Knowledge Management Portal for the
Three Mile Island Unit 2 Accident of 1979
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Licensing Actions
Located on DVD 2 (disc 1 to supplement report)
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Amendments, modifications, transfers, and extensions to the TMI 2 facility operating license and technical specifications. (1979 to 1998)
NRC orders issued by the Commissioners (by majority vote) or designated senior level officials that directed the licensee to take a prescribed action.
Amendments to NRC-issued orders. Most amendments were related to the order that proposed the recovery technical specifications. (1979-1985)
NRC-issued exemptions to certain regulatory requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations. (1981-1999)
NRC-approved changes to the Recovery Operations Plan that provided surveillance requirements for the plant's technical specifications. (1980-1993)
Response to the Accident
Investigations and Lessons Learned
Industry-Wide Regulatory Actions
Status and Summary Reports
Licensing Actions
Operating License Amendments
Order Amendments
Regulation Exemptions
Recovery Operations Plan Changes
Organization Plan Changes
Management & Oversight
NRC-approved changes to the licensee's organization plan that provided the organizational structure (e.g., charts) for management of TMI 2 recovery operations, including the support functions of engineering and administration. (1979-1993)
Plant Stabilization
Worker Protection
Data Acquisition and Analyses
Waste Management
After Defueling
Pre-Accident Plant References
Document Folder Index