Weekly status reports from the TMI Program Office (or TMIPO) provided to the NRC staff and the public with details of plant status, environmental monitoring results, the licensee's recovery activities, NRC actions, and public meetings (1980 to 1990).
Early notices of events of possible safety or public interest significance issued by TMIPO or other NRC offices (1979 to 1991)
Written reports of reportable events submitted by the licensee to the NRC (1979 to 1999).
NUREG reports documenting status of cleanup and defueling activities.
NRC annual reports to the President of the United States documenting status and accomplishments of NRC activities. A section documents the status of TMI activities.
Reports documenting results of research activities in support of cleanup and defueling activities, such as annual and lessons learned reports, and periodical publications.
Conference papers documenting preliminary and final results of research activities in support of cleanup and defueling activities.
Summary reports submitted by the licensee to the NRC documenting updates on the accident status of recovery activities, and annual description of changes to facility systems and procedures.