re 01-30-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-06-26 | 11a-Waste | (1980-06-26) NRC, Disposal of Water In Sampling Wells in Storm Water Drainage | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-07-03 | 11a-Waste | (1980-07-03) GPU, Processed Water Management (re 01-30, 05-09-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-07-25 | 11a-Waste | (1980-07-25) GPU, Plans for Pre-Accident Spent Resin Disposal | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-08-06 | 11a-Waste | (1980-08-06) NRC Review, Issues of SDS, Solid Waste Disposal, Sump Water Storage (re 06-30-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-08-06 | 11a-Waste | (1980-08-06) NRC Review, Pre-Accident Spent Resin Disposal (re 07-25-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-12-15 | 11a-Waste | (1980-12-15) NRC letter to NCRP Task Group on Disposal of Accident Generated Waste Water | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-02-27 | 11a-Waste | (1981-02-27) NRC Review, Processed Water Storage Tank Potential Leakage | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-04-01 | 11a-Waste | (1981-04-01) GPU Response to NRC, Processed Water Storage Tanks (re 02-27, 03-19-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-29 | 11a-Waste | (1981-05-29) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Processed Water Storage Limits | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-07-30 | 11a-Waste | (1981-07-30) PNO-TMI-81-16, Leakage from Processed Water Storage Tank Manway Cover | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-02-11 | 11a-Waste | (1982-02-11) NRC (Internal), Radiological Assessment of TMI-2 Processed Water Disposition Alternatives | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-04-04 | 11a-Waste | (1982-04-04) NRC, Certificate of Compliance 9152, Rev. 0, for Model CNS-1-13C II Shipping Cask | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-05-21 | 11a-Waste | (1982-05-21) NRC, Certificate of Compliance 9152, Rev. 1, for Model CNS-1-13C II Shipping Cask | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-05-22 | 11a-Waste | (1982-05-22) NRC (Internal), Rad Assessment of TMI-2 Processes Water Disposition Alternatives (re 02-11-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-11-24 | 11a-Waste | (1982-11-24) NRC Review, Reactor Coolant Processing Plan (re 11-03-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-11-30 | 11a-Waste | (1982-11-30) GPU TPO-TMI-027, Rev. 0, Data Report, Reactor Building Basement - History and Present Conditions | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-07-29 | 11a-Waste | (1983-07-29) GPU Safety Evaluation, Fuel Pool-A Refurbishment to Pre-Accident Condition | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-08-30 | 11a-Waste | (1983-08-30) GPU Safety Evaluation, Fuel Pool-A Refurbishment SER, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-09-23 | 11a-Waste | (1983-09-23) GPU Safety Evaluation, Fuel Pool-A Refurbishment, Rev to Sect. | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-11-30 | 11a-Waste | (1983-11-31) GPU System Description, Processed Water Storage and Recycle System, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-11-30 | 11a-Waste | (1983-11-30) GPU Safety Evaluation, Fuel Pool-A Refurbishment, Rev Sect. 4.1 and Fig. 2.2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-01-24 | 11a-Waste | (1984-01-24) NRC, Certificate of Compliance 5026, Rev. 11, for Model CNS-14-190 Shipping Cask | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-04-18 | 11a-Waste | (1984-04-18) GPU, RCS Purification System Ion Exchange Wastes (re 11-08, 09-08-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-05-31 | 11a-Waste | (1984-05-31) GPU Safety Evaluation, Internals Indexing Fixture Processing System, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-05-31 | 11a-Waste | (1984-05-31) GPU Safety Evaluation, Internals Indexing Fixture Processing System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-08-27 | 11a-Waste | (1984-08-27) GPU System Description, DWCS Fuel Transfer Canal SFP Cleanup System, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-08-27 | 11a-Waste | (1984-08-27) GPU System Description, DWCS Reactor Vessel Cleanup System, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-01-14 | 11a-Waste | (1985-01-14) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Water Cleanup System (with System Descriptions) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-03-19 | 11a-Waste | (1985-03-19) GPU System Description, Defueling Water Cleanup, Reactor Vessel Cleanup System, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-03-19 | 11a-Waste | (1985-03-19) GPU System Description, Defueling Water Cleanup, Transfer Canal-SFP Cleanup System, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-04-26 | 11a-Waste | (1985-04-26) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Water Cleanup System, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-05-14 | 11a-Waste | (1985-05-14) GPU System Description, Reactor Building Sump Recirculation System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-05-17 | 11a-Waste | (1985-05-17) GPU Safety Evaluation, Operation of Internal Indexing Fixture Processing System, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-05-28 | 11a-Waste | (1985-05-28) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Water Cleanup System TER (effective pages) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-06-13 | 11a-Waste | (1985-06-13) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Water Cleanup System, Rev. 6 (effective pages only) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-08-06 | 11a-Waste | (1985-08-06) NRC Review, Defueling Water Cleanup System (re various) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-08-06 | 11a-Waste | (1985-08-06) NRC Safety Evaluation, Defueling Water Cleanup System (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-08-14 | 11a-Waste | (1985-08-14) NRC, Certificate of Compliance 9152, Rev. 8, for Model CNS-1-13C II Shipping Cask | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-07 | 11a-Waste | (1985-11-07) NRC Review, NUPAC Topical Report on FL-50 EA-50 High Integrity Container | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-02-06 | 11a-Waste | (1986-02-06) GPU Safety Evaluation,TMI-2 Temporary Reactor Vessel Water Filtration System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-02-07 | 11a-Waste | (1986-02-07) GPU System Description, Defueling Water Cleanup, Fuel Transfer Canal-SFP, Rev. 5 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-02-07 | 11a-Waste | (1986-02-07) GPU System Description, Defueling Water Cleanup, Reactor Vessel, Rev. 6 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-02-07 | 11a-Waste | (1986-02-07) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Water Cleanup System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-02-07 | 11a-Waste | (1986-02-07) NRC Safety Evaluation, Temporary Reactor Vessel Water Filtration System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-03-06 | 11a-Waste | (1986-03-06) GPU Safety Evaluation, Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-03-18 | 11a-Waste | (1986-03-18) NRC Review, Restricted Operations of Temporary Vessel Filtration System (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-04-11 | 11a-Waste | (1986-04-11) NRC, Certificate of Compliance 9200, Rev. 0, for Model 125-B Shipping Cask | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-04-14 | 11a-Waste | (1986-04-14) GPU Safety Evaluation, Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-04-14 | 11a-Waste | (1986-04-14) NRC Review, Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System, Rev. 2 (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-04-17 | 11a-Waste | (1986-04-17) GPU, Plans to Installed New Reactor Vessel Water Cleanup System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-04-18 | 11a-Waste | (1986-04-18) NRC Review, Modified Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-04-24 | 11a-Waste | (1986-04-24) NRC Review, Reactor Vessel Water Cleanup System (re 04-17-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-05-05 | 11a-Waste | (1986-05-05) GPU Safety Evaluation, Addition of a Biocide to the TMI-2 Reactor Coolant System, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-05-06 | 11a-Waste | (1986-05-06) NRC Review, Addition of a Biocide to the TMI-2 Reactor Coolant System (re 05-05-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-06-17 | 11a-Waste | (1986-06-17) GPU, Operation of the Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-06-30 | 11a-Waste | (1986-06-30) GPU Safety Evaluation, Operations of Filter-Aid Feed System and Use of Diatomaceous Earth as Feed Material | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-07-09 | 11a-Waste | (1986-07-09) NRC Review, Operation of Filter-Aid Feed System, Use of Diatomaceous Earth (re various letter) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-07-17 | 11a-Waste | (1986-07-17) NRC, Certificate of Compliance 9200, Rev. 1, for Model 125-B Shipping Cask | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-07-24 | 11a-Waste | (1986-07-24) NRC Review, Operation of the Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-07-31 | 11a-Waste | (1986-07-31) GPU, Candidate Methods for Disposal of Process Water | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-08-16 | 11a-Waste | (1986-08-16) GPU, Storage of Upper End Fittings in Shielded 55 Gal Drums | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-09-09 | 11a-Waste | (1986-09-09) GPU Response to NRC (Discussion), Storage of Upper End Fittings (re 08-16-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-09-10 | 11a-Waste | (1986-09-10) NRC Review, Plans to Store Upper End Fittings (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-09-26 | 11a-Waste | (1986-09-26) GPU, Deep-Bed Filters in the Defueling Water Cleanup System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-11-17 | 11a-Waste | (1986-11-17) GPU Safety Evaluation, TMI-2 Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-12-01 | 11a-Waste | (1986-12-01) GPU Safety Evaluation, TMI-2 Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System, Rev. 3 (Missing pages) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-12-15 | 11a-Waste | (1986-12-15) GPU Safety Evaluation, Addition of Coagulants to the Reactor Coolant System, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-12-22 | 11a-Waste | (1986-12-22) NRC Review, Addition of Coagulants to the Reactor Coolant System, Rev. 0 (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-12-31 | 11a-Waste | (1986-12-31) GPU, Use of Different Coagulants (re 12-15-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-01-05 | 11a-Waste | (1987-01-05) NRC Review, Use of a Chemical Coagulant in the Reactor Vessel Filtration System (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-02-03 | 11a-Waste | (1987-02-03) GPU, Radionuclide Content of Selected Processed Water | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-02-18 | 11a-Waste | (1987-02-18) GPU, Results of Assessment of Radionuclides in Processed Water (re 07-31-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-02-20 | 11a-Waste | (1987-02-20) GPU Safety Evaluation, Criticality Safety Evaluation for Coagulants (re 12-15, 12-31-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-04-29 | 11a-Waste | (1987-04-29) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Water Cleanup System, Rev. 10 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-05-21 | 11a-Waste | (1987-05-21) GPU Safety Analysis, Defueling Water System Cross-Connect to Reactor Vessel Cleanup System, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-06-10 | 11a-Waste | (1987-06-10) GPU, Filter Canister Media Modification | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-06-11 | 11a-Waste | (1987-06-11) NRC Review, DWCS Cross-Connect to Reactor Vessel Cleanup System (re 05-21-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-07-24 | 11a-Waste | (1987-07-24) GPU, Staging Hittman Liners in Waste Handling and Packaging Facility | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-10-01 | 11a-Waste | (1987-10-01) NRC Review, Staging of Hittman Liners in Waste Handling Packaging Facility (re 07-24-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-12-02 | 11a-Waste | (1987-12-02) GPU Safety Evaluation, Use of Non-Borated Water in Canister Decontamination System, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-02-16 | 11a-Waste | (1988-02-16) GPU System Description, Accident Generated Water Disposal System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-10-07 | 11a-Waste | (1988-10-07) GPU Technical Evaluation, Processed Water Disposal System TER, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-03-09 | 11a-Waste | (1989-03-09) NRC IN-89-27, Limitations on Use of Waste Forms and HIC for Disposal of Low Level Waste | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-04-17 | 11a-Waste | (1989-04-17) GPU Response to NRC, Processed Water Disposal System TER (re 02-16-1989) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-05-12 | 11a-Waste | (1989-05-12) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Water Cleanup System, Rev. 12 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-08-30 | 11a-Waste | (1989-08-30) NRC Review, Environ Assessment of Transportation of AGW Evaporator Bottoms (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-08-30 | 11a-Waste | (1989-08-30) NRC Review, TS Mod. to Delete Prohibition on Disposal of Accident Generated Water (re 02-25, 04-13-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-10-19 | 11a-Waste | (1989-10-19) GPU Technical Evaluation, Processed Water Disposal System TER, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-08-30 | 11a-Waste | (1990-08-30) PNO-I-90-71, Potential Leakage of Accident Generated Water | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1991-11-06 | 11a-Waste | (1991-11-06) GPU Technical Evaluation, Processed Water Disposal System TER, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-03-10 | 11a-Waste | (1992-03-10) GPU System Description, Processed Water Storage and Recycle System, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-05-12 | 11a-Waste | (1992-05-12) GPU Technical Evaluation, Processed Water Disposal System, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-03-04 | 11a-Waste | (1993-03-04) NRC Safety Evaluation, Processed Water Disposal System TER, Rev. 3 (re various letter) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-07-01 | 11a-Waste | (1993-07-01) NRC Review, Processed Water Disposal System TER (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-08-05 | 11a-Waste | (1993-08-05) GPU, Accident Generated Water Disposal Completion Report | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-08-17 | 11a-Waste | (1993-08-17) GPU, Completion of Accident Generated Water Disposal | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-09-01 | 11a-Waste | BNL-51614, Waste Form Development Program Annual Report, FY-92 (1982-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1982-08-01 | 11a-Waste | BNL-51615, Solidification of Ion Exchange Resin Wastes (1982-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1980-11-01 | 11a-Waste | BNL-NUREG-28682, Recent Studies of Radiation Induced Behavior of Ion Exchange Media (1980-11) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-08-01 | 11a-Waste | EGG-TMI-6272, Requirements for Transporting the TMI-2 Core (1983-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-06-01 | 11a-Waste | EGG-TMI-6588, TMI ABNORMAL WASTE PROJECT PLAN (1984-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1982-01-01 | 11a-Waste | GEND-021, Controlled Air Incinerator Conceptual Design Study (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1982-10-01 | 11a-Waste | GEND-023, VITRIFICATION PROCESS FOR VOLUME REDUCTION AND STABILIZATION OF ORGANIC RESINS (1982-10) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1982-09-01 | 11a-Waste | GEND-024, ZEOLITE VITRIFICATION DEMOSTRATION-NONRADIOACTIVE PROCESS OPERATIONS (1982-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1982-09-01 | 11a-Waste | GEND-025, ZEOLITE VITRIFICATION DEMO-CHARACTERIZATION OF NONRADIOACTIVE DEMO PRODUCT (1982-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-01-01 | 11a-Waste | GEND-038, Summary of Radioactive Operations for Zeolite Vitrification Demonstration Program (1984-01) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-05-01 | 11a-Waste | GEND-041, Predict Combustible Gas Generation in Sealed Radioactive Waste Containers (1986-05) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-02-01 | 11a-Waste | GEND-052, Hydrogen Control in Handling, Shipping, and Storage of Wet Radioactive Waste (1986-02) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1987-08-01 | 11a-Waste | GEND-062, Catalyst Tests for Hydrogen Control in Canisters of Wet Rad Waste (1987-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-12-01 | 11a-Waste | GEND-INF-020, CONCEPTUAL DESIGN STUDY FOR AN INCIDENT RESPONSE EVAPORATOR (1983-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-01-01 | 11a-Waste | GEND-INF-048, IN-SITU ZEOLITE DRYING (1984-01) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
2012-07-01 | 11a-Waste | INL-CON-12-26246, Lessons from TMI Packaging, Transport and Disposition that Apply to Fukushima (2012-07) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1993-10-01 | 11a-Waste | LA-12655-MS, Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Modern Ion Exchange Materials (1993-10) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
2014-05-01 | 11a-Waste | NRC Backgrounder, Transportation of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Materials (2014-05) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
2002-05-01 | 11a-Waste | NUREGBR-0216, Rev. 2, Radioactive Waste Production, Storage, Disposal (2002-05) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-10-01 | 11a-Waste | NUREGCR-2830, Permissible Radionuclide Loading for Organic Ion Exchange Resins from NPPs (1983-10) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-10-01 | 11a-Waste | NUREGCR-3383, Irradiation Effects on Radwaste Containing Organic Ion-Exchange Media (1983-10) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1985-12-01 | 11a-Waste | NUREGCR-4062, Extended Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste, Potential Problem Areas (1985-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1988-06-01 | 11a-Waste | NUREGCR-4315, Vol. 9, Rev. 1, TMI-2, Radioactive Waste and Laundry Shipments (1988-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1996-06-01 | 11a-Waste | NUREGCR-6392, Effects of Aging on Compressive Strength of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Form Samples (1996-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1987-12-01 | 11a-Waste | ORNL-TM-10362, Characterization of Solids in the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (1987-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1991-12-01 | 11a-Waste | ORNL-TM-11891, Low-Level Liquid Waste Decontamination by Ion Exchange (1991-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1981-08-01 | 11a-Waste | ORNL-TM-7782, Survey, Utilization of Zeolites for Removal of Radioactivity from Liquid Waste Streams (1981-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1982-01-01 | 11a-Waste | PNL-4032, Risk Assessment for the Transportation of Radioactive Zeolite Liners (1982-01) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1981-04-01 | 11a-Waste | SAND-81-567, High-Integrity Containers Used to Store, Transport, Dispose High-Specific Activity TMi-2 Waste (1981-04) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-05-26 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-05-26) NRC Policy, NRC to Advise Use of EPICOR-II After Public Comment | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-10-09 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-10-09) NRC to Commission, Further Staff Analyses of Public Comments on EPICOR II | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-10-09 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-10-09) NRC to Commissioners, Operation of EPICOR II System at TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-10-18 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-10-18) GPU Response to NRC Order (10-16-1979), EPICOR II Readiness | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-10-19 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-10-19) NRC Approve EPICOR II Procedures and Design and Construction Details | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-10-22 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-10-22) NRC Order (10-18-1979), Operation of EPICOR II to decontaminate Intermediate Water in Aux Bldg | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-10-26 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-10-26) NRC Order Amend, Clarifies Order dated 10-26-1979 Concerning EPICOR II Operations | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-11-07 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-11-07) NRC (Internal), Estimated Dose from Discharge of Processed Water from EPICOR II | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-11-07 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-11-07) NRC Review, Estimated Doses from Discharge of Processed Water from EPICOR-II | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-11-14 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-11-14) Memo, Results of the initial Epicor II processing of the first 6000 gallons | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-11-30 | 11b-EPICOR | (1979-11-30) GPU, EPICOR II Resin Liner Dewatering Study Tests | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-01-30 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-01-30) GPU, Waste Water Processing and Processed Water Disposition Plan for 1980 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-05-06 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-05-06) GPU, Performance Summaries of EPICOR I and II Systems through 4-14-1980 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-05-15 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-05-15) NRC, Evaluation of EPICOR II Wastes Under Handling, Storage, Trans. and Disposal Conditions | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-07-02 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-07-02) GPU Response to NRC (05-15-1980), Evaluation of EPICOR II Wastes | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-08-20 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-08-20) DOE to NRC, Plans to Conduct Experiments on Spent EPICOR II Liners | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-10-23 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-10-23) EGG Report, EPICOR, Summary of Studies on Stability of Ion Exchange Resins in Radiation Environs | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-11-17 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-11-17) GPU, Procurement Specification for an EPICOR II Resin Solidification Service, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-12-04 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-12-04) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Future EPICOR-II Operations | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-12-04 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-12-04) GPU, EPICOR II Liner Evaluation Status | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-12-04 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-12-04) GPU, Evaluation of the Liner Integrity of the TMI Unit 2 EPICOR II Radwaste Systems | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-12-11 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-12-11) GPU, Correction to EPICOR II Liner Evaluation Status (12-04-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-12-15 | 11b-EPICOR | (1980-12-15) GPU, Methodology for Calculation of Integrated Dose for the EPICOR-II Prefilters | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-01-13 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-01-13) GPU, Future EPICOR II Operation | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-01-15 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-01-15) GPU, EPICOR II Resin Solidification Procurement Specifications | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-01-22 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-01-22) NRC, Evaluation of EPICOR-II Waste Under Handling, Storage, Trans., and Disposal Conditions | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-02-06 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-02-06) GPU, Liner Storage Modules Monitoring Wells | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-02-06 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-02-06) NRC, Approve Shipment of Spent EPICOR II Prefilters to DOE for Characterization | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-02-12 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-02-12) NRC to DOE, Review of scope of work for resin characterization related to EPICOR-II | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-02-23 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-02-23) GPU, Use of EPICOR II for RCS Water | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-02-27 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-02-27) GPU, Forwards Generic Letters on Control of Heavy Loads | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-03-10 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-03-10) NRC Review, Future EPICOR II Operations (re 01-13-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-03-16 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-03-16) GPU, EPICOR II Liner Storage Contingency Plan for Extended Storage | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-03-26 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-03-26) NRC Review, Use of EPICOR II to Process RCS Water (re 02-23-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-04 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-05-04) GPU, Plans for Disposal of EPICOR-II Prefilter Liners | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-06-08 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-06-08) NRC Review, Use of SDS and EPICOR-II to Cleanup Sump Water(re 05-08-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-07-01 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-07-01) PNO-TMI-81-13, EPICOR-II Liner Shipment | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-07-30 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-07-30) PNO-TMI-81-16, Leakage from Processed Water Storage Tank | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-08-04 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-08-04) GPU, Status of EPICOR II Prefilter Liners | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-09-11 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-09-11) GPU, Use of EPICOR II for SDS Effluent Polishing | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-10-22 | 11b-EPICOR | (1981-10-22) NRC Review, Use of EPICOR II for SDS Effluent Polishing (re 09-11-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-02-05 | 11b-EPICOR | (1982-02-05) GPU System Descriptions, EPICOR II and Mini Decay Heat Removal Systems | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-05-21 | 11b-EPICOR | (1982-05-21) GPU, Plans for Venting and Shipping EPICOR II Prefilter Liners | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-07-22 | 11b-EPICOR | (1982-07-22) GPU, Shipment of EPICOR II Prefilter Liners | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-07-23 | 11b-EPICOR | (1982-07-23) NRC Review, Shipment of EPICOR II Prefilters to DOE facility (re 05-14-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-07-28 | 11b-EPICOR | (1982-07-28) PNO-TMI-82-17, Inerting of EPICOR II Prefilters | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-08-17 | 11b-EPICOR | (1982-08-17) PNO-TMI-82-19, Shipment of EPICOR II Prefilter (PF-13) from TMI-2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-10-14 | 11b-EPICOR | (1982-10-14) GPU, EPICOR Prefilter Liner Inerting Status | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-11-24 | 11b-EPICOR | (1982-11-24) NRC Review, Inerting of EPICOR II Prefilter Shipping Casks (re 10-14-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-04-28 | 11b-EPICOR | (1983-04-28) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, SDS, and Solid Radwaste Staging Modules, Rev | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-07-12 | 11b-EPICOR | (1983-07-12) GPU, Shipment of Last EPICOR II Prefilter | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-07-12 | 11b-EPICOR | (1983-07-12) PNO-TMI-83-05, Final EPICOR II Prefilter Waste Shipment | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-02-24 | 11b-EPICOR | (1984-02-24) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, Rev | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-04-26 | 11b-EPICOR | (1985-04-26) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-10-24 | 11b-EPICOR | (1985-10-24) NRC Exemption, 61.55 Regarding Waste Classification for EPICOR II Resin Liners | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-04-29 | 11b-EPICOR | (1986-04-29) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-05-14 | 11b-EPICOR | (1987-05-14) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 5 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-10-06 | 11b-EPICOR | (1987-10-06) NRC Review, System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 5 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-06-22 | 11b-EPICOR | (1988-06-22) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 6 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-07-24 | 11b-EPICOR | (1989-07-24) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 7 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-08-27 | 11b-EPICOR | (1990-08-27) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 8 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1991-06-27 | 11b-EPICOR | (1991-06-27) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 9 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-07-08 | 11b-EPICOR | (1992-07-08) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 10 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-05-07 | 11b-EPICOR | (1993-05-07) GPU System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 11 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-05-26 | 11b-EPICOR | (1993-05-26) NRC Review, System Description, EPICOR II, Rev. 10 (re 07-08-1992) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-03-01 | 11b-EPICOR | EGG-TMI-6198, EPICOR-II RESINLINER RESEARCH PLAN (1983-03) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-06-01 | 11b-EPICOR | EGG-TMI-6304, Design Analysis, High-Integrity Container for Disposal of EPICOR-II Prefilter Liners (1983-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-09-01 | 11b-EPICOR | EGG-TMI-6414, ASSESSMENT FOR SHIPPING HICS LOADED WITH EPICOR-II LINERS TO HANFORD (1983-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-12-01 | 11b-EPICOR | EGG-TMI-6521, PROGRAM PLAN OF THE EPICOR AND WASTE RESEARCH AND DISPOSITION PROGRAM (1983-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-10-01 | 11b-EPICOR | EGG-TMI-7417, LYSIMETER DATA FROM EPICOR-II WASTE FORMS, FY1986 (1986-10) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1982-12-01 | 11b-EPICOR | GEND-012, THE FEASIBILITY OF VITRIFYING EPICOR II ORGANIC RESINS (1982-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1982-08-01 | 11b-EPICOR | GEND-015, CHARACTERIZATION OF EPICOR II PREFILTER LINER 16 (1982-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-04-01 | 11b-EPICOR | GEND-027, CHARACTERIZATION OF EPICOR II PREFILTER LINER 3 (1983-04) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-06-01 | 11b-EPICOR | GEND-029, Preparations to Ship EPICOR Liners (1983-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-08-01 | 11b-EPICOR | GEND-036, METALLURGICAL EXAM OF AND RESIN TRANSFER FROM TMI PREFILTER LINERS (1984-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1985-02-01 | 11b-EPICOR | GEND-045, Disposal Demo of High Integrity Container with an EPICOR II Prefilter from TMI (1985-02) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1985-12-01 | 11b-EPICOR | GEND-053, EPICOR-II Resin Degradation Results from First Resin Samples of PF8 and PF20 (1985-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1981-11-01 | 11b-EPICOR | GEND-INF-015, PRELIMINARY CHARACTERIZATION OF EPICOR II PREFILTER 16 LINER (1981-11) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1982-09-01 | 11b-EPICOR | GEND-INF-025, Development of a Prototype Gas Sampler for EPICOR II Prefilter Liners (1982-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-08-01 | 11b-EPICOR | GEND-INF-055, SOLIDIFICATION OF EPICOR-II RESIN WASTE FORMS (1984-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-08-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREG-0591, Environmental Assessment, Use of EPICOR-II at TMI-2 (1979-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-01-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-3496, Review of a Test Program for Qualifying the Solidification of Epicor-II Resins with Cement (1984-01) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1985-07-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-4150, TMI-2 EPICOR-II Resin Degradation Results from First Resin Samples of PF-8 and PF-20 (1985-07) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-10-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-4608, EPICOR-II Resin Degradation Results from Second Samples of PF-8 and PF-20 (1986-10) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-10-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-4637, EPICOR-II Resin Waste Form Testing (1986-10) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1988-06-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-5137, Biodegradation Testing of TMI-2 EPICOR-II Waste Forms (1988-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1994-05-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-5229VOL6, Field Lysimeter Investigation, Low-Level Waste Data Base Development Program for FY1993 (1994-05) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1995-05-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-5229VOL7, Field Lysimeter Investigation, Low-Level Waste Data Base Development Program for FY1994 (1995-05) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1996-06-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-5229VOL8, Field Lysimeter Investigation, Low-Level Waste Data Base Development Program for FY1995 (1996-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1997-08-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-5229VOL9, Field Lysimeter Investigation, Low-Level Waste Data Base Development Program for FY1996 (1997-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1990-09-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-5594, Radiation degradation in EPICOR-2 ion exchange resins (1990-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1995-05-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-6256, Vol. 1, Field Lysimeter Investigations, Test Results (1995-05) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1995-12-01 | 11b-EPICOR | NUREGCR-6256, Vol. 2, Field Lysimeter Investigations, Test Results (1995-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1981-11-01 | 11b-EPICOR | PNL-4052, Feasibility of Vitrifying EPICOR II Organic Resins (1981-11) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1980-04-10 | 11c-SDS | (1980-04-10) GPU Technical Evaluation, Submerged Demineralizer System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-05-16 | 11c-SDS | (1980-05-16) NRC Review, SDS TER (re 04-10-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-05-27 | 11c-SDS | (1980-05-27) GPU, Additional Information, SDS TER (04-10-1980), Analysis of Hypothetical Accidents | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-05-28 | 11c-SDS | (1980-05-28) NRC, PEIS Required Before NRC Approval of SDS | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-06-30 | 11c-SDS | (1980-06-30) GPU Response to NRC, Submerged Demineralizer System (re 05-28-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-07-09 | 11c-SDS | (1980-07-09) GPU Response to NRC Comments (re 05-16-1980), SDS TER (re 04-10-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-07-09 | 11c-SDS | (1980-07-09) GPU Response to NRC, SDS TER (re 05-16-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-08-06 | 11c-SDS | (1980-08-06) NRC Review, Issues of SDS, Solid Waste Disposal, Sump Water Storage | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-08-22 | 11c-SDS | (1980-08-22) GPU, Transmittal of ORNL-TM-7448, Evaluation of SDS Flowsheet (Letter Only) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-09-15 | 11c-SDS | (1980-09-15) GPU, SDS Personnel Training | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-09-15 | 11c-SDS | (1980-09-15) NRC, Advises Detailed Safety Evaluation for SDS Necessary | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-10-13 | 11c-SDS | (1980-10-13) GPU Response to NRC (re 9-13-1980), SDS Would Be a Facility Change per 50.59 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-10-16 | 11c-SDS | (1980-10-16) GPU System Description, SDS, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-11-04 | 11c-SDS | (1980-11-04) GPU Response to NRC (re 08-06-1980), Transfer and Storage of Sump Water | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-11-07 | 11c-SDS | (1980-11-07) NRC Review, Update SDS TER per ORNL-TM-7448, Other NRC Comments | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-12-02 | 11c-SDS | (1980-12-02) GPU to NRC, SDS TER Serves as Safety Evaluation and EIS Required by 50.59 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-12-04 | 11c-SDS | (1980-12-04) GPU Response to NRC (re 11-07-1980), Response to Comments on SDS TER | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-12-24 | 11c-SDS | (1980-12-24) NRC Review, Update SER TER to Consider Unreviewed Safety Question Exists (re 12-02-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-02-06 | 11c-SDS | (1981-02-06) GPU Response to NRC (re 12-24-1980), SDS Not Unreviewed Safety Question or Required TS Change | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-03-11 | 11c-SDS | (1981-03-11) GPU Technical Evaluation, SDS, Revised | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-03-18 | 11c-SDS | (1981-03-18) PNO-TMI-81-07, Reactor Building Entry (Ion Exchange Column Test) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-03-23 | 11c-SDS | (1981-03-23) GPU Response to NRC (re 11-7-1980, 12-04-1980), SDS TER | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-04-24 | 11c-SDS | (1981-04-24) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Dewatered Zeolite Bed Max. Centerline Temperature | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-04-24 | 11c-SDS | (1981-04-24) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Listing of Parameters and Equipment for SDS Operations | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-04-24 | 11c-SDS | (1981-04-24) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Potential for Explosive Mixtures in SDS Vessels | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-04-24 | 11c-SDS | (1981-04-24) GPU Response to NRC (discussions), Staffing Level Commitments During SDS Operations | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-04-29 | 11c-SDS | (1981-04-29) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Potential for Criticality in Spent SDS Vessels | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-05 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-05) GPU Response to NRC, Consequences of SFP Water In-Leakage into a Dry, Spent SDS Vessel | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-06 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-06) GPU, Clarification of 04-24-1981 Submittal, Radiolysis Data for Irradiated Zeolite Systems | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-06 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-06) GPU, ERRATA to Submittal on 04-24-1981 (LL2-81-0105) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-08 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-08) GPU Response to NRC, Loading, Changing Out, and Waste Management of SDS and EPICOR Liners | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-08 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-08) GPU, Reason for Slippage in Providing Information to NRC | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-11 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-11) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), SDS Radiation Protection Plan | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-11 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-11) GPU System Description, SDS, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-12 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-12) GPU, ERRATA to Submittal on 05-08-1981, SDS Processing Strategy Plan | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-12 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-12) GPU, Staffing Levels During SDS Operations | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-14 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-14) GPU, ERRATA to Submittal on 05--5-1981 (LL2-81-0118) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-15 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-15) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Man-Rem Exposures for Specific SDS Operations | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-15 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-15) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Radiological Consequences of Placing Processed Water in SFP | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-29 | 11c-SDS | (1981-05-29) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Processed Water Storage Limits | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-06-01 | 11c-SDS | (1981-06-01) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), Criticality Concerns | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-06-03 | 11c-SDS | (1981-06-03) DOE to NRC, Research on Waste Products from SDS Operations | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-06-04 | 11c-SDS | (1981-06-04) NRC (Internal), Contract and SOW for Safety Evaluation of SDS | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-06-15 | 11c-SDS | (1981-06-15) GPU, Results of Criticality Analysis on SDS Demineralizer | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-06-18 | 11c-SDS | (1981-06-18) NRC Order, Operation of SDS and EPICOR-II to Process Reactor Building Sump and RCS Water | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-06-25 | 11c-SDS | (1981-06-25) GPU, Initial Water to be Processed by SDS | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-07-13 | 11c-SDS | (1981-07-13) PNO-TMI-81-15, Initial Operation on SDS | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-08-21 | 11c-SDS | (1981-08-21) GPU, Zeolite Resin Mix for SDS Operation | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-09-22 | 11c-SDS | (1981-09-22) PNO-TMI-81-19, Reactor Building Water Transfers | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-09-23 | 11c-SDS | (1981-09-23) PNO-TMI-81-20, Reactor Building Water Processing | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-09-24 | 11c-SDS | (1981-09-24) PNO-TMI-81-20A, Reactor Building Water Processing (Update) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-03-23 | 11c-SDS | (1982-03-23) GPU Technical Evaluation, Addendum to SDS, RCS Processing Plan | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-05-14 | 11c-SDS | (1982-05-14) GPU, Plans for Shipment of SDS Spent Liners to a DOE Facility | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-05-19 | 11c-SDS | (1982-05-19) NRC Review, Shipment of SDS Waste Vessels (re 05-14-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-05-21 | 11c-SDS | (1982-05-21) PNO-TMI-82-13, Shipment of SDS Waste Vessel | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-10-04 | 11c-SDS | (1982-10-04) GPU, Installation of Pressure Relief Device for L-T Storage of Spent SDS Liner Vent Hoses | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-10-13 | 11c-SDS | (1982-10-13) GPU Safety Evaluation, SDS Liner Recombiner and Vacuum Outgassing System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-11-03 | 11c-SDS | (1982-11-03) GPU Technical Evaluation, RCS Processing with RCS in a Partial Drained Condition | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-11-11 | 11c-SDS | (1982-11-11) GPU Response to NRC (Discussions), SDS Liner Recombiner and Vacuum Outgassing System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-11-23 | 11c-SDS | (1982-11-23) NRC Review, SDS Liner Recombiner and Vacuum Outgassing System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-11-24 | 11c-SDS | (1982-11-24) NRC Review, RCS Processing with RCS in a Partial Drained Condition | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-12-17 | 11c-SDS | (1982-12-17) GPU Response to NRC (05-19-1982), Shipment of Spent SDS Liners Requiring Passification Systems | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-12-23 | 11c-SDS | (1982-12-23) NRC Review, Shipment of Spent SDS Liners Containing Gas Passification Systems | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-12-30 | 11c-SDS | (1982-12-30) GPU, SDS Staffing Levels (re 04-24, 05-11-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-01-03 | 11c-SDS | (1983-01-03) PNO-TMI-83-01, Shipment of SDS Waste Vessel | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-01-10 | 11c-SDS | (1983-01-10) NRC Review, Reduction of SDS Staffing Levels | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-04-28 | 11c-SDS | (1983-04-28) GPU System Description, SDS (and EPICOR II, Solid Waste Facility), Rev. | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-07-15 | 11c-SDS | (1983-07-15) NRC Review, Plan to Remove Tank Farm from Required Reserve (re 07-13-1983, 10-04-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-08-19 | 11c-SDS | (1983-08-19) GPU System Description, SDS (dated 06-00-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-08-26 | 11c-SDS | (1983-08-26) NRC Review, Variation of Catalyst Addition Criteria for SDS Liner Shipment | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-09-09 | 11c-SDS | (1983-09-09) NRC Review, Plan to Restore SFP-A for Fuel Removal Activities (re 07-29-1983, 08-30-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-11-08 | 11c-SDS | (1983-11-08) NRC Review, SDS TER and SD | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-07-19 | 11c-SDS | (1984-07-19) GPU System Description, SDS, Rev. 3 (re 11-08-1983) (b) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-07-19 | 11c-SDS | (1984-07-19) GPU Technical Evaluation, SDS | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-10-17 | 11c-SDS | (1984-10-17) NRC Review, Fuel Pool-A Refurbishment SER (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-06-12 | 11c-SDS | (1985-06-12) PNO-TMI-85-05, Small Fire in TMI-2 Fuel Handling Building | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-08-16 | 11c-SDS | (1985-08-16) GPU Technical Evaluation, SDS, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-09-28 | 11c-SDS | (1987-09-28) GPU System Description, SDS, Rev. 6 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-09-28 | 11c-SDS | (1987-09-28) GPU Technical Evaluation, SDS, Rev. 5 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-05-01 | 11c-SDS | DOE-NE-0012, Evaluation of Increased Cesium Loading on SDS Zeolite Beds (1981-05) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-02-01 | 11c-SDS | GEND-031, Submerged Demineralizer System Processing of TMI-2 Waste Water (1983-02) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-06-01 | 11c-SDS | GEND-035, Submerged Demineralizer System Vessel Shipment Report (1984-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-11-01 | 11c-SDS | GEND-INF-057, CORROSION ASSESSMENT OF SDS VESSELS FOR BURIAL AT THE HANFORD SITE (1984-11) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1981-06-01 | 11c-SDS | NUREG-0796, Operation of the Submerged Demineralizer System at TMI-2 (1981-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1980-07-01 | 11c-SDS | ORNL-TM-7448, Evaluation of the TMI-2 Submerged Demineralizer System (SDS) Flowsheet (1980-07) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1989-09-01 | 11c-SDS | WHC-EP-0083-1, Analysis of the TMI Submerged Demineralizer System Vessel Burial Data (FY89) (1989-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-05-05 | 11d-Solid | (1979-05-05) NRC, Design Criteria for Temp On-Site Staging Area for Solid Rad Waste | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-05-11 | 11d-Solid | (1979-05-11) NRC, Design Criteria for Interim Storage or Solid Waste | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-05-16 | 11d-Solid | (1979-05-16) NRC, Hydrologic Criteria for Proposed Interim Solid Waste Storage Area for EPICOR II | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-06-05 | 11d-Solid | (1979-06-05) GPU, Design Criteria for Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-10-15 | 11d-Solid | (1979-10-15) NRC, Extention of Interim Staging Facility with Freeze Protection (Re 09-14-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-11-17 | 11d-Solid | (1979-11-17) GPU Technical Evaluation, Winterization Requirements for Temporary Solid Waste Staging Facility | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-12-20 | 11d-Solid | (1979-12-20) GPU, Request Limited Use of Long Term Staging Facility for EPICOR II Liners | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-12-21 | 11d-Solid | (1979-12-21) NRC Review, Limited Use of the Long-Term Staging Facility (re 12-21-1979) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-08-07 | 11d-Solid | (1980-08-07) GPU, Interim Waste Staging Facility, Radiation Dose Limits | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-08-12 | 11d-Solid | (1980-08-12) GPU Design Criteria, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility (re 06-12-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-10-20 | 11d-Solid | (1980-10-20) NRC Review, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility (re 08-12-1980) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1980-11-10 | 11d-Solid | (1980-11-10) NRC, Provides Clarification to Design Criteria of Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-02-02 | 11d-Solid | (1981-02-02) GPU, Interim Solid Waste Storage Facility Liner Module Sump Contamination (Re 01-27-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-06-17 | 11d-Solid | (1981-06-17) GPU Design Criteria, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-06-17 | 11d-Solid | (1981-06-17) GPU Technical Evaluation, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility and Design Design | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-06-17 | 11d-Solid | (1981-06-17) GPU Technical Evaluation, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-07-28 | 11d-Solid | (1981-07-28) NRC Review, TER and DC for Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility (Re 06-17-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-09-16 | 11d-Solid | (1981-09-16) GPU Response to NRC, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility (re 07-28-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-10-02 | 11d-Solid | (1981-10-02) NRC Review, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility (re 09-16-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1981-12-04 | 11d-Solid | (1981-12-04) NRC Review, Interim Waste Staging Facility (re 09-11-1981) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-04-14 | 11d-Solid | (1982-04-14) GPU System Description, Solid Waste Staging Facility, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-01-24 | 11d-Solid | (1983-01-24) GPU Technical Evaluation, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-04-28 | 11d-Solid | (1983-04-28) GPU System Description, Updates for Solid Radwaste Staging Modules, Rev. 1 (and EPICOR II and SDS) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-10-29 | 11d-Solid | (1984-10-29) NRC Review, Model SN-1 Transportation Package C of C Amend (re 08-27-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-08-02 | 11d-Solid | (1985-08-02) GPU System Description, Solid Waste Staging Facility, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-06-25 | 11d-Solid | (1986-06-25) GPU Technical Evaluation, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility, Rev. 7 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-07-14 | 11d-Solid | (1986-07-14) GPU Annual Review, Solid Waste Staging Facility System Description | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-07-30 | 11d-Solid | (1987-07-30) GPU System Description, Solid Waste Staging Facility (affected page) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-09-10 | 11d-Solid | (1987-09-10) NRC Review, Technical Evaluation, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility, Rev. 7 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-10-01 | 11d-Solid | (1987-10-01) NRC Review, Staging of Hittman Liners in Waste Handling Packaging Facility (re 07-24-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-09-15 | 11d-Solid | (1988-09-15) GPU Technical Evaluation, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility, Rev. 8 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-09-27 | 11d-Solid | (1988-09-27) GPU System Description, Solid Waste Staging Facility (no update required) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-08-08 | 11d-Solid | (1989-08-08) GPU System Description, Solid Waste Staging Facility | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-08-21 | 11d-Solid | (1989-08-21) GPU System Description, Solid Waste Staging Facility (re 08-08-1989) (CORRECTION) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-08-27 | 11d-Solid | (1990-08-27) GPU System Description, Solid Waste Staging Facility (updates to effective pages) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-06-05 | 11d-Solid | (1992-06-05) NRC Review, Solid Waste Staging Facility System Description (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-07-29 | 11d-Solid | (1992-07-29) GPU Technical Evaluation, Waste Handling and Packaging Facility, Rev. 8 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-06-29 | 11d-Solid | (1993-06-29) GPU Technical Evaluation, Interim Solid Waste Staging Facility, Rev. 10 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-09-13 | 11d-Solid | (1993-09-13) GPU System Description, Solid Waste Staging Facility, Rev. 6 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-01-04 | 12a-Defueling | (1982-01-04) GPU, Polar Crane Refurbishment Plans | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1982-06-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1982-06-07) GPU Response to NRC, Malfunctions in Personnel Airlock Doors (re 04-26-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-02-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-02-07) NRC Review, Plan to Maintain RB Airlock Doors Open (re 01-28-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-02-14 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-02-14) GPU, Plans to Draindown Vessel for Preparation of Head Removal | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-02-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-02-15) NRC Review, Plan to Draindown RCS for Under Head Characterization to Lower Ion Chamber (re 02-14-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-02-18 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-02-18) GPU Safety Evaluation, Polar Crane Load Test | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-02-25 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-02-25) GPU Safety Evaluation, Makeup and Purification Demineralizer Resin Sampling | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-03-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-03-07) NRC Review, Polar Crane Functional Description (re 10-12-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-03-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-03-15) GPU Response to NRC, Addendum to the TMI-2 Heat Removal Report of April 1982 (re 03-15-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-03-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-03-15) GPU Response to NRC, Head and Internals Handling Equipment Loads Evaluation (re various) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-03-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-03-15) GPU Response to NRC, Polar Crane SER | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-06-17 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-06-17) GPU Safety Evaluation, Polar Crane Load Test SER (wo attachment) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-06-30 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-06-30) GPU, Polar Crane Functional Description, Rev. 3 (effective page only) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-07-13 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-07-13) NRC Review, Reactor Vessel Underhead Characterization (re Various Letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-07-22 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-07-22) GPU Technical Evaluation, Containment Air Control Envelope (with Design Criteria) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-08-01 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-08-01) GPU, Reactor Vessel Head and Internals Handling Fixture Evaluation (re 07-08-1983)(wo attachment) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-08-31 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-08-31) GPU Technical Plan, Makeup and Purification Demin Resin Removal, Rev. 0 (re 11-18-1982) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-09-02 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-09-02) GPU, Polar Crane Load Test Assembly Evaluation (re 07-18, 08-16-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-09-09 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-09-09) GPU, Plans to Use Tripod to Move Internals Indexing Fixture to Head Storage Stand | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-09-29 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-09-29) GPU, Plans for First Pass Stud Detensioning for Head Removal | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-10-11 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-10-11) GPU, Additional Polar Crane Refurbishment Information | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-10-24 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-10-24) NRC Safety Evaluation, Design of Internals Handling and Indexing Fixture (08-03-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-11-18 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-11-18) NRC Safety Evaluation, Reactor Building Polar Crane Load Test | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-11-30 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-11-30) GPU Safety Evaluation, Makeup and Purification Demin Resin Sampling, Addendum (re 02-15-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1983-12-06 | 12a-Defueling | (1983-12-06) NRC Review, First Pass Stud Detensioning for Head Removal (re 09-29-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-01-05 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-01-05) NRC Review, Control of Heavy Loads | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-01-30 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-01-30) GPU Response to NRC, First Pass Stud Detensioning SER (re 09-29, 12-06-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-02-17 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-02-17) NRC Safety Evaluation, First Pass Vessel Stud Detensioning (re 09-29, 12-06-1983, 01-30-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-02-17 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-02-17) NRC, Directors Decision Under 10 CFR 2.206 Regarding Pyrophoric Reaction of Zirconium Fines | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-03-09 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-03-09) GPU Safety Evaluation, Head Removal, Rev. 5 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-05-25 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-05-25) NRC Review, Reactor Coolant Purification System Ion Exchanger Waste Removal (re 04-18-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-06-05 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-06-05) GPU, Polar Crane Load Test Results | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-06-18 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-06-18) GPU Safety Evaluation, Preparatory Activities for Plenum Assembly Removal | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-06-21 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-06-21) NRC Review, Detensioning of all Reactor Pressure Vessel Stud | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-07-16 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-07-16) GPU, Internals Indexing Fixture Processing SER Add. Information | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-07-17 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-07-17) NRC Review, Delete Requirement to Isolate Containment Air Coolers During Load Handling Operations | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-07-17 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-07-17) NRC Safety Evaluation, Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Lift (re -3-09-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-07-19 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-07-19) GPU Safety Evaluation, Makeup and Purification Cesium Elution SER | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-07-24 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-07-24) NRC Safety Evaluation, Internals Index Fixture Water Processing System (re 05-31, 07-16-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-07-31 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-07-31) NRC Review, Preparatory Activities for Plenum Assembly Removal SER (re 06-18-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-08-06 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-08-06) GPU Safety Evaluation, Revised Fuel Pool-A SER | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-08-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-08-15) NRC Review, Plenum Removal Preparatory Activities (re 06-18, 07-31, 01-05-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-09-14 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-09-14) NRC Safety Evaluation, Plenum Assembly Removal (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-09-19 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-09-19) NRC Safety Evaluation, Makeup and Purification Demineralizer Cesium Elution (re 07-19, 08-29-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-10-04 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-10-04) GPU Safety Evaluation, Fuel Pool-A SER, Revision (affective pages) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-10-08 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-10-08) GPU, Polar Crane Main Hoist Brakes and Hand Release Mechanism (re 10-05-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-10-09 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-10-09) NRC Review, Use of Reactor Building Polar Crane Pending Safety Reviews (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-10-18 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-10-18) NRC Review, Approve Limited Use of Reactor Building Polar Crane | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-10-30 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-10-30) GPU Technical Evaluation, Containment Air Control Envelope Design Criteria (Rev. 4), TER (Rev. 2) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-11-01 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-11-01) GPU Safety Evaluation, Reactor Building Heavy Loads, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-11-02 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-11-02) GPU Safety Evaluation, Initial Plenum Lift, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-11-14 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-11-14) GPU, Polar Crane Aux Hoist Inspection and Refurbishment Plan, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-11-27 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-11-27) NRC Safety Evaluation, Initial Plenum Lift (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-12-04 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-12-04) NRC Safety Evaluation, Containment Air Control Envelope Design (re 07-22-1983, 10-30-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-12-18 | 12a-Defueling | (1984-12-18) NRC Review, Plans to Expand Reactor Building Heavy Load Travel Boundaries (re 11-01-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-01-16 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-01-16) GPU Safety Evaluation, Internals Indexing Fixture SER, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-01-18 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-01-18) GPU Safety Evaluation, Polar Crane Aux Hoist Load Test SER | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-01-18 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-01-18) GPU Safety Evaluation, Removal of the Equipment Hatch, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-01-25 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-01-25) GPU Safety Evaluation, Plenum Lift and Transfer SER, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-02-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-02-07) GPU Response to NRC, Heavy Load Travel Inside Containment (re 11-01, 12-18-1984) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-02-27 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-02-27) GPU Technical Evaluation, Fuel Canister Storage Racks TER, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-03-14 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-03-14) NRC Review, Plans to Expand Reactor Building Heavy Load Travel Boundaries (re 02-07-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-03-21 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-03-21) GPU Technical Evaluation, Containment Air Control Envelope, Rev. 3, | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-03-27 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-03-27) NRC Review, IIFPS TER, Rev. 2 (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-03-27 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-03-27) NRC Review, Polar Crane Auxiliary Hoist Inspection and Refurbishment Plan (re 11-14-1984, 01-18-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-04-02 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-04-02) GPU, Polar Crane Mods, Synopsis of Public Record (re 07-18-1983) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-04-09 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-04-09) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Canisters, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-04-18 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-04-18) GPU, Polar Crane Aux Hoist Load Test Results | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-04-19 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-04-19) GPU Safety Evaluation, Heavy Load Handling Over Reactor Vessel SER | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-04-22 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-04-22) NRC Review, Approve Use of Reactor Building Polar Crane Aux Hoist (re 04-18-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-04-26 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-04-26) GPU Response to NRC, Plenum Removal Safety Evaluation Report (attached) (re 04-05-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-05-01 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-05-01) GPU Safety Evaluation, Plenum Removal and Transfer, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-05-02 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-05-02) NRC Safety Evaluation, Heavy Load Handling Over the TMI-2 Reactor Vessel (re 04-19-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-05-03 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-05-03) NRC Review, Fuel Canister Storage Racks TER (re 02-27-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-05-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-05-07) NRC Safety Evaluation, Lifting, Transfer, and Storage of Plenum Assembly (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-05-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-05-15) GPU response to NRC, Equipment Hatch Removal SER (re 01-18, 04-08-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-05-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-05-20) GPU Safety Evaluation, Early Defueling of the TMI-2 Reactor Vessel, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-05-24 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-05-24) BAW, TMI-2 Defueling Canisters Final Design Technical Report | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-06-10 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-06-10) NRC Review, Defueling Canisters TER (re 04-09-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-06-14 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-06-14) GPU System Description, Dewatering System for Defueling Canisters | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-07-08 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-07-08) NRC Review, Equipment Hatch Airlock Removal (re 05-15-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-07-09 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-07-09) NRC Review, Internals Indexing Fixture Safety Evaluation Report, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-07-29 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-07-29) NRC Review, Safety Evaluation Report for Early Defueling (re 05-20-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-08-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-08-15) GPU Response to NRC, Defueling Canister TER (re 06-10-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-09-10 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-09-10) GPU Criticality Evaluation, Transfer System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-09-10 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-09-10) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Canister TER (re 08-15-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-09-11 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-09-11) GPU Safety Evaluation, Heavy Load Handling Inside Containment, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-10-03 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-10-03) GPU Response to NRC, Early Defueling SER (07-29, 08-13-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-10-10 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-10-10) GPU Safety Evaluation, Early Defueling of the TMI-2 Reactor Vessel, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-10-10 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-10-10) GPU, Summary of GPU-Bechtel QA Surveillance Program for First Four Canisters | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-10-17 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-10-17) GPU Safety Analysis, Relocation of Missile Shields Inside Reactor Building, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-10-24 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-10-24) GPU, Commencement of Preliminary Defueling Operations | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-10-28 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-10-28) GPU Response to NRC, Resolution of QA Issues Relating to Defueling Canisters (re 10-10, 10-17-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-10-28 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-10-28) GPU, Resolution of QA Issues Relating to the Defueling Canisters (re 10-17, 10-10-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-10-29 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-10-29) GPU, Defueling Hydraulic System Fluid Testing (re 10-24-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-10-29 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-10-29) NRC Safety Evaluation, Commencement of TMI-2 Preliminary Defueling Operations (re 10-24-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-04 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-04) GPU, Canister Checklist, Rev. 3 (re 10-28-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-04 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-04) NRC Inspection Report 85-18, Welding on canister storage modules | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-05 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-05) GPU Safety Evaluation, Canister Handling Bridge Shield Collar Design and Testing | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-05 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-05) NRC Safety Evaluation, Defueling Canisters (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-08 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-08) NRC Review, Resolution of QA Issues Relating to Use of Defueling Canisters | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-08 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-08) NRC, Resolution of Quality Assurance Issues Relating to Use of Defueling Canisters (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-12 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-12) GPU, Resolution of QA Issues Relating to Use of Defueling Canisters (re 11-08-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-12 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-12) NRC Safety Evaluation, Early Defueling of the TMI-2 Reactor Vessel (10-10-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-15) NRC Safety Evaluation, Heavy Load Handling Inside Containment (re 09-11-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-19 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-19) NRC Review, Effects of Moving TMI-2 Fuel on TMI-1 Side of the Fuel Handling Building | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-20) NRC Safety Evaluation, Relocation of Missile Shields Inside Reactor Building (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1985-11-25 | 12a-Defueling | (1985-11-25) GPU, Defueling Hydraulic System Fluid, Precipitation of Boric Acid Crystals (re 10-29-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-01-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-01-15) GPU, Defueling Canister Checklist | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-01-17 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-01-17) GPU, Plan to Use Modified Debris Canisters for removing End Fittings, etc | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-01-21 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-01-21) NRC Review, Plan to Use Modified Fuel Canisters to Remove End Fittings, etc (re 01-17-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-01-22 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-01-22) GPU, Plan to Use Hydraulic Impact Chisel to Separate Fused Material | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-01-28 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-01-28) GPU, Fines-Debris Vacuum System Modifications (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-01-28 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-01-28) GPU, Results of Makeup and Purification Demineralizers Elution Process and Status | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-01-30 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-01-30) NRC Review, Use of Hydraulic Impact Chisel (re 01-22-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-02-03 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-02-03) GPU, Plan to Use Hydraulic Cutoff Saw for Sizing Operations in the Reactor Vessel | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-02-06 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-02-06) NRC Review, Use of Hydraulic Cutoff Saw (re 02-03-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-02-17 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-02-17) GPU Safety Evaluation, Canister Handling and Preparation for Shipment | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-02-21 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-02-21) NRC Review, Modification of Fines and Debris Vacuum System (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-03-06 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-03-06) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Canister TER, Rev. 2 (wo criticality report) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-03-06 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-03-06) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Canister TER, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-03-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-03-07) GPU, Erroneous information regarding poison tube loading in defueling canisters (re 12-11-1985) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-03-26 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-03-26) GPU, Plan to Use Hydraulic Shredder to Reduce Core Debris | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-04-11 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-04-11) GPU Safety Evaluation, Replacement of Loaded Fuel Canister Head Gaskets | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-04-16 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-04-16) NRC Review, Use of Hydraulic Shredder | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-04-29 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-04-29) NRC Review, Replacement of Loaded Fuel Canister Head Gaskets (re 04-11-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-05-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-05-15) GPU Safety Evaluation, Defueling SER, Rev. 10 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-05-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-05-20) GPU Safety Evaluation, Defueling SER, Rev. 10 (Correction) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-05-29 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-05-29) GPU Technical Evaluation, Fuel Canister Storage Racks, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-06-02 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-06-02) GPU Safety Evaluation, Heavy Load Handling Inside Containment, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-06-02 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-06-02) GPU, Testing of Core Region Defueling Techniques | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-06-04 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-06-04) NRC Safety Evaluation, Heavy Duty Tong Tool, Spade Bucket, Hydraulic Impact Chisel (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-06-11 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-06-11) GPU Safety Evaluation, Canister Handling and Preparation for Shipment SER | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-06-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-06-20) NRC Safety Evaluation, Canister Handling and Preparation for Shipment Program (re 02-17, 06-11-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-06-30 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-06-30) GPU Safety Evaluation, Operation of Filter-Aid Feed System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-07-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-07-07) NRC Review, Impacts of TMI-2 Fuel Movements on Personnel in TMI-1 Fuel Handling Bldg (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-07-12 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-07-12) GPU System Description, Defueling Canister Dewatering System, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-07-23 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-07-23) GPU, Plan to Use Core Bore Tooling as Defueling Tool | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-07-24 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-07-24) NRC Review, Core Region Bulk Defueling Operations Limited to the Core Region (re 05-15, 07-23-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-08-12 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-08-12) NRC Review, Defueling Canister TER, Rev. 2 (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-08-14 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-08-14) NRC Review, Defueling Safety Evaluation Report, Rev. 10 (re 05-15, 07-24, 02-21-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-08-27 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-08-27) GPU, Plan to Use Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Upper End Fittings (re 08-18-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-09-16 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-09-16) NRC Review, Fuel Canister Storage Racks TER (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-09-19 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-09-19) GPU, Core Bore Operations | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-09-25 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-09-25) NRC Safety Evaluation, Storage of Upper End Fittings in an Array of 55 Gallon Drums (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-09-26 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-09-26) GPU, Modifications made to several knock-out canisters | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-10-16 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-10-16) NRC Safety Evaluation, Core Bore Operations (re 09-19-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-11-10 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-11-10) GPU, Alternative Dewatering Acceptance Criterion for Defueling Canisters | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-11-26 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-11-26) GPU Safety Analysis, Pressurizer Spray Line Defueling System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-12-02 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-12-02) NRC Review, Use of Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Upper End Fittings (re 08-27-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-12-12 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-12-12) NRC Review, Defueling Canister Catalytic Recombiners (re 11-10-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-12-22 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-12-22) NRC Review, Proposal for Defueling the Pressurizer Spray Line (re 08-06-1985, 11-26-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1986-12-30 | 12a-Defueling | (1986-12-30) GPU, Additional Info on Alternative Dewatering Acceptance Criteria for Defueling Canisters | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-01-02 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-01-02) NRC (Internal), Safety Evaluation in Support of Reducing Defueling Canister Void Volumes | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-01-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-01-07) NRC Review, Reduced Defueling Canister Void Volume (re 11-10, 12-30-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-01-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-01-07) NRC Safety Evaluation, Reduced Defueling Canister Void Volume (for shipping) (11-10, 12-30-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-01-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-01-15) GPU Safety Analysis, Pressurizer Spray Line Defueling System, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-01-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-01-20) GPU Response to NRC, Plasma Arc Cutting | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-01-21 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-01-21) NRC Review, Use of Unfiltered Water for Flushing Pressurizer Spray Line (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-02-06 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-02-06) GPU Safety Evaluation, Core Support Assembly and Lower Head Defueling SER | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-02-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-02-20) GPU, Plan to Test Deep-Bed Filter as Canister Dewatering Filter | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-03-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-03-07) GPU, Use of Polar Crane Aux. Hook for Defueling | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-03-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-03-20) NRC Review, Use of Plasma Arc Cutting of Fuel and Fittings (re 12-02-1986, 01-20-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-03-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-03-20) NRC Review, Use of Polar Crane Aux Hook for Defueling (re 03-07-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-03-27 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-03-27) NRC Review, Criticality Safety Evaluation for Coagulants (re 12-11-1986, 02-20, 01-05-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-04-02 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-04-02) GPU, Safety Evaluation, Canister Handling and Preparation for Shipment SER, Rev. 4 (Effective Pages Only) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-04-29 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-04-29) GPU, Canister Gas Sampling Program | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-05-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-05-07) GPU Response to NRC, Plasma Arc Cutting (re 03-20-1987, 08-27-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-05-07 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-05-07) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Canisters, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-05-26 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-05-26) GPU Safety Evaluation, Canister Handling and Preparation for Shipment, Rev. 5 (Effective Pages Only) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-06-25 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-06-25) GPU, Off-Gas Releases Generated During Plasma Arc Cutting (re 05-07-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-06-30 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-06-30) GPU Safety Analysis, Relocation of Missile Shields and Installation of Support Steel, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-07-21 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-07-21) GPU Safety Analysis, Pressurizer Defueling System, Rev. 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-07-23 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-07-23) NRC Review, Heavy Load Handling Inside Containment (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-08-05 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-08-05) NRC Safety Evaluation, Heavy Load Handling Inside Containment (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-08-17 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-08-17) GPU System Description, Defueling Canister Dewatering System, Rev. 5 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-08-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-08-20) NRC Review, Use of Plasma Arc Torch to Cut End Fittings (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-08-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-08-20) NRC Review, Use of Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Upper End Fittings (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-08-28 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-08-28) GPU Safety Analysis, Pressurizer Defueling System, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-09-22 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-09-22) GPU Technical Evaluation, Defueling Canister TER, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-10-13 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-10-13) NRC Review, Pressurizer Defueling System (re -07-21-1987, 08-06-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-10-21 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-10-21) GPU, Plan to Discontinue Defueling Canister Gas Sampling at INL (re 01-07-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-10-21 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-10-21) NRC Review, Pressurizer Defueling System, Rev. 4 (re 08-28, 10-13-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-11-16 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-11-16) NRC Review, Use of Polar Crane Aux Hook for defueling (re 11-04-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-11-30 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-11-30) GPU Criticality Assessment for Using Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Lower Core Support Assembly, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-12-03 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-12-03) GPU, Use of Core Bore Machine for Dismantling Lower Core Support Assembly | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-12-04 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-12-04) NRC Review, Defueling Canister TER (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-12-04 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-12-04) NRC Review, Use of Non-Borated Water in Canister Loading Decon System SER (re 12-02-1987, 08-12-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-12-23 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-12-23) NRC Review, Use of Core Bore Machine to Dismantle Lower Core Support Assembly (re 12-03-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-12-28 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-12-28) GPU, Use of Core Bore Machine for Dismantling the Lower Core Support Assembly | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-12-31 | 12a-Defueling | (1987-12-31) GPU, Handling of Core Bore Equipment Above Defueling Work Platform | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-01-08 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-01-08) NRC Review, Use of Core Bore Machine for Dismantling Lower Core Support Assembly (re 12-03, 12-28-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-01-18 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-01-18) GPU Safety Evaluation, Lower Core Support Assembly Defueling, Rev. 2 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-03-03 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-03-03) NRC Review, Canister Handling and Preparation for Shipment Program TER (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-03-16 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-03-16) GPU, Criticality Safety Assessment for Use of Plasma Arc Torch (re 11-30-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-03-25 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-03-25) GPU, Use of Core Bore Machine for Dismantling the Lower Core Support Assembly Defueling | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-03-25 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-03-25) NRC Review, Use of Core Bore Machine for Dismantling Lower Core Support Assembly (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-03-29 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-03-29) GPU Safety Evaluation, Canister Handling and Preparation for Shipment, Rev. 6, (Effective Pages Only) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-04-01 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-04-01) NRC Safety Evaluation, Lower Core Support Assembly Defueling (re 01-18-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-04-29 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-04-29) GPU, Modification to Plasma Arc Torch Coolant System (re 11-30-1987, 04-15-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-06-06 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-06-06) GPU Safety Evaluation, Completion of Lower Core Support and Lower Head Defueling, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-06-27 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-06-27) GPU Safety Evaluation, Completion of Lower Core Support and Lower Head Defueling, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-06-28 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-06-28) GPU System Description, Dewatering System for Defueling Canisters, Rev. 6 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-08-11 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-08-11) GPU, Criticality Assessment, Use of Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Baffle Plates and Core Support Shield | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-08-11 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-08-11) NRC Review, Corium Jet Assessment for Evaluation of SER on Lower Head Defueling (re 06-06-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-09-09 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-09-09) GPU Response to NRC, Lower Head Defueling SER (re 08-11, 06-06-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-09-15 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-09-15) GPU Safety Evaluation, Completion of Upper Support Core Assembly Defueling, Rev. 0 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-10-20 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-10-20) GPU, Use of Polar Crane Aux. Hook for Defueling (re 11-04, 11-16-1987) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-12-01 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-12-01) NRC Safety Evaluation, Lower Core Support and Lower Head Defueling (re 06-06-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-12-27 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-12-27) GPU Criticality Assessment for Using Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Upper Core Support Assembly, Rev. 1 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-12-30 | 12a-Defueling | (1988-12-30) NRC Safety Evaluation, Use of Polar Crane Auxiliary Hook for Defueling (re 10-20-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-01-31 | 12a-Defueling | (1989-01-31) NRC Safety Evaluation, Criticality Assessment for Plasma Arc Torch to Cut Vessel Internals (08-11, 12-27-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-02-08 | 12a-Defueling | (1989-02-08) GPU Safety Evaluation, Use of Air as Secondary Gas for Plasma Arc Torch | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-04-04 | 12a-Defueling | (1989-04-04) NRC Safety Evaluation, Completion of Upper Core Support Assembly Defueling (re 9-15-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-05-03 | 12a-Defueling | (1989-05-03) GPU, Polar Crane Operations (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-10-26 | 12a-Defueling | (1989-10-26) GPU Safety Evaluation, Use of Polar Crane Aux. Hook to Withdraw Incore Instru. Strings (re 08-18-1989) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-11-27 | 12a-Defueling | (1989-11-27) NRC Safety Evaluation, Use of Polar Crane Auxiliary Hook Over Seal Table (re 10-26-1989) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1984-06-01 | 12a-Defueling | EGG-TMI-6156-R1, TMI-2 FUEL CANISTER INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS FOR INEL (1984-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-08-01 | 12a-Defueling | EGG-TMI-6272, REQUIREMENTS FOR TRANSPORTING THE TMI-2 CORE (1983-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1985-01-01 | 12a-Defueling | EGG-TMI-6536-R1, PROGRAM PLAN FOR SHIPMENT, RECEIPT, AND STORAGE OF TMI-2 CORE (1985-01) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-12-01 | 12a-Defueling | EGG-TMI-6744, CORE ACTIVITIES PROGRAM, TMI-2 CORE RECEIPT AND STORAGE PROJECT PLAN (1984-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-01-01 | 12a-Defueling | EGG-TMI-7108, RADIOLOGICAL IMPACTS OF TRANSPORTING TMI CORE DEBRIS (1986-01) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1981-05-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-007, Basis for Tool Development for Reactor Disassembly and Defueling (1981-05) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1981-09-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-011, Canister-Design Considerations For Packaging of TMI-2 Damaged Fuel and Debris (1981-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1985-09-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-044, TMI-2 Reactor Vessel Head Removal (1985-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1985-06-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-051, Evaluation of Special Safety Issues Associated with Handling the TMI-2 Core Debris (1985-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-01-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-054, TMI-2 Reactor Vessel Plenum Final Lift (1986-01) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1987-01-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-058, DROP TESTS OF THE THREE MILE ISLAND KNOCKOUT CANISTER (1987-01) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-09-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-INF-013-VOL-2, PROCESS FLOWSHEET FOR ELUTION OF CS FROM TMI-2 MAKEUP SYSTEM DEMINS (1986-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-05-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-INF-027, PROPOSED METHODS FOR DEFUELING THE TMI-2 REACTOR CORE (1984-05) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-06-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-INF-051, EQUIPMENT FOR REMOVAL OF TMI-2 PLENUM ASSEMBLY (1984-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1984-12-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-INF-062, TMI-2 REACTOR VESSEL HEAD REMOVAL (1984-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1985-03-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-INF-065, TMI-2 Defueling System Design Description (1985-03) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-02-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-INF-073, TMI-2 DEFUELING TOOLS ENGINEERING REPORT (1986-02) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1988-02-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-INF-091, TEST DATA REPORT FOR QUARTER SCALE NUPAC 125-B RAIL CASK MODEL (1988-02) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1988-10-01 | 12a-Defueling | GEND-INF-093, Lower Core Support Assembly Defueling Planning and Tools (1988-10) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1983-06-01 | 12a-Defueling | HEDL-7377, Planning of Resin and Debris Removal Study, TMI-2 Make-up and Purification Demineralizers (1983-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1982-12-01 | 12a-Defueling | HEDL-SA-2834, Neutron dosimetry measurements for fuel debris assessment of TMI-2 demineralizer-A (1982-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
2012-07-01 | 12a-Defueling | INL-CON-12-26246 (CONF), Lessons from TMI Packaging, Transport and Disposition that Apply to Fukushima (2012-07) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-06-01 | 12a-Defueling | ORNL-6275, Drop Tests of TMI Knockout Canister (1986-06) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1987-01-01 | 12a-Defueling | ORNL-TM-9670, Process Flowsheet for Elution of Cesium from TMI-2 Makeup and Purification Demins (1987-01) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1994-04-01 | 12a-Defueling | PNL-9457, Estimates of Durability of TMI-2 Core Debris Canisters and Cask Liners (1994-04) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1987-08-01 | 12a-Defueling | RCED-87-123, GAO Shipping Damaged Fuel From Three Mile Island to Idaho (1987-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1986-12-02 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1986-12-02) GPU, Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Plan | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1987-03-11 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1987-03-11) GPU, Environmental Evaluation for TMI-2 PDMS | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-07-22 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1988-07-22) GPU Review, Comments on PEIS Supplement 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-08-16 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1988-08-16) GPU, PDMS Proposed License Amendment and Safety Analysis Report (wo SAR) (re 12-02-1986) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-08-25 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1988-08-25) GPU, Post-Defueling Monitored Storage QA Plan (re 08-16-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1988-09-30 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1988-09-30) GPU, Post-Defueling Survey Report, Plenum and Letdown Coolers (letter) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-01-09 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1989-01-09) GPU, Matrix Compares PDMS and Recovery Technical Specifications | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-02-13 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1989-02-13) GPU Criticality Safety Evaluation for Increasing TMI-2 Safe Fuel Mass Limit | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-05-15 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1989-05-15) NRC Review, Future Plans for the Facility | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-07-05 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1989-07-05) GPU, Defueling Completion Report (Initial) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-08-18 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1989-08-18) GPU, Defueling Completion Report (2nd) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-08-25 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1989-08-25) GPU, Defueling Completion Report, Replacement Pages (re 08-18-1989) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-09-22 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1989-09-22) GPU, Post-Defueling Survey Report, Pressurizer, Reactor Building Basement, Letdown Cooler Room | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-10-09 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1989-10-09) GPU, Defueling Completion Report, Third Submittal | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1989-11-09 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1989-11-09) GPU, List of Unresolved Safety Issues for TMI-2 (re GL 89-21) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-01-17 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1990-01-17) GPU Response to NRC, Defueling Completion Report and PDMS SAR (re 12-12-1989) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-01-18 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1990-01-18) GPU, Defueling Completion Report, Rev. 3 (re 07-05, 08-18, 10-09-1989) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-02-22 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1990-02-22) GPU, Defueling Completion Report, Final Submittal | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-03-14 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1990-03-14) GPU, Reporting Fuel Accountability (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-03-14 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1990-03-14) GPU, Reporting Quantity of Residual Fuel (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-04-12 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1990-04-12) GPU, Results of Post-Lower Head Sampling Program Cleanup | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-04-20 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1990-04-20) GPU, Transition to Facility Mode 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-04-26 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1990-04-26) NRC Review, Transitioning Plant from Mode 2 to Mode 3 on 4-27-1990 (re 04-12-1990) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1990-08-20 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1990-08-20) GPU, Final shipment of defueling canisters departed TMI-2, Transition to Facility Mode 3 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1991-03-22 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1991-03-22) NRC Review, Fuel Verification Measurements in TMI-2 (PNL Report) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1991-06-07 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1991-06-07) GPU, Post-Defueling Survey Report, Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Buildings | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1991-06-18 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1991-06-18) GPU, Post-Defueling Survey Report, Reactor Building Miscellaneous Components | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1991-06-27 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1991-06-27) GPU, Post-Defueling Survey Reports, Reactor Coolant System | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1991-08-20 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1991-08-20) GPU, Post-Defueling Survey Report, Steam Generators | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-01-23 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1992-01-23) GPU, Addition of Borosilicate Glass to the Reactor Vessel | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-02-20 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1992-02-20) NRC Environmental Assessment, Post Defueling Monitored Storage (re 02-20-1992) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-02-20 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1992-02-20) NRC Review, Proposed Possession Only License and Proposed TS for PDMS (re 08-16-1988) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-02-20 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1992-02-20) NRC Safety Evaluation, Post Defueling Monitored Storage (re 02-20-1992) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-02-20 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1992-02-20) NRC Technical Evaluation, Post Defueling Monitored Storage (re 02-20-1992) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-06-03 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1992-06-03) NRC Review, Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Quality Assurance Plan for TMI-2 (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-10-26 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1992-10-26) GPU, Discontinuation of TMI-2 Restart Punchlist | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1992-12-18 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1992-12-18) GPU, Criticality Safety Analysis for the Reactor Vessel | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-01-04 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-01-04) GPU, Proposed POL Submittals-Rad Plan, Environmental Monitoring Plan, Flood Procedure (re 02-20-1992) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-01-04 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-01-04) GPU, Proposed TMI-2 Possession Only License, Radiation Protection Plan, Rev. 4 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-01-15 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-01-15) GPU, Proposed List of PDMS Requirements and Commitments (re 12-07-1992) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-01-18 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-01-18) GPU, PDMS SER Amendment 16 (surveillance requirement for unfiltered leak rate test), | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-02-01 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-02-01) GPU, Post-Defueling Survey Report, Reactor Vessel | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-03-22 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-03-22) NRC Review, Reactor Vessel Special Nuclear Material Accountability Report (re 01-01-1993, 12-18-1992) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-04-08 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-04-08) GPU Response to NRC, Criticality Analysis and Post-Defueling Survey Report (re 03-22-1993) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-05-19 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-05-19) NRC Review, List of PDMS Requirements and Commitments (re 01-15-1993) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-07-06 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-07-06) NRC Safety Analysis, Reactor Vessel Criticality (re various letter) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-08-05 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-08-05) NRC Review, Revise List of PDMS Requirements and Commitments (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-09-15 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-09-15) GPU Response to NRC, Completed PDMS Requirements and Commitments (re 05-28-1993, 08-05-1993) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-10-14 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-10-14) GPU, Proposed POL Submittals-TMI-2 Fire Protection Program Evaluation | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-11-02 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-11-02) GPU, Completed PDMS Requirements and Commitments (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-11-12 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-11-12) GPU, Completed PDMS Requirements and Commitments (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-11-12 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-11-12) GPU, Proposed POL Submittals-TMI Offsite Dose Calculation Manual | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-11-12 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-11-12) GPU, Proposed POL Submittals-TMI-2 Radiation and Contamination Surveys | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-11-12 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-11-12) GPU, Transition to PDMS | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-11-16 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-11-16) NRC Review, Revise List of PDMS Requirements and Commitments (re various letters) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-12-22 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-12-22) GPU, Special AFHB Ventilation Study | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-12-28 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-12-28) NRC Safety Evaluation, Post-Defueling Monitored Storage | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1993-12-28 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1993-12-28) Operating License Amendment 48 (TS for PDMS) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1994-09-01 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1994-09-01) GPU, 1994Q2 PDMS Quarterly Report | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1994-11-04 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1994-11-04) NRC Review, Post-Defueling Survey Reports (PNL) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1995-03-16 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1995-03-16) NRC (PNL), Results of PNL Radiological Survey of TMI-2 in November 1993 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1999-03-19 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (1999-03-19) NRC License to DOE, Independent Storage of Spent Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste (TMI-2) | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
2001-08-10 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (2001-08-10) GPU, TMI-2 Update 4 of the Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Safety Analysis Report | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
2003-08-07 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (2003-08-07) GPU, TMI-2 Update 5 of the Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Safety Analysis Report | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
2005-08-22 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (2005-08-22) GPU, TMI-2 Update 6 of the Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Safety Analysis Report | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
2007-08-22 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (2007-08-22) GPU, TMI-2 Update 7 of the Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Safety Analysis Report | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
2009-09-22 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (2009-09-22) GPU, TMI-2 Update 8 of the Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Safety Analysis Report | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
2013-03-22 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (2013-03-22) GPU, TMI-2 Update 9 of the Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Safety Analysis Report | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
2013-08-23 | 13a-Post-Defueling | (2013-08-23) GPU, TMI-2 Update 10 of the Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Safety Analysis Report | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
2003-09-01 | 13a-Post-Defueling | DOE-SNF-REP-084, TMI Fuel Characteristics for Disposal Criticality Analysis (2003-09) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
2012-07-01 | 13a-Post-Defueling | INL-CON-12-26246 (CONF), Lessons from TMI Packaging, Transport and Disposition that Apply to Fukushima (2012-07) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1989-08-01 | 13a-Post-Defueling | NUREG-0683, SUPP. 3, PEIS, Post-Defueling Storage and Cleanup (1989-08) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1998-03-01 | 13a-Post-Defueling | NUREG-1626, Redacted, EIS for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation for TMI-2 Fuel at INEEL (1998-03) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 1 (Sect. 1 - 2.5) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 10 (Sect. 11- 13) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 11 (Sect. 14 - 15B) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 12 (Sect. 16 - Supplement 1) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 12 (Supplements 2 and 3) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 2 (Sect. 2A - 3.7) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 3 (Sect. 3.8 - 3B) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 4 (Sect. 3C - 3F) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 5 (Sect. 4 - 5) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 6 (Sect. 6) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 7 (Sect. 7.0 - 7A) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 8 (Sect. 7B - 9.2) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-11 | 14a-FSAR | TMI-2 FSAR Vol. 9 (Sect. 9.3 - 10) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-04-22 | 14b-Systems-Description | (1979-04-22) GPU, TMI-2 System Description Index | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1976-03-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 1, Main and Reheat Steam System (03-31-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1974-06-30 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 17, Reactor Coolant Makeup and Purification System (06-30-1974) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-07-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 2, Bleed Steam System (07-31-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-02-29 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 20, Decay Heat Removal System (02-29-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-02-29 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 25, Nuclear Sampling System (02-29-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-01-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 28A, Reactor Building Emergency Spray (01-31-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-01-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 28B, Core Flooding System (01-31-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-01-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 34B, HVAC Control Building Area (01-31-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-08-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 36, HVAC Auxiliary Building (08-31-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1975-12-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 38B, HVAC Control Room (12-31-1975) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1975-12-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 45B, Reactor Building Emergency Cooling Water System (12-31-1975) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1974-07-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 49, SG Secondary Side Vents and Drains System (07-31-1974) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-01-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 4A, Feedwater and Condensate System (01-31-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-02-28 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 4B, Condensate Polishing System (02-28-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-10-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 50, Safety Features Actuation System (10-31-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-02-29 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 53, Nuclear Plant Hydrogen Supply System (02-29-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-04-30 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 54, Reactor Building Leak Rate Test System (04-30-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-05-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 55, Containment System (05-31-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-04-30 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 64, Radwaste Disposal Reactor Coolant Leakage Recovery System (04-30-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-01-31 | 14b-Systems-Description | System Description 8, Condenser Air Extraction System (01-31-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-08-15 | 14c-Procedure | Station Administrative Procedure 1004, Vol. 1, Emergency Plan, R11 (08-15-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-11-04 | 14c-Procedure | Station Administrative Procedure 1006, Met Ed Operator Requalification Program, R2 (04-11-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-10-28 | 14c-Procedure | Station Administrative Procedure 1009, Station Organization and Chain of Command, R3 (10-28-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-04-11 | 14c-Procedure | Station Administrative Procedure 1012, Shift Relief and Log Entries, R8, (11-04-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-08-23 | 14c-Procedure | Station Administrative Procedure 1037, Control of Caution and DNO Tags, R1 (08-23-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-08-15 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1529.2, Unit 2 Liquid Waste Disposal System Sampling, R0 (08-15-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-09-13 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1602, Radiation Dose Rate Surveys, R3 (09-13-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-06-04 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1604, Alpha Surveys, R6 (04-06-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-04-19 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1605, Portable Air Sampling for Radiation Particulates, R4 (04-19-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-04 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1606, Air Sampling for Radioactive Iodine, R4 (04-06-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-01-19 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1607, Air Sampling for Radioactive Gas, R2 (01-19-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-01-19 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1608, Air sampling for Tritium, R2 (01-19-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-11-04 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1609, Loose Surface Contamination Surveys, R3 (04-11-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-09-30 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1610, Establishing and Posting Areas, R7 (09-30-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-12-06 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1612, Monitoring for Personnel Contamination, R6 (06-12-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-09-27 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1613, Radiation Work Permits, R8 (09-27-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-09-02 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1620, Rad Controls for Processing Solid Waste, R4 (02-09-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-05-01 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1621.2, Releasing Radioactive Liquid Waste From Unit 2, R4 (01-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-07-14 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1622, Releasing Radioactive Gas Waste, R18 (07-14-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-03-26 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1622.2, Releasing Radioactive Gas Waste from Unit 2, R5 (03-26-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-01-09 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1625.2, Unit 2 Emergency Plan During New Fuel Handling, R0 (09-01-1976) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-11 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1630.2, Unit 2 Reactor Building Entry, R2 (11-06-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-11 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1631.2, Unit 2 Sampling Waste Gas Decay Tanks and Reactor Building, R3 (11-06-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-02-14 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1632.2, Unit 2 Radiation Shutdown Survey, R0 (02-14-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-06-15 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1640, Personnel Dosimetry, Issuance, Adm and Record Keeping, R0 (06-15-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-06-17 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1641, Self-Reading Dosimeter Usage and Record Keeping, R1 (06-17-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-12-03 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1676, Rad Protection Responsibilities for Planned and Unplanned Releases, R3 (03-12-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-05-18 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1686, Use of Protective Clothing, R1 (05-18-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1975-12-18 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1762, Operation and Calibration of the RO-2, R1 (12-18-1975) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-02-16 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1776, Sampling Unmonitored Potential Radioactive Release Paths, R2 (02-16-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-01-26 | 14c-Procedure | Station HP Procedure 1778, Emergency Equipment and Inventory Control, R4 (01-26-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-02-13 | 14c-Procedure | Station Radiation Emergency Procedure 1670.1, Local Emergency Procedure, R6 (02-13-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-01-16 | 14c-Procedure | Station Radiation Emergency Procedure 1670.11, On-site Medical Emergency (Injured and Contaminated), R0 (01-16-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-11-22 | 14c-Procedure | Station Radiation Emergency Procedure 1670.2, Site Emergency Procedure, R9 (11-22-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-02-13 | 14c-Procedure | Station Radiation Emergency Procedure 1670.3, General Emergency Procedure, R5 (02-13-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-11-22 | 14c-Procedure | Station Radiation Emergency Procedure 1670.4, Radiological Dose Calculations, R4 (11-22-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-01-16 | 14c-Procedure | Station Radiation Emergency Procedure 1670.6, Off-site Radiological Monitoring, R2 (01-16-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-02-15 | 14c-Procedure | Station Radiation Emergency Procedure 1670.7, Emergency Assembly, Accountability and Evacuation, R3 (02-15-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-08-29 | 14c-Procedure | Station Security Procedure 1005.12, Interface with Visitors During a Radiation Emergency, R5 (08-29-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-12-09 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-1.1, Loss of Boron (Moderator Dilution), R5 (09-12-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-09-22 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-1.2, CRD Equipment Failure, R2 (09-22-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-03-20 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-1.3, CRD Malfunction Actions Asymmetric Rod Fault, R1 (03-20-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-04-05 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-1.4, RCP and Motor Emergencies, R3 (05-04-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-07-09 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-1.5, Loss of RC Makeup, R2 (09-07-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-10 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-1.6, Nuclear Service Closed Cooling Water Failure, R1 (10-06-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-03-02 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-1.7, Nuclear Services River Water Failure, R0 (02-03-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-10-25 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-1.8, Vibration and Loose Parts Monitoring System, R2 (10-25-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-08-06 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-2.1, Load Reject, R2 (06-08-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-10-25 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-2.2, Turbine Trip, R7 (10-25-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-10 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-2.3, Steam Supply System Rupture, R5 (10-06-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-06-20 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-2.4, Secondary Services Closed Cooling Water Failure, R1 (06-20-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-02-24 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-2.5, Control Room HVAC Failure, R2 (02-24-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-23 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Abnormal Procedure 2203-2.6, Post Accident Hydrogen Control, R1 (06-23-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-09-11 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Alarm Response Procedure, Panel 12, Radiation Monitoring System, R2 (11-09-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-10-25 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-1.1, Reactor Trip, R6 (10-25-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-12-23 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-1.10, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room, R8 (12-23-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-08-06 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-1.2, Unanticipated Criticality, R2 (06-08-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-10 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-1.3, Loss of Reactor Coolant, RCS Pressure, R11 (10-06-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-08-02 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-1.4, Loss of RC Flow, RC Pump Trip, R8 (02-08-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-09-29 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-1.5, Pressurizer System Failure, R3 (09-29-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-11-15 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-1.6, High Activity in Reactor Coolant, R2 (11-15-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-11-15 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-1.7, Excessive Radiation Levels, R2 (11-15-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-01-16 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-1.8, Emergency Re-entry for Repair or Rescue, R0 (01-16-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-01-09 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-1.9, Loss of Intermediate Closed Cooling Water, R4 (09-01-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-21 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-2.1, Station Blackout, R7 (06-21-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-10-13 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-2.2, Loss of Steam Generator Feed, R3 (10-13-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-10-02 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-2.3, Loss of Instrument Air and Service Air, R3 (02-10-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-09-22 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-2.5, Station Blackout with Loss of Bothe Diesel Generators, R6 (09-22-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-10 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-2.6, OTSG Tube Rupture, R4 (10-06-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-08-02 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-2.7, High Cation Conductivity or Sodium in Condensate or Feedwater, R2 (02-08-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-07-19 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-2.8, Loss of One Auxiliary Transformer, R1 (07-19-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-19 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-2.9, Plant Response to Penetration of Protected Area, R0 (05-19-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-10 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-3.1, Fire, R4 (10-06-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-05-01 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-3.2, Flood, R2 (01-05-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-12-09 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2202-3.3, Earthquake, R2 (09-12-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-03-02 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Emergency Procedure 2203-1.7, Nuclear Services River Water Failure, R0 (02-03-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-07-03 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2102-1.1, Unit Heatup, R19 (03-07-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-05-02 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2102-1.2, Approach to Criticality, R6 (02-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-03-20 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2102-1.3, Unit Start-Up, R14 (03-20-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-08-16 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2102-1.4, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation, R6 (08-16-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-03-20 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2102-2.1, Power Operations, R11 (03-20-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-07-03 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2102-3.1, Unit Shutdown, R8 (03-07-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-10-03 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2102-3.2, Unit Cooldown, R13 (03-10-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-04-17 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2102-3.3, Decay Heat Removal Via OTSG, R6 (04-17-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-03-19 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2104-1.2, Makeup and Purification System, R13 (03-19-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-06-23 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2104-1.3, Decay Heat Removal System, Rev. 11 (06-23-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-01-31 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2104-4.3, Waste Gas Disposal System, R1 (01-31-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-09-16 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2104-5.10, Control Building Area HVAC, R1 (09-16-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-03-14 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2104-6.2, Emergency Diesels and Auxiliaries, R9 (03-14-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-08-06 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2104-6.3, Emergency Feedwater, R4 (06-08-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-09-11 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2105-1.12, Radiation Monitoring System Setpoints, R6 (11-09-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-10-25 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2105-1.3, Safety Features Actuation System, R2 (10-25-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1977-03-02 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2105-1.8, Radiation Monitoring System, R0 (02-03-1977) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-05-02 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2106-2.1, Condensate System, R11 (02-05-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-03-21 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2106-2.2, Condensate Polishing System, R9 (03-21-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-03-14 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Operating Procedure 2106-2.4, Feedwater, R6 (03-14-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-03-27 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Surveillance Procedure 2301-S1, Shift and Daily Checks, R15 (3-14-1979)(Completed for 03-27-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-12-23 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Surveillance Procedure 2301-W1, Weekly Surveillance Checks, R5 (12-23-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-11-21 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Surveillance Procedure 2303-M14, Turbine-Driven EFW Pump and Valve Tests, R8 (11-21-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-08-30 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Surveillance Procedure 2303-M27, Motor-Driven EFW Pump and Valve Tests, R4 (08-30-1978) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1979-03-14 | 14c-Procedure | TMI-2 Surveillance Procedure 2304-W1, Borated Water Source Concentration Verification, R1 (03-14-1979) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1968-04-22 | 14d-Other | (1968-04-22) Oyster Creek Unit 2 (TMI-2), Application for Construction Permit and Operating License | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-04-01 | 14d-Other | (1979-04-01) Listing of NRC Regulatory Guides in Effect Prior to the Accident | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-07-30 | 14d-Other | (1979-07-30) TMI Annual Requalification Exam Cycle 5, 1978-1979 | Link | Correspondence | 4 |
1979-02-01 | 14d-Other | NUREG-0006, Rev. 1, Water Reactor Safety Research Program, A Description of Current and Planned Research (1979-02) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-02-01 | 14d-Other | NUREG-0107, Supplement 1, Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of TMI-2 | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1978-02-01 | 14d-Other | NUREG-0107, Supplement 2, Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of TMI-2 (1978-02) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1976-12-01 | 14d-Other | NUREG-0112, Final Supplement to Environmental Statement Related to TMI-2 (1976-12) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
1972-02-01 | 14d-Other | NUREG-0552, Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of TMI Units 1 and 2 (1972-02) | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
| 15a-NUREGKM-0001 | NUREGKM-0001, Revision 1 Final | Link | Technical Report | 4 |
| 15a-NUREGKM-0001 | NUREGKM-0001, Supplement 1 Final | Link | Technical Report | 4 |